"What should I read next?" Megathread

Oh yes! :sweat_smile: And also maybe finally 糞尿譚? Need an award winner right now :grin:
But I think I need some time before being able to dive into one of them; on the one hand I started 後鳥羽伝説殺人事件 and it’s going way slower than I had anticipated for me (police novel huh) but I’m planning to stick with it this time around (after dropping 半落ち because it was so slow for me) :crossed_fingers:
And I’m also currently in the process of being roped in to taking N1 in December :cold_sweat: which will take quite some time for me to study (but otoh I feel that it would be a good step up right now, so that’s totally fine) which means I will cut down on reading to a certain extent :persevere:

Thanks for thinking of me! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m currently trying to focus on reducing my TBR pile, so I would rather only read the first volume at the moment. If I find the time… :sweat_smile:

To get back on topic, today I plan to finish this week’s reading of 黒い森 and then continue with 後鳥羽. (And also 銭天童 on the side.) From March 16th there will be the next volume of the Saikawa&Moe series over at WK.


I’m currently having my confidence destroyed by 砂の女, so until I finish that (and take some time to recover) I don’t think I’ll be trying anything else that hard. But it’s in the plans for later this year for sure, especially as I learned there’s an audiobook available - it should help with those paragraphs running on for pages on end.

Why not join us for ハンチバック | L31 | Natively then? It’s an award winner, short, and should be significantly easier.


Uh, you know, I promised in this thread to finish some of my started books before starting new ones :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: the counter is at 36 now :rofl:
and I also want to cut down on my TBR a bit, so not trying to buy too many books rn :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: the counter is at 200+ now :crazy_face:


I’m approaching the end of きつねのはなし | L32 which is a great book but sadly doesn’t tick any new bingo squares for me; and my bookclub workload has dropped a lot too. What book from my TBR pile should I read after that?

  • set in a workplace
    舟を編む (I read the first 60 pages of this last year and then stalled; didn’t dislike it, just other options were more appealing)
  • last book in a series
    遠巷説百物語 (last in the 巷説百物語 series which I think is fantastic)
  • nonfiction
    日本語で読むということ (a collection of short essays mostly about books and reading)
  • book with no gradings, ratings or reviews
    紫水晶殺人事件 (I picked this up randomly second hand years ago, and know pretty much nothing about it or the author; I doubt anybody else has this on TBR and I trust you all not to deliberately snipe me, but maybe I should get to it sooner rather than later :slight_smile: )
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I’m not sure if there will be any takers, but I have a few books on my TBR list that I want to read in the short to mid-term and it would be fun to find a reading buddy (or buddies) to make an informal book club to read with. :blush:

I made a list with the books here:

If anyone is interested, let me know!


カワイソウ、って言ってあげよっかw - I can’t tell if this is something I’d like or not. The cover says no, the author’s other works say no, the summary and reviews say possibly. But it’s been on Bookwalker’s first page for weeks now, and ever since I saw it I keep trying to find why the girl on the cover looks so familiar. Very, very familiar.

屑の結晶 - Why on earth does the cover look like a youth romance? I looked up the author and I had vaguely placed another book of theirs on my wishlist. This is also a maybe from me.

私が失敗した理由は - I already have another book by this author, and logically I should read that one first in case I don’t like their style, but black humour mystery? Count me in!

木になった亜沙 - Always happy to read some more 今村 夏子!


Well, that wasn’t a close vote, so 遠巷説百物語 | L42 it is!


Why not start from the 今村夏子 book since we are both fans and work our way backwards depending on our schedules and interest? :grin: I would be ready to start in maybe a week or two…how is your reading and life schedule looking?

It is being heavily promoted, but it’s new so there aren’t many reviews yet! :smiling_face_with_tear: The summary has me intrigued, though. It sounds like it has the potential to be kind of a mashup of 辻村美月 and 朝井リョウ. I like both of those authors, but don’t love them…so hopefully the combo makes for something great (if the book really is similar to theirs)? At any rate, it sounds like a very modern and fresh story. :joy:


I generally just say yes to everything that interests me until I’m overwhelmed :joy:
I’m now only reading the one book, so I certainly have room for more. I’ll be starting 神去なあなあ夜話 on the 15th and 蛇にピアス on the 27th. Next week or the one after sounds perfect, I think. :thinking:


How about from the 8th then? :smile: Anticipating that it’ll be a fast and easy read that we can squeeze in. I can set up a thread for us sometime this weekend.


Sounds great!

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Since I’m in book club hell until I get used to it, my shifts at work are increasing, I think my “free” selection is going to be an audible read-along. And since I have managed to get a JP Audible unlimited, I have a few options.

I have narrowed down to this two:

0 voters

How much do you have left of 本好きの下剋上 3? That would probably be the determining factor for me

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So a bit more than half.

According to TTsu, around 70%-ish

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I voted for the one that didn’t sound like you were dreading. :laughing:


I was shocked to see what you voted for :sweat_smile:


Yeah, when I read that post and poll, the only thing I could see was “I am stretched thin. Should I try to stretch myself even thinner? [yes/no]” :laughing:


I see it the other way around
“I am stretched thin and have this one book lurking in the back of my mind that I could finish off relatively quickly and have 1 thing less on my plate.” :sweat_smile:
Different perspectives, I guess.


I am almost done with my current focused series and I don’t have anything specifically lined up next. So, time for a poll!

  • “Catch up” with the mystery book club (they are done already)
  • “Catch up” with the LN book club (後宮の烏, also done)
  • “Catch up” with the BL book club (can you guess?)
  • Catch up with the ゆるキャン book club on WK (that one is still ongoing!)
  • Catch up with the Yuri book club (ongoing)
  • Start the latest volume of サイレントウイッチ instead
  • Start the latest volume of 薬屋のひとりごとinstead
  • Re-read volume 2 of 本好き for no particular reason other than you can
  • Start the next thing you need to check for the “fantasy that’s not isekai” list
  • Finish one of your currently half-dropped books
  • Start some other thing from your 積読 pile
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Completely forgot the option “read the next thing you said you’ll read in the bingo thread”.

Like, that’s not even on my radar.