Would support for more letters be possible?

Nothing major, but my nick is actually Chüggels though it’s displayed as Ch_ggels. When I chose this name, I got no warning that it contains unsuitable letters. Can we get support for “ü” and other letters?


Tagging @brandon


That seems to be fine on the main site. I guess that’s a Discourse issue. That’s a lot harder for @brandon to deal with…
Plus, Japanese is supported, so I feel like there’s no reason ü wouldn’t be :person_facepalming:


Haha, if ü can’t be supported, I’ll just go for ツ

Chツggels doesn’t look too weird, right? :smiley:


I don’t see anything strange.


Thanks for the note!

This very well may be related to how i encode characters when I send data to discourse, which is related to a similar ‘~’ bug, which I’m planning on addressing next week.

Hopefully that fixes this too, we’ll see!


@brandon I would also like it if the forum and LN itself didn’t display Han-unified, but show Japanese kanji forms.

Like e.g. show this one:

Instead of this one:

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You made me check, but I’m pretty sure that the second one is the “correct” one. At the very least, it’s the version from the current Japanese standard. Source: JIS X 0213:2004における例示字形の変更について | 漢字の正しい書き順(筆順)[スマートフォン版]

飴 and 錆 (for example) also appear correctly for me.


Well, the change of mind came quite recently, as e.g. I have a book printed in 2021 that has the other ones, also e.g. for 飴. Or there are people who don’t like the newcomer versions.

Also on the goo dict site you can enter 飴 and see the version with the 飲 radical. Maybe there is some ongoing “war“ between publishers writing style and “correct“ writing style, as there was in Germany for over 20 years, and maybe still is.


For whether Japanese character variants are respected, I think depends on how you’re accessing the site. For me, I always get Japanese variants on Natively on my PC, but on my phone Firefox will load the Chinese versions unless I specifically set my browser language to Japanese.

I know in HTML you can append language=“ja-jp” to any element to force it to display the Japanese font regardless of the site/browser language… but there’s probably a more beautiful solution for making the font consistent across devices than marking every div that might contain Japanese text (and that wouldn’t really work in the forum anyway).


On kanji jiten, the versions you are talking about are labeled 許容字体 (see for instance 噂, you need to scroll to the alternate forms: 漢字「噂」の部首・画数・読み方・筆順・意味など or 錆: 漢字「錆」の部首・画数・読み方・筆順・意味など), so “permissible fonts”. Based on the description, it is indeed perfectly fine (from a language standpoint) for someone to use it, but it’s not the standard form. So I guess it does come up to preferences (and in that case, I would personally just go with the standard, which is the current case)

That wouldn’t do anything here, since both fonts are Japanese.


This newly broke for me again on desktop, so I can show screenshots of what I mean.

Broken default serving Chinese variants:

Forced Japanese variants by adding lang=“ja-jp” to the div:


Oh, okay, it is a Han unification problem for you.
The original comment was about the forum, not the main website.
I think you should post that in the 👷 🚧 Infrastructure Overhaul! Report newly broken functionality here! 🔥 🚒 thread.

Edit: just posted a link to your post over there.