2024 Bingo Reading Challenge ☑️

You can keep it since you made it already, but no starting early! :eyes::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


What’s New to you author?

edit: adding what I'm going through so far lmao

Bingo entries:

no reviews /gradings /ratings ―
for free ―
1 vol. in a single day ―
Non-human protagonist ―

bad cover ― ●合本版●S級剣士バルテラの弱点―異世界最強とうたわれた剣士は今日も前かがみ―
I found one and I hate it

from your TBR using a qualifier ― will adjust according to what I want to finish, I have so many TBR that I’m not worried about this, I will always have SOMETHING that fits

Finish a series ― will see what I read and what gets “completed” during the year
as of now some options from what I have/currently read: ブラックジャック/ヴォイニッチホテルー/ハピネス/図書室の怪談/最遊記RELOAD/最遊記外伝/金色のガッシュ!!/うしおととら/私立荒磯高等学校生徒会執行部/さんかれあ/未来日記/ブラッドラッド

New to you author ー にわにはににん

Participate in a Book Club ― 今日からマ王?! (since it starts in December it might overlap in majority during 2024? if not then there will probably be another book club I’ll be in lol)

added to Natively by you ― a BUNCH but thinking of 遠田おと短編集 にくをはぐ or .hack//bullet currently

Higher Natively level - オーバーロード

Debut work ― ブルターニュ花嫁異聞 (the only work I could find under this mangakas name so I assume it’s the debut?)

Non-fiction - 古事記/漢字の使い分け図鑑/アニメ好きサラリーマン/28歳からの おとめのカラダ大全/maybe continue to the second book from 猫の浮世絵/variety of マンガでわかる that I have lol

Longest on 積読 /TBR pile - BORUTO/キノの旅/GJ部/とらドラ! (first books I bought, all were bought on the same day, ironically enough I bought them thinking this is where I would start and ended up not touching them at all lmao)

Workplace setting - 氷属性男子とクールな同僚女子/白と黒~Black & White~(reread? read rest of 1st vol+2nd?)/あせとせっけん/波よ聞いてくれ

Award winner - ラブ★コン

edit: I'm thinking of trying to go for the only one type of media challenge, which will be manga so it's rather a bit unfair (since it's probably easier than books) but I honestly really want to give it a try, might redo with books if I do finish it like that

no reviews /gradings /ratings ―

for free ―

1 vol. in a single day ― will probably happen sometime during the year

Non-human protagonist ―

bad cover ― ●合本版●S級剣士バルテラの弱点―異世界最強とうたわれた剣士は今日も前かがみ―
I found one and I hate it

from your TBR using a qualifier ― will adjust according to what I want to finish, I have so many TBR that I’m not worried about this, I will always have SOMETHING that fits

Finish a series ― will see what I read and what gets “completed” during the year
as of now some options from what I have/currently read: ブラックジャック/ヴォイニッチホテルー/ハピネス/最遊記RELOAD/最遊記外伝/金色のガッシュ!!/うしおととら/私立荒磯高等学校生徒会執行部/さんかれあ/未来日記/ブラッドラッド

New to you author ー にわにはににん
is technically a graphic novel but I would guess it counts

Participate in a Book Club ― 女装してめんどくさい事になってるネクラとヤンキーの両片想い

added to Natively by you ― 遠田おと短編集 にくをはぐ

Higher Natively level - テルマエ・ロマエ I / 昭和元禄落語心中 1
I’m not sure about this one though, since technically they’re higher than other manga I’ve read but not higher than novels I’m reading/have read

Debut work ― ブルターニュ花嫁異聞 (the only work I could find under this mangakas name so I assume it’s the debut?)

Non-fiction - 28歳からの おとめのカラダ大全

Longest on 積読 /TBR pile - ウラカタ!

Workplace setting - 白と黒~Black & White~(reread? read rest of 1st vol+2nd?)/あせとせっけん

Award winner - ラブ★コン

edit2: noticed people doing 2023 bingo and I wanted in :laughing:


An author you never read before.


thank you!!


Yeah, I just shortened the prompts to something that made sense for me. but I put the prompts in my post

prompts I used

no reviews / gradings / ratings
added to Natively by you
Longest on 積読 / TBR pile
from your TBR using a qualifier
Debut work
New to you author
Award winner
Finish a series
Participate in a Book Club
1 vol. in a single day
Non-human protagonist
Higher Natively level
for free
Workplace setting
bad cover

and it’s easy to re-do the board with different wordings/colours if someone prefers to. There is an option to post prompts as a list (1 entry per line) and the board gets generated with them.


Yeah I just did my own version with full prompts, just for fun.

This link will generate your card for you:
Play 2024 Natively Bingo Reading Challenge Online | BingoBaker

Here’s my unfilled card:

ref number: faf308

And here’s how it’s going:


regarding award works - does any award count or does it need to have a certain degree of “prestige”/“acknowledgement”?

I’m mainly thinking of examples like the differentiation between an overall award for nominations across magazines/publications and a local magazine award etc


For books to count, do we need to start them in 2024? Or is it ok if we finish a book we started this year?


Just my personal opinion but “you do you”. If someone holds back the last page of 5 books just so they get a bingo early, the only person they are really cheating is themselves, imo. Personally, it defeats the purpose of the bingo, but that’s an individual choice, imo.

For me personally, I would count anything where I read at least 50% in 2024.


Maybe we could put the prompt number on the card. That way you don’t have to second guess the meaning


Oh, I like that color scheme. :slight_smile:


#1 Free Bingo Card Generator - Play Online or Print Cards

Non human protag: 狼と香辛料 12 | L35 (Jan 6)

Manga Edition

#1 Free Bingo Card Generator - Play Online or Print Cards

Looking forward to crossing off those squares! :sparkles:

2023 bingo square

Finish a series: 神風怪盗ジャンヌ カラー版 (series) | L24 (5.7.23) (美しい彼 (series) | L30 except I can’t be sure it’s really finished)
Bad cover: パイナツプリン | L29 (10.5.23) (Not sure this qualifies, but the cover is amazing)
1 vol. in a day: NO. 6 〔ナンバーシックス〕#1 | L32 (25.4.23)
Non-human protag: 蜘蛛ですが、なにか? 1 | L33 (17.1.23)
New author: アイネクライネナハトムジーク | L30 (14.9.23)
Non-fiction: パイナツプリン | L29 (25.4.23)
Debut: わたしの幸せな結婚 | L30 (21.6.23)
Something free: 夢十夜 | L37 (24.7.23)
Added to Natively: 魔導の系譜 | L35 (1.2.23)
No reviews etc: 猫背の王子 | L35 (21.5.23)
Workplace setting: 羊と鋼の森 | L35 (30.6.23)
Award winner: https://learnnatively.com/book/7ab5587407/ (20.4.23)
Book club: レベル7 (セブン) | L29 (4.3.23)
積読 pile: freebie :wink:

Not happening this year unless we get a randomizer on here or standing in front of my bookshelf waiting for something to strike my fancy counts: book chosen randomly & highest natively level.


Shameless plug: the next LN club book will officially be starting on January 1, so for those who feel confident they can tackle a L34 off the bat, please join us for those sweet, sweet bingo squares.


so far so good, if I plan this well I can cover a bunch of TBR I have had for FOREVERRRRR :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

This is good stuff, this is good stuff
I need like
10 more bingos like this
maybe I need more then one card

Can I have multiple cards?


I don’t see any reason of why you couldn’t.

Sky is the limit :upside_down_face:


(a.k.a only if I even finish one lmao)


Once you finish the 4x4, you can make a 5x5 with rejected prompts as well.



#1 Free Bingo Card Generator - Play Online or Print Cards

So excited!!


This is already giving me ideas of what to read next year! A lot of the challenge modifiers are really neat too, idk if I’ll hold myself to it but I might do the “only read books from your backlog” and “must start with a different syllable” modifiers :fire:


What I'm reading! ^_^

:o: Read
:x: Unread
:open_book: In Progress

:fire: Each book title/author read must start with a different syllable (e.g., can’t read two books whose titles start with か)

Prompt Book Mora
:o: Author you’ve never read before 気になってる人が男じゃなかった1
:o: Join Book Club 極主夫道13
:open_book: Nonfiction 小学生なら知っておきたい教養366 しょ
:x: Nonhuman protagonist
:x: Debut
:x: Won an award
:x: Bad cover
:x: Setting is a workplace
:o: 1 volume in 1 day かわずや1
:x: Something I added to Natively likely a ゼルダの伝説 manga
:x: Has been in my 積読 the longest NO. 6
:x: Finish a series
:x: No reviews/gradings/ratings
:x: Chosen randomly
:x: At higher Natively level than I’ve read
:x: Something I can read for free 無重力少年
starting morae I can still use
しゃ しゅ
じゃ じゅ じょ
ちゃ ちゅ ちょ

Just for fun, I went and entered in which of the prompts I completed in 2023. Turns out I got 11 of them with 11 unique volumes, but no bingo! It’s possible I read a debut this year, but I got tired of googling so I’m just going to assume I didn’t.

The Books!
Prompt Book
Higher Natively level 逃げるは恥だが役に立つ 1 | L30
Something for free クイーンズ・クオリティ 1 | L29
Read in a single day ホリミヤ 1 | L23
Finish a series QQスイーパー 3 | L26
Non-human protagonist ケサランなにがしとスープ屋さん 1 | L19
Something I added to Natively クロエマ 1 | L29
Longest on the TBR あずまんが大王 2年生 | L25
An author I hadn’t read before また、同じ夢を見ていた L25
Something that’s won an award 世界から猫が消えたなら L29
Book club 木洩れ日に泳ぐ魚 | L31
No reviews/ratings/gradings on Natively マジで付き合う15分前1 | L17??

Here’s mine:

…mine doesn’t look as nice. I was a bit lazy.

Here is 2023 if I’d done it this year:

Nonfic: パパ活
debut work: 推し、燃ゆ
award: きらきらひかる
highest level: この本を盗む者は (it was highest until we read it as a club anyways)
new to me author: 青柳碧人 (赤ずきん、旅の途中で死体と出会う。)
1 volume in a day: 幽麗塔
book club book: 予言の島
got it free: multiple Aozora short stories
added to Natively by me: ウツボラ
no one else has read it yet: multiple, but just recently あし because I wanted it to have a rating