2024 Bingo Reading Challenge ☑️

Yeah I just did my own version with full prompts, just for fun.

This link will generate your card for you:
Play 2024 Natively Bingo Reading Challenge Online | BingoBaker

Here’s my unfilled card:

ref number: faf308

And here’s how it’s going:


regarding award works - does any award count or does it need to have a certain degree of “prestige”/“acknowledgement”?

I’m mainly thinking of examples like the differentiation between an overall award for nominations across magazines/publications and a local magazine award etc


For books to count, do we need to start them in 2024? Or is it ok if we finish a book we started this year?


Just my personal opinion but “you do you”. If someone holds back the last page of 5 books just so they get a bingo early, the only person they are really cheating is themselves, imo. Personally, it defeats the purpose of the bingo, but that’s an individual choice, imo.

For me personally, I would count anything where I read at least 50% in 2024.


Maybe we could put the prompt number on the card. That way you don’t have to second guess the meaning


Oh, I like that color scheme. :slight_smile:


#1 Free Bingo Card Generator - Play Online or Print Cards

Non human protag: 狼と香辛料 12 | L35 (Jan 6)

Manga Edition

#1 Free Bingo Card Generator - Play Online or Print Cards

Looking forward to crossing off those squares! :sparkles:

2023 bingo square

Finish a series: 神風怪盗ジャンヌ カラー版 (series) | L24 (5.7.23) (美しい彼 (series) | L30 except I can’t be sure it’s really finished)
Bad cover: パイナツプリン | L29 (10.5.23) (Not sure this qualifies, but the cover is amazing)
1 vol. in a day: NO. 6 〔ナンバーシックス〕#1 | L32 (25.4.23)
Non-human protag: 蜘蛛ですが、なにか? 1 | L33 (17.1.23)
New author: アイネクライネナハトムジーク | L30 (14.9.23)
Non-fiction: パイナツプリン | L29 (25.4.23)
Debut: わたしの幸せな結婚 | L30 (21.6.23)
Something free: 夢十夜 | L37 (24.7.23)
Added to Natively: 魔導の系譜 | L35 (1.2.23)
No reviews etc: 猫背の王子 | L35 (21.5.23)
Workplace setting: 羊と鋼の森 | L35 (30.6.23)
Award winner: https://learnnatively.com/book/7ab5587407/ (20.4.23)
Book club: レベル7 (セブン) | L29 (4.3.23)
積読 pile: freebie :wink:

Not happening this year unless we get a randomizer on here or standing in front of my bookshelf waiting for something to strike my fancy counts: book chosen randomly & highest natively level.


Shameless plug: the next LN club book will officially be starting on January 1, so for those who feel confident they can tackle a L34 off the bat, please join us for those sweet, sweet bingo squares.


so far so good, if I plan this well I can cover a bunch of TBR I have had for FOREVERRRRR :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

This is good stuff, this is good stuff
I need like
10 more bingos like this
maybe I need more then one card

Can I have multiple cards?


I don’t see any reason of why you couldn’t.

Sky is the limit :upside_down_face:


(a.k.a only if I even finish one lmao)


Once you finish the 4x4, you can make a 5x5 with rejected prompts as well.



#1 Free Bingo Card Generator - Play Online or Print Cards

So excited!!


This is already giving me ideas of what to read next year! A lot of the challenge modifiers are really neat too, idk if I’ll hold myself to it but I might do the “only read books from your backlog” and “must start with a different syllable” modifiers :fire:


What I'm reading! ^_^

:o: Read
:x: Unread
:open_book: In Progress

:fire: Each book title/author read must start with a different syllable (e.g., can’t read two books whose titles start with か)

Prompt Book Mora
:o: Author you’ve never read before 気になってる人が男じゃなかった1
:o: Join Book Club 極主夫道13
:open_book: Nonfiction 小学生なら知っておきたい教養366 しょ
:x: Nonhuman protagonist
:x: Debut
:x: Won an award
:x: Bad cover
:x: Setting is a workplace
:o: 1 volume in 1 day かわずや1
:x: Something I added to Natively likely a ゼルダの伝説 manga
:x: Has been in my 積読 the longest NO. 6
:x: Finish a series
:x: No reviews/gradings/ratings
:x: Chosen randomly
:x: At higher Natively level than I’ve read
:x: Something I can read for free 無重力少年
starting morae I can still use
しゃ しゅ
じゃ じゅ じょ
ちゃ ちゅ ちょ

Just for fun, I went and entered in which of the prompts I completed in 2023. Turns out I got 11 of them with 11 unique volumes, but no bingo! It’s possible I read a debut this year, but I got tired of googling so I’m just going to assume I didn’t.

The Books!
Prompt Book
Higher Natively level 逃げるは恥だが役に立つ 1 | L30
Something for free クイーンズ・クオリティ 1 | L29
Read in a single day ホリミヤ 1 | L23
Finish a series QQスイーパー 3 | L26
Non-human protagonist ケサランなにがしとスープ屋さん 1 | L19
Something I added to Natively クロエマ 1 | L29
Longest on the TBR あずまんが大王 2年生 | L25
An author I hadn’t read before また、同じ夢を見ていた L25
Something that’s won an award 世界から猫が消えたなら L29
Book club 木洩れ日に泳ぐ魚 | L31
No reviews/ratings/gradings on Natively マジで付き合う15分前1 | L17??

Here’s mine:

…mine doesn’t look as nice. I was a bit lazy.

Here is 2023 if I’d done it this year:

Nonfic: パパ活
debut work: 推し、燃ゆ
award: きらきらひかる
highest level: この本を盗む者は (it was highest until we read it as a club anyways)
new to me author: 青柳碧人 (赤ずきん、旅の途中で死体と出会う。)
1 volume in a day: 幽麗塔
book club book: 予言の島
got it free: multiple Aozora short stories
added to Natively by me: ウツボラ
no one else has read it yet: multiple, but just recently あし because I wanted it to have a rating


thats GENIUS


Okay another question since I’m going through things and found a really bad cover

Is there a minimum on page amount/reading

For example does a oneshot by itself not count but as part of a book you’ve read count

And does it still count as if a theme only appears in It partially (for example of it’s a oneshots book then if there’s a one shot where the MC isn’t human, does it count as reading non-human or does the entire series need to focus on it so no?) :thinking:

At this point I’m just coming across questions in my mind and trying to sort them out lol

Sorry for being overly annoying about details :joy:


I feel like if you want to count a one-shot (even one part of a collection) as a single work, then you can


I think you can just use your best judgement on anything you are questioning. If each prompt had some hard rules, it would 1) take a lot of time to work them out and 2) be a bit silly, since this is just a fun bingo game — why make it so strict? :slightly_smiling_face: People here can also share their thoughts and opinions about things you’re unsure of, so casually asking is an option too if you just want a second opinion.


For this year, if I include LNs and mangas, I have 6 bingos already :upside_down_face:

I’ll edit in the actual titles later when I have the time.

Debut work: There are a few, but let’s say サイレント・ウィッチ (series) | L29
Added to Natively by you: 白昼夢の森の少女
Non-fiction: 自分だけのボードゲームを作ろう ―ゲームをデザインして、作って、みんなでプレイする | L29
Finish a series: There are a few as well, but let’s say 裏世界ピクニック8 共犯者の終り | L33 (assuming it is over; otherwise ベルばら)
Workplace setting: こっち向いてよ向井くん 1 | L22
1 vol in a single day: 推し、燃ゆ | L36 and pretty much any manga
Read for free: 黒猫ニャンゴの冒険 レア属性を引き当てたので、気ままな冒険者を目指します | L29
New to you author: a bunch! Let’s go with 52ヘルツのクジラたち | L31 to feel like we are reading proper books™
Participate in a book club: a few. Let’s say コップクラフト | L35
Bad cover: No comment :see_no_evil: Not on Natively
Non-human protagonist: 転生したら剣でした 1 | L30
Award winner: 52ヘルツのクジラたち | L31 Wait, I used it for new author already… well, never mind. I have no time to update the other one.
No reviews/grading: 東京かくりよ公安局 | L31

Phew, done.

I can get two more bingos by using the free spot on “longest TBR” and then picking a random book from my 積読 pile!