ギヴン Informal Reading Club 🎸


ギヴン is a 9-volume BL/music manga by キヅナツキ which has also been adapted into an anime.

Anyone may join at any time, with any volume, and though this thread is “officially” for the manga, the anime is welcome too. General spoiler courtesy applies.


Oh, very nice; this has been on my TBR for a while now. Might be a bit before I can read it and share my thoughts, but I definitely intend to!

(somewhat off-topic rambling)

I heard a while back (and from the impression I have of it, I’m pretty sure it was theory/speculation, not direct info) that, because she loved kagehina, Kidzu-sensei drew inspiration from them for Uenoyama and Mafuyu. I’m not sure how much I believe that, tbh. Sure, ハイキュー!! began in 2012 and ギヴン in 2013, and they fit the light-haired/dark-haired archetype—which a lot of characters do; there’s a reason it’s an archetype (unless it’s a cliché?)—and Ue’s the taller and grumpier of them, and he does look a lot like Kageyama. But there are also a lot of characters who look like Kageyama, including ones who have a similar demeanor (that, I’m pretty sure is due to archetypes; there are elements of character design that just tend to go together). Kageyama’s not even the first to look like Kageyama (e.g. Nanase Haruka from Free! and others before him too, I’m sure).

I’m not sure that’s enough to say they’re inspired by them. Granted, when I heard that, it had been a while since I saw the anime and so didn’t really remember details, but it still made me immediately doubtful. Ue might be similar to Kageyama, but Mafuyu’s nothing like Hinata.

In fact, my first time coming across Kidzu-sensei was through her midotaka (黒子のバスケ) and iwaoi (ハイキュー!!) DJs as 刺傷/ぐさり. I wasn’t even aware she drew kagehina. Maybe that person was mistaken, because actually I think I can see inspiration from iwaoi more than from kagehina… Mafuyu feels more like a subdued/spacey Oikawa than a subdued/spacey Hinata, and his and Ue’s dynamic feels more similar to iwaoi’s than kagehina’s. …Except while we did meet Seijou in vol 2, I’m not so sure we actually got to know them early enough.

Or they were just pulling it outta their ass lmao

…Unless Kidzu-sensei did say that and kagehina’s just one of those ships she loves but can’t write for, which I definitely get. I’ve got a bunch of ships that I love but have zero desire to write for (and ones where I just can never finish anything, which is almost the same. Results-wise it is, at least). And then it’s just coincidence that they feel more like, if they were inspired/influenced by anyone in HQ, it was iwaoi, for whom she’s written a lot. (“Take these characters and make them like this… oh, hey, look!”)

Anyway I’m going to be reading with that partially in mind because that’s been bothering me. They don’t seem that similar to me. (But mostly I’m just gonna enjoy the story that it is. And the art. I love the art.)

Gosh, but the art in this manga is so pretty. I’m in love with it. I wish I could draw like that… (Also I need to find some of sensei’s DJs)

ch 2

lmao I love that. He’s attached to Mafuyu already, and he can’t comprehend it.

Literally everything has been showing on your face, babe

It’s hilarious that everyone just remembers that Mafuyu has an ultra-common surname, but not which one it is.

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I found the one time I attempted to draw Mafuyu. It’s already been nearly three years since I watched the anime, dang… I didn’t realize it had been that long.


Urrrrgh I hate Ugetsu. I’m skipping the movie next time I watch the anime, I don’t care, I hate him so much.

Anyway, it seems I did only read vol 1 of this so far. I thought so, but I wasn’t sure, since some stuff seems to have gotten shuffled around a bit in the anime (like that one girl talking about the rumors from Mafuyu’s MS that he’s gay came a lot later than I was expecting what with it being in vol 1)

idk when I’ll pick this back up, I haven’t exactly been in a manga-reading mood lately, but I feel like I’ll be starting it over from the beginning when I do.

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