夏目友人帳 Informal Reading Club 📗


夏目友人帳 (Natsume’s Book of Friends) is a slice-of-life-y youkai manga by 緑川みどりかわゆき, currently at 30 volumes. It has 3 novels written by 村井むらいさだゆき and a 5-volume spinoff 4コマ gag manga, ニャンコ先生が行く!, drawn by カネチクヂュンコ, and it has also been adapted into an anime.

Anyone may join at any time, with any part of the series, and audiovisual is welcome as well. General spoiler courtesy applies.

Vocab sheets:

Vol 8
Vol 22

Vol 3, 夏目友人帳  ~うつせみに結ぶ~


Since people can join from any part of the series, I thought I might mention I have vocab lists for Volume 8 and 22 if anyone wants them. (I was lucky enough to stumble upon these volumes at Value Villiage)
and I also made a vocab list for the Novel Natsume Yuujinchou: Ephemeral Bond (夏目友人帳 ~うつせみに結ぶ~)

I have anki decks for them, and you can get the trial decks here for the design and then import the googlesheets into it.


Thanks! I’ve added the links into the OP as well.

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