Xnd521’s learning log 😻

2025 Goals

  • 1825 hours of immersion and study

  • Watch 12 Japanese dramas with Japanese subtitles

  • Complete my TBR — 5 hardcopy and 18 e-books which I had already purchased so that I can buy more books! :smile_cat:

Amongst the 23 books listed above, 8 are Japanese language textbooks/workbooks with English or Korean explanations. Only 15 are fully in Japanese.


Finished 8 books in December 2024 (started one of these books on 27 Nov though).

  1. 小学館ジュニア文庫 小説 名探偵コナン CASE3 (started on 27 Nov 2024)
  2. Doctor―X 外科医・大門未知子 BOOK.1
  3. Doctor―X 外科医・大門未知子 BOOK.2
  4. ズボラでも痩せる! ネコちゃんのゆるゆるダイエット塾
  5. はじめてのやせ筋トレ
  6. 教えて!ゆか先生 気持ちが伝わる日本語敬語
  7. 劇場版アニメコミック名探偵コナン 11人目のストライカー【新装版】 (少年サンデーコミックススペシャル)
  8. 小学館ジュニア文庫 名探偵コナン 11人目のストライカー

Just bought another 30 Detective Conan light novels to continue my reading habit in 2025. :heart_eyes_cat::raised_hands:


Oops… :grimacing:
I bought a total of 37 books in the end due to the sale. Enough books to last me at least two years.


I had wanted to participate in the Bingo 2025 but after 10 days, I noticed that there are too many prompts which I have no intention to read. So, it’s better for me not to participate in it.

Instead, I’ll just read freely from all the books I had purchased as I know I’ll enjoy them more than forcing myself to read something that I know I will not enjoy.


You could do what I did and cut it down to a 4x4 board. I also didn’t care for all the prompts, but also I only read about 25 books a year and didn’t want to push short stories and whatnot into the squares to get bingos.


You could also swap out whatever prompts don’t interest you for new ones; I did something similar.


Thank you for the suggestion.

I tried but it would mean that almost half of them would be different from the winning prompts and it will just be equivalent to fitting my TBR into the Bingo card instead.

My target is to complete the whole Detective Conan light novel series.


Started these two books on 30 Dec 2024 and completed them yesterday. Will be adding them into my list of books completed in 2025. :wink:

名探偵コナン 絶海の探偵

劇場版アニメ名探偵コナン 絶海の探偵