Yuri/GL/wlw book club - will start reading 魔女が恋する5秒前 on 1st November

I’m a dumbass :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

umlimited options :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I would also be more interested in manga. I don’t really have enough time to commit for novels anytime soon


Yay, GL book club! Definitely interested.

Fellow wanikaners might be aware, but the LGBTQ+/GSRM Book Club is starting はなものがたり… uh, this week apparently :sweat_smile: it’s supposedly also wlw/GL, if anyone is interested!


I didn’t know actually!! Lol
I was planning on nominating it too :rofl:
Guess I’m gonna have to settle for one of the other dozen things I was looking at :rofl::rofl:

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I read the 裏世界ピクニック novel series.
I really liked it but the romance part is really slow, if that’s an issue with anyone.


I would guess that really slow romance can be considered ambiguous :thinking:
We’ll see in the nomination polls I guess lol
since there seems to be a preference for manga rn it might not even come up unfortunately :sob:

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Well, I for one definitely want to read 異世界ピクニック! Love a good slow burn.


Here are a couple recommendations for yuri manga I read and enjoyed (not formal nominations):

And here are some on my plan to read list that I don’t know much about:


I enjoyed that one - it had a clear premise, with realistic characters (meaning they have their faults and make mistakes); I remember some people having mixed opinions about it, but I think it’s a great (not subtext) yuri story.

I did start this one, but dropped it halfway (I think back then due to irregular updates?). It’s a good story, but strong in angst/drama, so you need to be prepared for that before starting.

Love that one.

I haven’t read the rest but I’ll check them sometime; thanks for the recommendations!


So is it nominations period now, or are we waiting on that?

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I was planning on waiting 3 days to see how many people join up (since I see that it keeps going up, I thought it’ll stop with 4 lol)

Since the nominations are very obviously going to be either unlimited or 3 (probably the former at this point lol) I don’t see any reason that we can’t start throwing some nominations in right now, just keep it moderated so that there will be space for anyone coming in late :crazy_face:



Title: アステリズムに花束を 百合SFアンソロジー | L30??
Book type: Anthology / Short story collection
Available formats: physical / ebook

Summary - Japanese


百合――女性間の関係性を扱った創作ジャンル。創刊以来初の3刷となったSFマガジン百合特集の宮澤伊織・森田季節・草野原々・伴名練・今井哲也による掲載作に加え、「ゲンロン 大森望 SF創作講座」出身の新鋭女性作家、櫻木みわ&麦原遼による共作「海の双翼」、《ソ連百合》として話題の南木義隆「月と怪物」、『元年春之祭』の陸秋槎が本書のために書き下ろした本格SF「色のない緑」、『天冥の標』の完結後第1作となる小川一水の宇宙SF「ツインスター・サイクロン・ランナウェイ」の全9篇を収める、世界初の百合SFアンソロジー。カバーイラストは『ハーモニー』やSFマガジン百合特集のシライシユウコ、ブックデザインは〈コミック百合姫〉や『やがて君になる』などを手がけるBALCOLONY.が全面監修。

Summary - English

Yuri and Science Fiction
the world’s first anthology of yuri and science fiction

Yuri - a creative genre that deals with relationships between women. In addition to works by Iori Miyazawa, Season Morita, Haruka Kusano, Neri Banana, and Tetsuya Imai from the SF Magazine Yuri Special, which went into its third printing for the first time since its first issue, this volume also includes “Umi no Soubu Wing” by Miwa Sakuragi and Ryo Mugihara, two new female authors from “Genron Nozomu Omori SF Creation Course”; “Moon and Monster” by Yoshitaka Nanki, which is being talked about as “Soviet Yuri”; and "Gennen Harunokai The first yuri SF anthology in the world, this volume includes nine stories: “Green without Color,” a full-fledged SF story written for this book by Riku Shusa of “Harmony”; and “Twin Star Cyclone Runaway,” a space SF story by Ogawa Issui, the first work after the completion of “Tenmei no Mokuteki”. The cover illustration is by Shiraishi Yuko, who has published “Harmony” and SF Magazine Yuri Special, and the book design is fully supervised by BALCOLONY. who has worked on “Comic Yurihime” and “Yattekimini ni naru”.

Content warnings

None I know of

Reason(s) for nominating: Someone else on the forum mentioned this and I was intrigued. I love short stories and it will give me exposure to multiple authors I haven’t read before.

*Note: I already submitted feedback to have this book recategorized on the site from Novel to Short Story



Title: 白と黒~Black & White~
Book type: manga
Available formats: physical / ebook

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

Shirakawa Junko is an upstanding employee of a high-level bank. Her colleagues all respectfully admire her…except for Kuroda Kayo, a colleague who’s transferred to her department. Shirakawa is supposed to train Kuroda, and it does NOT go well. These women have a bizarre love-hate relationship that results in either violent office attacks or angry lesbian sex. When a sinister conspiracy seems to be afoot at their bank, can these two stop having bruised hate-sex on piles of documents and work together to investigate? This provocative LGBT+ drama is ready to rumble…

Content warnings

Physically violent and antagonistic relationship

Reason(s) for nominating: This is something I already read the first chapter of and absolutely loved but due to the vocab being difficult for me I ended up staggering with it, I would love for others to read it with me and get to finish this!
It’s really different then a lot of other works I’ve read, both in terms of being about working female adults whom both are very occupied with maneuvering around social politeness working in a bank, and while being extremely antagonistic with each other in these small things that others don’t notice into actual physical fights


Nice to see a yuri club has started! I’m mainly into visual novels (I’m reading 嘘から始まる恋の夏 right now and would highly recommend it) but seems like most people here would prefer manga from what I read in the thread. Not sure if I will join the club or not but I’ll definitely keep an eye on the thread and see what gets nominated :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m gonna assume that 11 people wouldn’t suddenly join and vote 1 nomination per person so I’m allowing myself a second nomination now that it has a natively page lol


Title: SHWD《シュード》
Book type: manga
Available formats: physical / ebook

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

The year is 20XX. Tough but idealistic Koga has just joined the Tokyo branch of SHWD, the Special Hazardous Waste Disposal unit responsible for eradicating mysterious biological weapons that were left behind after the great war. Her mentor is Sawada, a woman with a powerful psyche who complements Koga’s physical prowess. Something is sizzling between the two of them, and it’s more than just a shared mission. Together, these two badass women must team up to confront horrors beyond their wildest nightmares.

Content warnings

It probably does considering the plot, maybe blood and more, I don’t know if it has things like gore though

Reason(s) for nominating: I heard good things about this manga, plus it looks cool.


Title: 青い花 1 | L26
Book type: manga
Available formats: physical, ebook (neither has furigana)

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

Fumi and Akira were best friends when they were little, with Akira always looking after the crybaby Fumi, but that all ended when Fumi’s family moved away. Several years later, Fumi’s family returned, and she and Akira happened to bump into each other on their way to school. They became friends again, quickly slipping back into old patterns. Shortly after, Fumi began dating a cool, attractive upperclassman who, coincidentally enough, had ties to Akira’s current school, the prestigious Fujigaya Girls’ Academy.

Content warnings

Reason(s) for nominating: it’s a cute story that’s very character driven and wholesome, with a unique vibe. A lot of the portrayal is very realistic and believable, and it doesn’t fall into the usual high school yuri tropes. I enjoyed the anime adaptation and was curious to read the manga, because I could tell some things were missing. As I started reading (I’m only on ch2), I found myself thinking that it would be nice to have other people to chat with or get help in tricky spots.



Title: 雨でも晴れでも 1 | L22
Book type: manga
Available formats: physical / ebook / all furigana

Summary - Japanese

雨でも晴れでも、雪の降る日も一ほかの誰よりあなた といたい。

全寮制の女子校”有頂天高校”で出会った彼女たちは、 毎日のように放課後をふたりで過ごしている。

そしてお互いのことだけを、特別な友達だと考えている こと。

「猫崎さんがわたしを見つけてくれた時一ー世界に色が ついたんよ」

ひとクセもふたクセもある少女たちの青春と心の交歓を 描いた
百合恋愛コメディ 『雨でも晴れでも』第1巻ついにリリー ス!!

Summary - English

Recently having moved away from her rural hometown, Mikoto Yamada struggles to make friends at Uchouten High School. Noticing Mikoto sitting alone, the student council secretary, Ren Nekozaki, decides to utilize her position to create a club specifically to allow the two to spend time together, using a shrine near the school as their club room.

Soon enough, their club space is encroached upon by four strangers: Takuya Kumakura, Yozora Usagida, Airi Shishimaru, and Ritsu Pengin. These girls share the plight of having interests that are too niche to justify the creation of a club. As Uchouten requires all its students to participate in club activities, the four form their own club to let each member do whatever they want. This leaves but one remaining issue-a club room is required for a club to be official. As a result, the four decide to do all they can to convince Mikoto to let them share the shrine.

While Mikoto agrees, Ren is wary, as she believes the four stragglers will impede the time she shares with Mikoto. But despite her reservations, Ren eventually concedes. Although these girls all have different interests, they will nonetheless come to form an intimate, unbreakable bond.

Content warnings

Some characters deal with depression, self-loathing, chronic illness, or other challenges. There’s a student-teacher relationship (acknowledged as problematic from the start)

Reason(s) for nominating: diverse, fun, lively, deep, sometimes challenging characters. The main character is especially adorable. Setting and artwork is beautiful. Switches between comedic and highly serious, but most of the time is on the fluffier side. MC has strong, but comprehensible Kansai dialect (I forget region), and it could be a good intro for that sort of thing (at least I thought it was, back when I read it). Also the furigana for everything is definitely helpful.

How many votes per person?
  • 1
  • 3
  • 5
0 voters
Should ambiguous subtext be enough?
  • Yes
  • I don’t mind either way
  • No
0 voters

I might join late if I can get caught up on all my current clubs!



Title: https://learnnatively.com/book/abade3a056/
Book type: manga
Available formats: physical / ebook

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

Bubbly, energetic first-year high school student Himari falls head over heels for her senpai Yori after hearing her band perform on the first day of school. Himari tells Yori she just loves her, and to Himari’s surprise, Yori says she loves Himari back! But when Himari realizes that she and her senpai are feeling two different kinds of love, she begins to ask herself what “love” really means…

Content warnings

Reason(s) for nominating: This might be my favorite yuri series! (Tied with はなにあらし). Both of the leads are really enjoyable and different, and watching the (surprisingly mature and healthy) ways they work out their relationship and social issues is really nice. The mismatched types of love thing is a pretty neat hook, and the music/bandmate portions are well done. Doesn’t follow the typical high school yuri rhythm, tho the 文化祭 comes up in later volumes, since there’s a battle of the bands event. Also it has an upcoming anime adaptation in Jan 2024, that I’m super excited for!!