Yuri/GL/wlw book club - will start reading 魔女が恋する5秒前 on 1st November

Welcome to the Yuri/GL/wlw club :tada::tada::tada:

Participation List! Newcomers feel free to add yourselves - it’s left open :wink:

Current Club Status:

Will be reading 魔女が恋する5秒前 on the 1st of November :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Home Thread here

nominations on sale

Schedule (open for changes, don't hesitate to let me know if you need it)
  • Reading starts at Friday 01/11/2024

List of Nominations on Cooldown

List of Nominations you can re-add

About voting:
  • Each person gets 5 votes
Nomination rules:
  • You can add up to 4 new nominations, meaning that if you’re re-adding previous nominations (regardless if they’re yours or someone else’s) you can still add 4 new nominations
  • There is no cooldown in-between nominations
  • Ambiguous subtext nominations are not accepted
  • Nominations that are not chosen will automatically be placed in the nominations of the next round, with the exception of:
    (1) Nominations that don’t get any votes
    (2) The 3 least voted nominations
    (3) Tied nominations will all be removed
    (4) Removed nominations will have a cooling period of 1 cycle (see list )
  • To re-add nominations out of cooldown there is no need to remake a template or reintroduce the book
    All you need to do is paste the nomination post link (which will be available in the above list in due time) and write something along “I want to re-add this”, “re-nominating this”, etc
    For nominations you can re-add you can look through the following linked list
To sum up the cooldown/renomination thing
is the work you want to nominate in the nomination list? yes ➾ then no worries :wink:
no ⇓
is it in the cooldown list? yes ➾ then you will need to wait for the next cycle of nominations :frowning:
no ⇓
is it in the list of works you can re-add? yes ➾ then just quote/reply to the original nomination post and add a message that goes something like “re-adding this :)”
no ⇓
did you already nominate it once? yes ➾ then please tell me, I messed something up
no ⇓
then you can create a nomination for it using the template below this :wink:
Nomination Template:
Put the Natively link here.
(if the embedding worked well we should see the title, natively level and cover; if not please manually put the following:
Cover image (optional)
**Title**: [title | Lx(x = natively lvl)](Put the Natively link here.) )
**Book type**: (light novel, manga, etc)
If you only just added it to natively please add **Available formats**: physical / ebook / audiobook (delete as appropriate)
[details="Content warnings"]
If you know whether the book contains adult content or potentially triggering topics, include the information here.
**Reason(s) for nominating:** Share the reason you are nominating this book - it might persuade others to vote for it!


Past Cycles

1st cycle nominations+voting
2nd cycle nominations
2nd cycle voting
3rd cycle nominations
3rd cycle voting
4th cycle nominations
4th cycle voting

Past threads

1st winner - アステリズムに花束を 百合SFアンソロジー
2nd winner - 雨でも晴れでも - now an offshoot
3rd winner - どれが恋かがわからない - now an unofficial series reading

Past Polls

The Official Yuri/GL/wlw Book Club Nomination List is now live!!!

Anyone who nominated is added as a collaborator, so if you want to leave notes or warnings on stuff you nominated feel free!


Cover Title Home Thread
image 雨でも晴れでも | L22 :house:

https://www.telegraphpoleappreciationsociety.org has a lot of pretty poles. :wink:


@cat @fillanzea @seanblue

Opened the club for now, since we’re only 4 people (potentially 3) I’ll later add the template and 2 polls to be organized about what we allow and what we don’t and I think we don’t need any more until we have more people?

Can’t wait to start :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Perfect, all the poles needed, thank you :heart::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


i get most of my recs from here. One day i’ll even be able to read them



Goldmine, thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I have yet to see some of the ones I want read here though, don’t know what that says about me :rofl:

Just to check, is the focus on manga or novels/LNs? When I said I might join I was mostly thinking manga.

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Nomination&vote rules polls:

How many nominations per person?
  • 1
  • 3
  • Umlimited
0 voters
Should there be a cooldown between nominations?
  • Yes, 3 days
  • Yes, a week
  • No
0 voters
How many votes per person?
  • 1
  • 3
0 voters
Should ambiguous subtext be enough?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
1 Like

Apparently you and I see bookclubs very differently. :rofl:

I’m just used to the WaniKani book clubs where people nominate whatever they want whenever they want and it’s never been a problem. And people usually get 5 votes.

Regarding ambiguous subtext, I voted “no” because pretty much every Manga Time Kirara series has subtext and I don’t really consider them yuri.


I noticed lmaooooo I was wondering whether to say something or not :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I voted yes on the ambiguous simply because I have one I wanted to try lol


I’m under the impression so far that whatever people feel like suggesting, we don’t really have much people to be picky and to be frank all my suggestions are gonna be manga :joy:


What series is that? And what are some of your other suggestions? Unless you want to wait until the rules are all set and nominate them formally.


I dont mind writing some down regardless of nominations lol
the one I was thinking about is called 這い寄るな金星 (frankly from the summary you would think it is but I can’t find the tag?? baka-updates said it has “GL subtext” hence the ambiguous thing)

another one that is vibes but nothing explicit is マザーグール, but that one I’m not sure about nominating since it’s a lot more of a “survival world” themed, hence wasn’t sure it’ll fly (edit; so according to baka-updates it is Shoujo ai and not just vibes)

some of the others are
ゆりでなる♥えすぽわーる ,
白と黒 ~black & white~ ,
はなものがたり ,
彩香ちゃんは弘子先輩に恋してる ,
裏世界ピクニック (the novel in this case, the manga volume I’ve read already lol) ,
ないしょのおふたりさま。 ,
MURCIELAGO -ムルシエラゴ- ,
作りたい女と食べたい女 ,
魔女が恋する5秒前 ,
リリー&アイビー ~ケンカップル百合×性愛アンソロジー~ ,
私は君を泣かせたい , etc

(updated with the natively pages)

as you can see I haven’t filtered out everything yet lmao


I’ve heard of like two of those. :sweat_smile:

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which ones?
it makes sense, some were very low key recommendations I got and some I simply reached by myself and they looked interesting :joy:

forgot to make a participation list :joy: :joy: :joy:

edit: and then I forget to put a maybe option :sweat_smile:
if you’re a maybe plz reply so I know you’re there I guess? mainly so I can know who voted and didn’t in polls before I close anything :joy: :sob:

edit2: going through the votes from polls compared to here I already know that seanblue is a maybe, and I’m guessing Azusa and cat are as well (until they vote a yes or no lol)

Will you be joining us?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
1 Like

Some possibilities:

Michiru and her toddler son move in with Michiru’s ex-girlfriend Maya after Michiru’s husband’s death. I really like this one - it has a gentle and serious feel, and the question of whether it’s a good idea for Maya and Michiru to get back together isn’t one that can be quickly resolved. (I’ll be honest and say I don’t LOVE the ending, but the first few volumes are very good.)

赤 X ピンク 桜庭一樹 (Not on Natively?)

One of my favorite Japanese authors wrote a novel about a girls’ fight club that apparently at least has lesbian vibes and I’ve seen a few reviews refer to it as “yuri,” so I’ll probably investigate it a little more closely before I officially put it up for a vote (also I might want to go ahead and read it just so I can do content warnings, because when she goes hard on dark content she goes pretty hard on dark content.) Somehow I have never read this! But it might be a good opportunity!


Both look amazing :star_struck:

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裏世界ピクニック and 魔女が恋する5秒前, both of which I already own but haven’t read.

Can’t vote since there’s no “maybe” or “it depends” option. :sweat_smile:


Forgot about the maybe, sorry about that :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: