Please note that even if a past club book isn’t designated as being actively read, you can still go back to those threads and post thoughts/comments/questions in them!
TOC Legend:
: currently reading/planning to read a book
: not currently reading/planning to read a book
: this section is “full”. Please add future books to the next relevant section.
Book Club Lists Legend:
- An offshoot club for a particular book (usually to continue reading the series past the initially-voted # of volumes) has been created. If no link on the seedling icon, see the book’s home thread.
Suggestions for formatting, categorizing and other feedback welcome. As stated in title is a Work in progress.
It could probably resemble more to what @seanblue did over at WaniKani, but the idea in including the natively cards is that (it should?) update the level automatically.
The thread itself is a Wiki, so it should allow for editions.
Maybe also a pin along the category introduction would be useful @brandon ?
Unfortunately, Discourse caches that information which it gets from the meta tags… so it won’t update very frequently. I think the cache is pretty long but still the best we can do
If it helps at all, the mystery club has a list of past clubs linked in the home thread here. Since it’s a paragraph header it can be linked to directly.
I added the レベル7 informal club; it needs to go in it’s own table, but I abstained for the moment since I’m on mobile and it’d end up being a mess. Same for last December’s advent club.
No problem! I can remove it. I dunno if we need a separate thread at this point for non-JP bookclubs; they’re not going to happen too regularly atm I would think.
That makes sense to me when it’s a definite “our participants are only reading in this one language”, but like with 本好き for example, it’s a dual-language club. Maybe three separate sections? JP, KR (whenever those pop up) and Multilanguage?