東京BABYLON | Tokyo Babylon | Home Thread

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This is the home thread for the CLAMP series 東京BABYLON.


Subaru Sumeragi is the 13th head of his powerful onmyouji clan. Until the time comes when he must succeed his grandmother fully, Subaru is allowed to live in Tokyo with his fraternal twin, Hokuto. While Subaru is kind and shy, Hokuto has exuberance to spare, and her favorite pastime is designing bold matching outfits for the two of them to wear. Her next favorite thing to do is try to set up Subaru with their veterinarian friend Seishirou Sakurazuka who, oddly enough, is always readily available to accompany the Sumeragis throughout the city.

Reading schedule
Note: the reading schedule is based on the pages of the 愛蔵版 (collector’s edition) version available on Bookwalker.



Week Reading Pages Weekly Thread
1 Vol 0 - TYO 1-44 (44) Thread
2 Vol 1 - Babel 45-102 (58) Thread
3 Vol 1.5 - Destiny 103-138 (36) Thread
4 Vol 2 - Dream (p. 1) 139-189 (51) Thread
5 Vol 2 - Dream (p. 2) 190-242 (53) Thread
6 Annex Smile 243-286 (44) Thread
7 Vol 3 - Call A 287-348 (62) Thread
8 Vol 3 - Call B 349-427 (79)


Week Reading Pages
9 Vol 4 - Crime 5-54 (50)
10 Vol 5 - Save A 55-104 (50)
11 Vol 5 - Save B 105-164 (60)
12 Vol 6 - Old 165-218 (54)
13 Vol 7 - Box 219-259 (41)
14 Vol 8 - Rebirth 259-327 (69)


Week Reading Pages
15 Vol 9 - News p.1 5-49 (44)
16 Vol 9 - News p.2 50-92 (42)
17 Vol 10 - Pair 93-160 (68)
18 Vol 11 - End p.1 161-200 (39)
19 Vol 11 - End p.2 + Annex Secret 201-248 (47)
20 Annex Start 249-309 (61)

Just wanted to get this thread posted sooner rather than later. I wanted a more visual look at how the reading schedule will look with 30-40 pages per week.

The other two volumes are about 100 pages less than the first one, so I would guess that reading the entirety of Tokyo Babylon will takes us about 32 weeks at a pace of 30-40 pages per week.

Does this reading schedule seem good for everyone?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

That’s a really long time…

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More than half a year :sob:

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I’m kinda with shitsurei on this one. While I’m technically fine with the schedule, that’s a really long time to spend on one “book” essentially. Though I suppose if you break it out, the three volumes = 7 volumes from the original printing, which feels more reasonable.

The original suggestion of one section per week (and vol 2 cut over two weeks) feels better to me in terms of time, though I know that not everyone’s going to have the time for that or feel comfortable with that fast of a pace. :S


We could also do what some of the book clubs aimed at less advanced readers do where you ramp up the pages per week after a few weeks. The first part of a story tends to be the hardest from both getting into the plot as well as any vocabulary you might need, so maybe we start slower and then after the first few weeks increase the section sizes? :woman_shrugging:t4:

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A ramp-up would basically look like the original schedule though, right?

Vol 0 - TYO - 5-44 (39 pages)
Vol 1 - Babel - 45-102 (57 pages)
Vol 1.5 - Destiny - 103-138 (35 pages)
Vol 2 (part 1) - Dream - 139-189 (50 pages)
Vol 2 (part 2) - Dream - 190-242 (52 pages)
Annex Smile - 243-286 (43 pages)
Vol 3 - Call A - 287-348 (61 pages)
Vol 3 - Call B - 349-427 (78 pages)

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Yeah I guess fair point :joy:

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Based on the poll on the home thread, I think we’ll go with Dec 1st as the starting point for Tokyo Babylon.

I also think this schedule makes sense, although we could split up Vol 3 a bit, if necessary.


I just finished updating the approximate reading schedule for the other two volumes. Take a look and let me know what y’all think.


Seems fine to me

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Would it make sense to smush week 20 in with week 19? Since Annex Secret is only 8 pages.


An 8 pg week does seem kinda silly. I’m fine with a merge, personally


So uh, when is this starting? Edit: according to クランプの読書会 📚 CLAMP Book Club - #23 by p.james99 it looks like Dec 1st (ie today)??


yeah its today

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Correct, today is the first day of the first week. I was just hopping on here to post a reminder in the thread for week 1!


Does anyone know how the 愛蔵版 version matches up with the version on natively for tracking purposes?


I’m not sure bc I either have that or another one of the older printings, so it’s gonna be an :sparkles: adventure :sparkles:


Why don’t we just add the 愛蔵版 on Natively with a note? It seems substantially different enough that it’s worth having a separate entry. It’s on Amazon as well: Amazon.co.jp: 東京BABYLON[愛蔵版](1) (カドカワデジタルコミックス) eBook : CLAMP: Kindleストア

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This might help?