Home Thread for また、同じ夢を見ていた / 또다시 같은 꿈을 꾸었어 📖 🇯🇵 🇰🇷

Welcome everyone, to our first beginner light novel pick: また、同じ夢を見ていた / 또다시 같은 꿈을 꾸었어
:jp: また、同じ夢を見ていた | L25
:kr: 또다시 같은 꿈을 꾸었어 | L25

This is my first time running one of these, so please be patient as we work out the details.

Summary - English

A girl with no friends, a high school girl who keeps cutting her wrists,
A woman who is criticized as an idiot, an old woman who lives out the rest of her life quietly.
Where does their “happiness” lie?
There are things I want to do over again, things aren’t going well right now.
A story for everyone

Summary - Japanese


Summary - Korean

『너의 췌장을 먹고 싶어』 의 작가 스미노 요루가
지친 사람들에게 선물하는 다정하고 따스한 이야기

자타공인 똑똑하고 당돌한 소녀 고야나기 나노카는 학교 안에는 이렇다 할 친구가 없지만 학교 밖에는 친구가 많다. 까칠하고 도도하며 꼬리가 반으로 잘린 고양이 ‘그녀’, 예쁘고 상냥하며 함께 오셀로 게임을 해주는 언니 아바즈레 씨. 그리고 항상 맛난 과자를 구워주고 함께 소설 이야기를 하는 할머니. 그리고 버려진 집 옥상에서 마주친 고등학생 미나미 언니.

학교 수업 연구 주제인 ‘행복이란 무엇인가’를 친구들과 함께 생각하며 하루하루 즐거운 시간을 보내던 나노카. 그러던 어느날, 옆자리 짝꿍 키류가 학교에 나오지 않기 시작한다. 그림을 좋아하지만 놀림받을까봐 늘 그림 실력을 숨기는 소심한 키류. 나노카가 키류를 도와주려고 마음먹는 순간, 나노카를 둘러싼 세계가 변화하기 시작한다.

*** 일반판과 노블판은 내용은 동일하나 판형 차이가 있습니다.**


Club Schedule

Note: page numbers are based on the 文庫 version (which Natively links to by default)

Week Start Date Chapter Pages / Percent :jp: # of Pages :jp: Pages / Percent :kr: # of Pages :kr: Thread
1 Jan 28 1 1 - 15 / 5% 15 7 - 16 9 thread
2 Feb 4 16 - 32 / 10.5% 16 16 - 34 18 thread
3 Feb 11 2 32 - 47 / 15.5% 15 35 - 49 14 thread
4 Feb 18 3 47 - 68 / 22.5% 21 49 - 68 19 thread
5 Feb 25 68 - 77 / 25.5% 9 68 - 76 8 thread
6 Mar 3 4 77 - 90 / 30% 13 76 - 90 14 thread
7 Mar 10 5 90 - 104 / 34.5% 14 90 - 103 13 thread
8 Mar 17 104 - 118 / 39% 14 103 - 116 13 thread
9 Mar 24 6 118 - 138 / 46% 20 116 - 136 20 thread
10 Mar 31 138 - 159 / 53% 21 136 - 150 14 thread
11 Apr 7 159 - 164 / 54.5% 5 150 - 158 8 thread
12 Apr 14 7 164 - 182 / 60.5% 18 158 - 175 17 thread
13 Apr 21 8 182 - 201 / 67% 20 175 - 190 15 thread
14 Apr 28 201 - 215 / 71.5% 14 190 - 206 16 thread
15 May 5 9 215 - 234 / 78% 20 206 - 222 16 thread
16 May 12 234 - 250 / 83% 15 222 - 238 16 thread
17 May 19 250 - 260 / 86.5% 10 238 - 248 10 thread
18 May 26 10 260 - 273 / 91% 13 248 - ??? ?? thread
19 Jun 2 273 - 291 / 97% 11 ??? - 276 ?? thread
20 Jun 9 11 291 - 300 / 100% 9 276 - 285 9 thread

Expect for the first, chapters start in the middle of a page.

Ending Lines

JP Ending lines... NOTE: nothing under here is blurred
Week Ending Line
2 いつもと同じようにお母さんにも、寝てる間に帰ってきたお父さんにも、アバズレさん達の話はしませんでした (end of ch1)
3 これが、私南さんの出会いでした (end of ch2)
4 とても、いい日でした (changed to p68)
5 でも、やっぱり彼が誰なのか、思い出すことは出来ませんでした (end of ch 3)
6 次の日の朝、お母さん用意してくれた朝ご飯は、人口も食べませんでした (end of ch4)
7 お父さんが誕生日には必ずお前の欲しものを買ってきてくれることの理由を、分かってるはずだ」「…………」
8 これが、南さんと私のお別れとなりました (end of ch5)
9 その顔はやっぱり、いつもの勇気のない桐生くんのままでした。
10 どうりで、いくら一階を捜しても見つからないはずです。
11 だから、やっぱり (end of ch6)
12 まだ門限までには時間があったけれど、泣いた顔のまま会ってはいけないと思ったのです (end of ch 7)
13 もちろん合わせる手は、アバズレさんと。
14 私はその言葉を何度も心の中唱え続けました。(end of ch8)
15 それから、丸いドアノブがゆっくりと回るのが、はっきりと見えました
16 さあ、言ってやりなさい。
17 コーヒー味が苦手な私は、パピコの中身が溶けてから、それを通りかかったアリさんにあげてしまいました。
18 だけど、それでもやっぱり、答えは天井が邪魔をしたのか、空から降ってきてくれることはありませんでした。
19 ああ、ここで終わりか、と。
20 End of book
KR Ending lines... NOTE: nothing under here is blurred
Week End Page End line
1 19 나는 고개를 저었습니다.
2 34 (end of chapter) …그 밖의 사람들에 대한 이야기는 하지 않았습니다.
3 48 (end of chapter) 그게 나와 미나미 언니의 만남이었습니다.
4 68 정말로, 좋은 날이었습니다.
5 75 (end of chapter) 하지만 역시 그가 누구인지, 생각해내지 못했습니다.
6 89 (end of chapter) 다음 날 아침, 엄마가 차려준 아침밥은 한 숟갈도 먹지 않았습니다.
7 102 …아빠가 왜 생일이면 반드시 네가 원하는 것을 사오는지, 그 이유를 너는 분명 잘 알고 있을 거야." “…”
8 115 (end of chapter) 그것이 미나미 언니와 나의 작별이었습니다.
9 134 그 얼굴은 역시 평소의 용기 없는 키류의 얼굴이었습니다.
10 153 그러니 아무리 일 층을 돌아다녀도 할머니가 보이지 않았던 것이지요.
11 157 (end of chapter) 그렇다면 역시…
12 174 (end of chapter) …눈물범벅인 얼굴로 찾아가서는 안 된다고 생각했던 것입니다.
13 193 물론 손은 아바즈레 씨와 맞잡고 있었지만.
14 205 (end of chapter) 나는 그 말을 몇 번이고 마음속으로 중얼거렸습니다.
15 223 그리고 둥근 손잡이가 천천히 돌아가는 것이 분명하게 보였습니다.
16 237 자, 어서 모두에게 당당하게 말해줘.
17 247 (end of chapter) …그것을 지나가던 개미들에게 줘버렸습니다.
18 265 내 안으로부터의 깨달음이 그런 풍경을 보여준 것입니다.
19 275 (end of chapter) 아, 이걸로 끝인가, 라고.
20 285 (end)

There is a Japanese audiobook available via audiobook.jp


Will you be reading along when the club starts on January 28?
  • Yes
  • I’ll be reading, but at my own pace
  • No
0 voters
What language will you be reading in?
  • Japanese :jp:
  • Korean :kr:
  • Both (:eyes:)
0 voters
What type of media will you be consuming the book as?
  • eBook
  • Physical
  • Reading (eBook) + listening
  • Reading (physical) + listening
  • Reading (eBook & physical) + listening
  • Audiobook only
0 voters

I set up a tentative schedule with a max of 20 pgs per week… but let’s see what fits best for everyone:

What is your expected weekly reading speed?
  • 10 - 20 pgs
  • 20 - 30 pgs
  • 30+ pgs
  • Other (Specify in comments)
0 voters
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Thank you for organising! I’m hoping to be able to buy the physical book (perhaps as Christmas gift to myself).

I’m actually fine with the tentative schedule of 15~20 pages per week. I checked a few sample pages and it doesn’t seem too hard, so I think I could still follow it if the majority voted for a faster pace though.


Good to know! It also looks pretty easy for me vocab/grammar wise, so I might just buy a physical copy as well (tho I just missed cdjapan’s cyber monday discount :cry: So guess I’ll wait till the end of the year)

If anyone has read the book already, and has more concrete suggestions on how to split up the 20+ pg chapters, that would be great! I mostly just incremented them by 20 per week, or split them in half (in case of ch5 which is 28 pgs, so I did 14/14)

Edit: I tweaked, based on percentage numbers (whole numbers instead of decimals). Also, percents have been rounded to nearest .5% - for the sake of an easier table.


Looks like a challenge for the new year if I don’t get impatient and start up a book read before then (I probably won’t)


Ordered my Korean version, will update with page numbers when it arrives! :grinning:

You mentioned it in the other thread, but you might want to include a note that the Japanese page numbers are from the bunko version. :slightly_smiling_face:


I added a note… Natively links to it by default, and Amazon US + all the non-Amazon links are the 文庫 version as well, so we should all be on the same page :wink:

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I have the ebook and it doesn’t have a colored cover. I can grab page numbers/percent if that’s helpful.

Really? From which provider? I have the eBook on Bookwalker, and that + Kindle JP both has the colored cover.

I seem to have misunderstood how percentages are supposed to work, so that would be helpful. The ones I have in the chart are based on physical pages, but when I try lining up with eBook (phone or tablet), it doesn’t work :cry:

Rereading my post i realized it was confusing. I meant that it didn’t have a colored border, but according to Amazon at least the bunko and the softcover have the same cover image so I think I’m not helpful, actually :sweat_smile:

this one


The 単行本 cover (at least for some?) is actually this, it seems

Source: https://twitter.com/bookwall/status/1017665815708033024?t=CwLW5G-GRG3sfOLRqxXNwA&s=19

Also https://jp.mercari.com/item/m24054523244)

Rakuten also showed the normal cover image though

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That’s how I answer “maybe, not sure yet”, right? :laughing:



I have already read this a couple years ago, so I’ll only be lurking. :face_in_clouds:


Here are the page numbers for the physical Korean version:

Chapter Start Page
1 7
2 35
3 49
4 76
5 90
6 116
7 158
8 175
9 206
10 248
11 276
end 285

Thx! I’ll update them later tonight :slight_smile:


Ok - KR pages have been added! Feel free to suggest edits, if you think they could be divided better.

I didn’t put in percentages yet, b/c I’m still not sure I know the right way to calculate them (based on the JP ones seeming off)


Just got recommended this video talking about the book in Japanese. Aside from being a useful overview of the content / language level, it’s good listening practice too.


He also has a podcast and does some let’s plays online and is a great resource for the long slog of the intermediate level. Highly recommend all of his content.


Thats was precisely the episode that made me remember I had heard about this book before, and recommend it for this club :laughing: but yeah, gotta second shitsurei here, I really recommend his content.


Btw, I started on this a bit early, just to get a preview of what we’re in for, and to check out the audiobook. It seems out the audiobook is multi-cast, instead of single narrator, and it has some music and occasional sound effects! 面白い!