Physical Media Megathread

My small book haul that arrived today:

The manga on the right was a random manga I saw when on Amazon Japan months ago and decided to add it to my list, the book on the left is one I liked the idea of but no idea how it reads.
They both have very interesting covers under the dust jackets.

The manga has more manga panels front and back:

And the book has a very nice repeating pattern of cats in orange and blue:

I’m still waiting on more but hoping they all arrive by end of January as delivery delays are getting pretty bad now. They used to arrive within a week or two, now they are taking 2-3 months sometimes to arrive.


I liked it and it’s def. easier than stuff like 本好き :blush: vibes to me were similar to . Don’t know if you’ve read that one.


I haven’t yet read また、同じ夢を見ていた but I do have it on the book shelf. :slightly_smiling_face:


New manga just arrived!


I rearranged the shelves, so they’re more exciting now!!


Feel free to join us at the end of January:


Will do, thanks. :blush:
I missed this in the book clubs but I’ve had the book for a while so would be grateful to join in.


Today’s post arrived with books 1-5 below, book 6 arrived a few weeks ago. Ordered back when the Cop Craft book club popped up.


I primarily read digital books in Japanese, but I built up enough of a wishlist of books available only in physical volumes that I went ahead and put in an order. There’s a bit of an 衣装 theme going on here, hah. (Figure Skating Art Costumes has a digital edition, but it’s the same price as the physical one! If I’m paying that much, I want something I can hold to ooh over the pictures.)


Another book haul just arrived:

Not gonna lie, I originally thought this was the opposite of what it is and decided there was no way in hell I was gonna read it but then I saw a review and realized it’s the exact opposite of what I thought, so decided to give it a try. I hate leaving part series on the book shelf so the other 2 are on my list once they show up on Amazon.


Is it not about an adult (eventually) having a relationship with a highschool girl? It def. gives me those vibes.


That was what I thought (and why I didn’t want to read it) but it’s apparently about an adult who takes in a runaway. The reviews I read said it isn’t about a romantic relationship (which is what I was thinking originally), but instead like a father/ daughter or big brother/ younger sister relationship. The salaryman looks out for her and acts as a guardian of sorts and there’s nothing inappropriate about their friendship.

That said, I haven’t read it yet but the reviews of both the book and anime all seem to state the same thing.


It’s not. If you don’t mind spoilers of the series’ ending, the very end (after she has returned home, and they’ve had no contact for 2 years, and she’s a legal adult) involves them reuniting and it’s left up to the reader’s imagination (tho apparently heavily implied they get together at/after that point). Afaict that’s not really the focus of the story tho. See here for more details/fuller spoilers: (that thread is tagged manga, but the ending appears to be the same)

I’m only a few chapters in, I finished it, and Yoshida has been very adamant about “Not Romantic or Sexual, don’t even joke about that”. Update: I finished the series, and he’s consistent about this.

So far I’m a little underwhelmed with the way Sayu is written, but not to an extent that makes me want to stop reading. Sayu’s writing improves a bit, in part because you occasionally get her perspective, and explanation of her actions. That said, I’m very underwhelmed by the way the other women are written. Hopefully that will improve, but I’m not super optimistic. It’s been refreshing to read a LN narrated by an adult for once. Update: the writing definitely improves over time.

The audiobooks were excellent! I appreciated the story, but don’t feel inclined to reread any of it.


won’t read the spoiler but I will likely give it a try. It seems to be on the easier side and I am always looking for something that I can ‘read’ audiobook only. :eyes:


I got this for Christmas, a gift from one of my Penpals. Full furigana and some pictures to go with the words. Geared more towards kids but it looks to be a fun way to get familiar with some common onomatopoeia words.


Oh boy, couple days late to showing the seasonal hauls lol

Sorry for the shit quality, I still use a flipphone lmao. Anyways, picked up 古見さんは、コミュ症です1、鬼滅の刃1、Death Note 2,このすば1、and 時をかける少女!I have a bad habit of buying series separately, cause now after reading a bit of Komi I already want to pick up the next books! As for the others I haven’t started reading them yet but I’m excited :slight_smile: What did everyone else get?


This is the first time in a while I’ve seen someone apologize for the quality of their photo and actually agreed with them, haha.

Anyway, no Japanese books on my end for Christmas (very few in any language this year :face_holding_back_tears:), so I treated myself a bit and let myself buy a manga that’s been hanging around on my wish list. I picked up on Kindle since it looked cute and would be an easy read, and it was a good choice; surprisingly emotional given the low word count.


I’m scared of Book-Off and my 2x23kg allowance in the next few weeks :sweat_smile:


We gotta catalog what exactly Book Off carries; therefore you need to buy as much as possible to take pictures to show us. :eyes:


I’m already doing math of how many volumes I can fit of what series :rofl: