Learning languages like I’m chasing waterfalls (learning log)

Overall, this was a really productive month for me for language learning, particularly for Korean. I am happy to say that I have read 26 out of 29 days in Korean this months! As for Spanish and Italian however, it wasn’t as great.


This month, I broke my record for most pages read in a month, with a total of 1807 pages! It’s not as impressive as it sounds, because a lot of these where children books, but still. My statistics are also slowly shifting, and the higher levels are becoming more and more prominent. I’ve been reading a lot more full text books, as opposed to picture books. However, I also haven’t been finishing those that quickly. Some short children’s books, sure, but full length novels are a lot harder.

I have also started another novel, 마녀를 잡아라 | L22?? which is a translation of The witches by Roald Dahl. And surprisingly, I can actually read it pretty easily! I do need to do the occasionnal look up, to fully understand what’s happening, but the good thing is that the book usually stays on the same topic for several paragraphs. So, say I need to look up 5 words in that initial paragraph, I most likely won’t need to look up anything for the rest of the page. Because I’ve been spending time reading this though, I have become a bit late for some of my bookclubs. I’ll try to catch up this month, but I also just started a new internship, so who knows if I’ll have the time.

Book Clubs :books:


I have done some reading for Spanish this month, but mostly at the beginning of the month. My readings include a novel, a children’s book that was free so I figured why not, and two short stories. One in particular was… special to say the least. And quite hard to read through as well, but tbh I’m not sure I’d be much better at reading texts filled with religious jargon in French or English either.

The Spanish bookclub for La Ciudad de las Bestias | L30?? is starting soon (mid march), so I should be doing more active studying this month. I don’t think I’ve done any active studying for Spanish since… summer of 2018 probably. So that’ll be a change.


I haven’t done as much as I wish I had with Italian. So far, I’ve read through 17 of the LingQ mini stories. I have also gotten Olly Richard’s short stories for beginners in Italian, and I read the first chapter. So far, so good, although I’m pretty sure that the fact that I’ve already read it in Korean is helping a lot. I’m hoping to be able to either finish it this month or to catch up to the point I read to in Korean. I’d rather my first read be the Korean version, so that would mean I’d have to finish it in Korean first before doing the same with the Italian one.