🇰🇷 Index List of Book Clubs

This thread is intended for easy of access for the :kr: learnnatively Book Clubs.

Maybe in the future, it will have some integration straight into the main site and this won’t be needed to be updated any more.

For other languages, please refer to the Master Index list of Book Clubs

Natively Book Clubs

Table of Contents

Absolute Beginner Book Club

Cover Title Level Status Links
요츠바랑! 1 11 Finished :house:

Informal Book Clubs

Cover Title Level Status Links
아름다운 그 (Not on Natively) Finished :house: :label:
흥부전 18 Finished :house:

Korean Fiction Book Club

Non-Korean Based Clubs

Book Lists

:jp: Beginner Light Novel Club

Cover Title Level Status Links
또다시 같은 꿈을 꾸었어 25 Finished :house:

:jp: Children’s Club

:jp: Light Novel Club


@brandon and a pin also here please :pushpin:



Pinned it!


@eefara Maybe the Korean Fiction Book Club in the Korean book club thread is too meta/redundant :sweat_smile:

Although maybe this requires the renaming of the book club itself, as it also suffers from the same “problem”

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I see what you’re saying. :sweat_smile: I don’t know if there’s any good way to write it as is, though. “Fiction book club” also sounds mega awkward to my ears.

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If you remove the Book part of the name, you can call it “The KFC”



Small update to this table as well: I’ve moved all the book club books that originated from a club who’s base language isn’t Korean into another table. The title heading is kind of clunky, and I’m a bit torn on the lack of visibility for the books therein. What do you guys think?

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This sounds like a great idea for improving accessibility! When it comes to sharing books, especially in a book club setting, including a writer biography for each author can add a lot of value. It helps readers connect with the context of the work and better understand the author’s perspective. Hopefully, this integration can help streamline the process for all the clubs!

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