Week 2 | また、同じ夢を見ていた / 또다시 같은 꿈을 꾸었어 | Beginner’s LN club

Welcome to Week 2 of また、同じ夢を見ていた / 또다시 같은 꿈을 꾸었어 :slight_smile:


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Week 2 Feb 4 2024
Chapter 1 (second half)
Percent 10.5%
:jp: Pages 16 - 32
:jp: Final line いつもと同じようにお母さんにも、寝てる間に帰ってきたお父さんにも、アバズレさん達の話はしませんでした
:kr: Pages 16 - 34
:kr: Final line …그 밖의 사람들에 대한 이야기는 하지 않았습니다.
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Discussion ground rules

  • Any spoilers, for the current chapters must be behind spoilers or detail curtains. When we get further in you don’t need to hide details that were revealed in previous chapters.
  • Always mention where you are in the book when discussing, ideally by chapter so people reading different versions have a clear point of reference.
  • Feel free to read ahead if it’s exciting! But please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week :slight_smile:
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, cultural things, etc - ask! That can be part of the discussion too and I’m sure some folks would be happy to help.
  • Even if you don’t read the chapter(s) in time, you are still encouraged to post in the thread for that reading once you have finished it. I advise not reading ahead in the threads as you may see spoilers.
Are you joining us for Week 2?
  • I’m reading along
  • I’m reading along, but at my own pace
  • I’m just following the discussion
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Quick note: the end of this week’s portion is also the end of Chapter 1.

Looking forward to discussing w/ everyone :slight_smile:


Halfway through this week’s reading. Nanoka is such an empathetic kid.

I wonder what ms アバズレ’s job is… I find myself invested in the storytelling even though it’s mentally exhausting for me right now.

Oddly this is really good beginner pick because I feel like I know a lot of the words and a lot of words are repeated a lot too which helps a bunch


I agree that the vocab isn’t too crazy. The grammar however, at least for the Korean version, has to be some of the most complicated grammar I’ve ever come across. And I don’t even mean the grammar points themselves are advanced, they’re just combined in ways that my brain is not yet fully equipped to deal with. i.e, that second sentence of the book, which I know doesn’t necessarily represent the rest, but oh boy was it difficult to parse through.

Edit: I forgot that I was using a qwerty keyboard :sweat_smile:. Q or A, that is the question


It does in Japanese have these really really long run on sentences which I very rarely encounter elsewhere, which is perhaps the main sticking point


I’m behind, but I’m trying to take this chance to read a full novel in Korean, since I’ve only read one book so far (non-fiction). I must say that I am heavily depending on the Japanese version though, haha. It’s very helpful to be able to fall back on the Japanese version for grammar/nuance since my Korean understanding is quite basic rn, haha. Even in Japanese, I can see why people find the grammar tricky since the sentences are so long.


Done with this week’s part.

Regarding アバズレ-san and her job

節を売る - prostitution.
It seems she likes to mess a little bit with Nanoka, and thus doesn’t correct her name and opts for wordplay while describing her job. While Nanoka is a smart kid who knows big words, she seems a little too oblivious when it comes to this ;D

おばあちゃん also goes along with this and doesn’t correct Nanoka. I wonder if she’s an acquaintance of アバズレさん or knows of her only through Nanoka’s stories?

This was one of the most difficult sentences in this week’s reading for me:


I would translate it as:

It’s important to realize when you don’t know some things. Not knowing and thinking that you do know - this is the worst possible case.

While I think that I got the gist right, I had to reread that sentence at least five times ;D


I’m a little discouraged because I can only read about half of week’s reading before tapping out for the day (and that’s without lookups), but it’s early days for novel reading for me yet I suppose.


That sentence is becoming infamous at this point :stuck_out_tongue:

I can rec you some other books if you’d like to encounter more :upside_down_face: . Fantasy authors seem to love to make use of them

I remember when I first read Crystal Hunters (which is way easier than this), even just processing the characters was exhausting! Your brain’s doing a ton of work to get through all those pages, so it’s natural to get tired. It gets better eventually tho. 頑張ってね :slight_smile:


Yeah, I concur. I try to space reading out by reading a few pages and then pausing to do something else for 20-30 minutes. There is no way I’m reading even half of the chapter in a single sitting.


Same. Had to stop the audiobook and work out the meaning. I think it’s honestly supposed to be a little complicated.

You have a whole week to read it so there’s no reason to be discouraged for needing to read it in multiple sessions.

Personally I think the ability to read a text and the stamina to read it for a long time are different skills, so you shouldn’t feel too worried about needing to take breaks. The stamina increases a lot faster than the vocabulary/grammar does. (Un)fortunately.


Thanks! I was wondering about that too, it went completely over my head :sweat_smile: Don’t think I ever heard that expression before.

Yeah, that’s interesting. I tensed up when Nanoka said “アバズレさん” in front of the grandma, but the conversation just went on as normal


Btw, is the last line in the op correct? Because unless I am absolutely failing in using audiobooks, the chapter ends on a different line :thinking:

the last line in audiobook ch1 (maybe a spoiler? Idk)


… I started transcribing before realising how long the sentence is :sweat_smile: There could also be mistakes in there (I feel most insecure about the comma placement tbh), so I wouldn’t mind someone checking with the book for me :eyes:


Same! I was really surprised that it was completely ignored. She’s clearly heard about her because she asked about the Othello game.

I wonder if we’ll get to find out more about Nanoka’s friends and what their stories are because I feel like there’s a lot of questions to be answered there.


Nice catch! It’s the last line of the second chapter.


Edit: I see what you mean now. I’ll go fix that


Should be fixed now. Thx for catching that!


I mean, you have the whole week for that, so there’s no need to do it in two days. I definitely can’t easily read half a week’s portion in a single session; currently I space the week out over 3 to 4 days.

I assume this wasn’t the first time :laughing:
…but I guess some time was the first time, and she wasn’t corrected.

And I’m realizing that Nanoka might have (mild?) synesthesia. With the old woman it’s the second time that she described words and facial expressions as having a “smell”.

A few questions in the later half

When talking about the book Nanoka read:


Is the なりに here something like “even though”?


Is that last fragment basically “I felt pride.”? (Because she imagined being praised.)


What’s the これまた here?


What does she mean by “I heard a really good thing”? And what is the と here?


Is that “And then, as always, I got sleepy at 10 after taking a bath, and as always I didn’t talk about アバズレさん and the others, neither with my mother nor with my father who came home while I was sleeping”?


@暁のルナ, could you maybe add navigation to the next week to these threads too in the future? It was a bit hard to go from the previous week’s thread to this one.

Maybe an info box like this at the top could work well? That’s how we do it in most WK clubs.

Week 2 Feb 4 2024
Chapter 1 (second half)
Percent 10.5%
:jp: Pages 16 - 32
:jp: Final line いつもと同じようにお母さんにも、寝てる間に帰ってきたお父さんにも、アバズレさん達の話はしませんでした
:kr: Pages 16 - 34
:kr: Final line …그 밖의 사람들에 대한 이야기는 하지 않았습니다.
Previous week Week 1
Next week Not posted yet
Home Thread Home Thread for また、同じ夢を見ていた / 또다시 같은 꿈을 꾸었어 :open_book: :jp: :kr:

And I keep clicking on the book link in “Welcome to Week x of …” when I want to get to the book club. Maybe the link to the book and the big image might not be necessary for the weekly threads?

Sorry I have so many nitpicks. I’m really thankful you’re organizing the club, and you’re doing a great job! :pray:


That’s a cool idea, and I like the formatting. I definitely know what you mean about the link confusion. I always get disoriented with that too.

Tbh I thought I had added the link in the Week 1 post, but guess I forgot. I added it now. I’ll update the formatting later tonight, when I’m at a computer.

No need to apologize for the suggestions. They’ve been helpful, especially since it’s my first time doing this. So, much appreciated :slight_smile: