Week 2 | また、同じ夢を見ていた / 또다시 같은 꿈을 꾸었어 | Beginner’s LN club

Reformatted the weekly threads. I still like having the book links & image there, but I reduced the size, and consolidated things. Lmk what you think.


Oh interesting, I got the gist of it from her working hours and her wanting to shoo Na-chan off but I didn’t pick up that bit of wordplay.

Read the rest of the chapter once-through and will need to re-read it with the dictionary up to fully understand it. I feel like I got a good portion of ばあさん’s dialogue though


I assume you want to keep the image for aesthetic reasons? Smaller at least means that I won’t have to scroll quite as far for the info I’m actually interested in when reading the weekly opening post, so: Looks better to me!

Why do you want the links though? I’ve clicked them multiple times, thinking I’m going to the home thread (which is what “welcome to Week 2 of X” sounds like - it’s week 2 of this book club after all), but instead I’m going to the Natively page. I don’t think links to the book are necessary in the weekly threads either, because people are already reading it.

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I like the natively links in the main book club, don’t know if you need them in the page. They might be good for onboarding people who jump on later in the cycle though?


I feel like a link to the home thread would work even better for that, with the summary, schedule, book links and all.

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Ok, I see your point. I checked a few other book clubs here, and it looks like they don’t have book links in the weekly post either. Links have been dropped


Ah, I see, so that’s why she calls her アバズレさん. I was thinking that she heard someone call her that but somehow this is even sadder. I wonder if we will find out what her real name is eventually. I hope so.


Hi everyone :wave: I hardly ever come to these forums, but @Jintor mentioned this thread and since I just started 同じ夢, I’m gonna join! I’m a little behind, around page 9 or 10, so I’m gonna try to catch up this week. I am getting sick though, so let’s see how much I’ll actually be able to read :sweat_smile:


I thought so too, but not sure. I translated this sentence in my head like “When you don’t understand something, doesn’t that something become really memorable”? Or maybe it’s more like “When you don’t understand something, somehow it becomes more memorable”


I translated it as Although you didn’t understand, was there a part that stayed in your heart?".
Hmm, I need to investigate that なりに more.


This is the なりに that I’m pretty sure it’s using: なりに - Jisho.org

I don’t remember the full context of the quote through, so I might be wrong.

Monolingual dictionary entry if that helps


I believe it is this grammar structure なりに (JLPT N1) | Bunpro – Japanese Grammar Explained. On maggiesensei, it got translated as “though” in one of the example sentences, so I think you are right. I always thought of it as “while not understanding…” but it seems there is the additional nuance of it being something negative und Nanoka doing her best despite that?


Dictionary says it is either これ+また and translates to “this again” or it means “extremely”. Maybe the cat was very happily asleep :laughing:

After rereading the sentence over and over, I think it is just an “and”? She says “I placed ‘I heard something good’ and the name ‘Huckleberry Finn’ into the same place with important memories”?
The good thing might refer to the library and that she can ask ひとみせんせい about it. Not sure on this one :thinking:

I think the same.


I feel like this might be it. Like an equivalent phrase might be “I mentally packed [those two facts] away” or something. But not sure. No wonder everyone keeps calling her 賢い


Alright, I’m done for the week! That went a lot easier than the first week. I decided to splurge and get the book on Bookwalker so I could do lookups more easily and it makes a big difference. I wasn’t aware that you could do that with the mobile version. I’m not always able to sit upright at my desk so I’m really glad that this feature exists.

Anyways, I’m excited for next week! Maybe a little too excited, I might read ahead a little, hehe.


Circling around to なりに again…

Another few options


I found this stackexchange for a similar sentence that posited in that instance なり に was in the form (noun)/(particle) as well as another one that said being attached to a verb it was the 4㋓ meaning here or here, in which case it means ‘the instant you don’t know’. I think this makes more sense than my previous flailing?

If anyone has any tutors or such to ask now might be a good time. :slight_smile:


At least according to the second link (your first one didn’t work for me) it’s dictionary form + なり and our sentence is a ない form. I’d be inclined to think this isn’t the なり that we’re looking for.


And I think the なりに that @shitsurei sent, your stackexchange link and the grammar one I found are all the same, so probably that’s it. Though it would definitely be best if someone could confirm with a teacher (I would do that, but the course ended last week and won’t resume until next month, so not sure how fast I can get an answer)


Hmm you’re right, I can’t find any examples of this one conjugating with a negative.

Might ask a jpn friend and see if they have any insights… Though I’ve not had the best of luck getting grammar explanations from non teachers lol


What’s the difference? Does it let you copy text or use an inbuilt dictionary or something? So far I’ve only used the Bookwalker app for manga…


Bookwalker app lets you do both of those things. You can also use Google lens to grab the text from it (which you can do with manga too).

It’s supremely annoying on the desktop app, but on mobile app it works well. On Android it integrates with Google translate rather than a dictionary, unfortunately. I just c/p the text into a dictionary at that point