Welcome to our 2nd Beginner LN club pick - サマーウォーズ
Summary - Japanese
Summary - English
From Anilist: When timid eleventh-grader and math genius Kenji Koiso is asked by older student and secret crush Natsuki to come with her to her family’s Nagano home for a summer job, he agrees without hesitation.
Natsuki’s family, the Jinnouchi clan, dates back to the Muromachi era (1336 to 1573), and they’ve all come together to celebrate the 90th birthday of the spunky matriarch of the family, Sakae. That’s when Kenji discovers his “summer job” is to pretend to be Natsuki’s fiance and dance with her at the birthday celebration.
As Kenji attempts to keep up with Natsuki’s act around her family, he receives a strange math problem on his cell phone which, being a math genius, he can’t resist solving. As it turns out, the solution to the mysterious equation causes Oz, the program that controls nearly every aspect of life to be hacked into, it’s up to Kenji and his new “family” to stop the hacker before it’s too late.
jpdb deck: Summer Wars – Prebuilt decks – jpdb
Schedule (WIP)
Week | Chapter(s) | End Page | Percent |
Week 1 | Prologue + ch 1 (1/8) | 20 | 6% |
Week 2 | ch 1 (2/8) | 33 | 11% |
Week 3 | ch 1 (3/8) | 52 | 16% |
Week 4 | ch 1 (4/8) | 61 | 19% |
Week 5 | ch 1 (5/8) | 76 | 23% |
Week 6 | ch 1 (6/8) | 90 | 28% |
Week 7 | ch 1 (7/8) | 110 | 34% |
Week 8 | ch 1 (8/8) | 126 | 38% |
Week 9 | ch 2 (1/4) | 142 | 43% |
Week 10 | ch 2 (2/4) | 159 | 48% |
Week 11 | ch 2 (3/4) | 175 | 53% |
Week 12 | ch 2 (4/4) | 185 | 56% |
Week 13 | ch 3 (1/3) | 200 | 61% |
Week 14 | ch 3 (2/3) | 218 | 66% |
Week 15 | ch 3 (3/3) | 239 | 72% |
Week 16 | ch 4 (1/4) | 257 | 78% |
Week 17 | ch 4 (2/4) | 281 | 85% |
Week 18 | ch 4 (3/4) | 307 | 93% |
Week 19 | ch 4 (4/4) & epilogue | 328 | 100% |
Ending Lines
Week | Line |
1 | * log out * |
2 | * log in * |
3 | その言葉の意味を理解するまで、3秒86ほどの時間を要した (squirrel graphic) |
4 | 例を言って法っていく。ー。ー。を見送りながら、そんな不安が胸を埋め尽くした。 (blank space and/or squirrel graphic) |
5 | この一時が純粋に楽しい自分に気づいた。(squirrel graphic) |
6 | 一人とり残された建二は、その後姿を呆然と眺めていたがーため息をついて、座布団の上の花札を片づけ始めた。 (squirrel graphic) |
7 | 抵抗する力などあるはずもなくーー。 * log out * |
8 | 鹿威しの竹が傾き、かるやかな音を響かせた (end of chapter) |
9 | それはーーOZの外にあった * log out… * |
10 | 天井を仰いで荒い息をつく縦二代って、佳主馬がキーボードに指を走らせた。 * log in… * |
11 | その場に、立ち尽くした。 cute animal graphic |
12 | 夏希たちの嗚咽と、雀の鳴き声が寝室に響く中、万作の宣告が下された。(end of chapter) |
13 | 陣内家のこ先祖様が、強大な敵に立ち向かった合戦だった。(cute animal graphic) |
14 | 壁に掛けられた時計の針が、いよいよ正午を指そうとしてーー。* log in * |
15 | 静まり返る陣内家に、ワールドクロックの不気味なカウントダウンの音が響き続けた (end of chapter) |
16 | 建二はそれを、栄が他界する直前にしたのだった。(animal graphic) |
17 | アナウンサが罪情な宣告を下した。 * log in… * |
18 | ヤツを叩け、佳主馬! |
19 | END お疲れ様でした |
Edit: Sorry this should say, July 21, but I can’t fix it now
- Yes
- I’ll be reading, but at my own pace
- No
- I joined later on
- eBook
- Physical
- Both