Week 15 - サマーウォーズ - Beginner’s LN club

Welcome to week 15 of サマーウォーズ | L21


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Week 15 Oct 27 2024
Chapter ch. 3 (3/3)
Final Page 239
Percent 72%
Final Line 静まり返る陣内家に、ワールドクロックの不気味なカウントダウンの音が響き続けた (end of chapter)
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Discussion ground rules

  • Any spoilers, for the current chapters must be behind spoilers or detail curtains. When we get further in you don’t need to hide details that were revealed in previous chapters.
  • Always mention where you are in the book when discussing, ideally by chapter so people reading different versions have a clear point of reference.
  • Feel free to read ahead if it’s exciting! But please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week :slight_smile:
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, cultural things, etc - ask! That can be part of the discussion too and I’m sure some folks would be happy to help.
  • Even if you don’t read the chapter(s) in time, you are still encouraged to post in the thread for that reading once you have finished it. I advise not reading ahead in the threads as you may see spoilers.
Are you joining us for Week 15?
  • I’m reading along
  • I’m reading along, but at my own pace
  • I’m just following the discussion
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The one thing that pulled me out of the story a little here was the argument that OZ is just a game (and that grown men are sitting around playing at a time like this and all of that). With how important OZ is, especially since the infrastructure of the whole country (the world?) relies on it, that seems like something a person in our world would say rather than a person in this book.

Yeah, and specially the end of the chapter felt very frustrating to me. The author does a good job in making unlikeable characters. And why does everyone just randomly blames Kenji for everything? With other adults in the room, I’d expect at least someone to calm down the situation, but it’s as if the adults just disappear at this moment. And to be honest, why didn’t the others alert the rest of the family of their plans to avoid miscommunication?

Anyway, this week felt super for me. I think I’ll be a bit delayed for the next few weeks.