Home Thread 魔女が恋する5秒前 starting November 1st

Hello Hello! Welcome to the Yuri clubs reading of this manga!

Summary - Japanese

孤高の大魔女メグと魔女狩りのリリスはいつも森でいがみ合っては喧嘩している宿敵関係! 好きだから悪戯して、挑発して……を繰り返してしまう、そんな不器用な二人を、周囲は呆れながらも微笑ましく見守っていた──しかし、あるトラブルで本音が漏れてしまった! 切羽詰まった状況で、ブチギレながらも二人は告白寸前の状況に!?

Summary - English

[DeepL Translation - needs review] Meg, a solitary great witch, and Lilith, a witch hunter, are sworn enemies who are always quarreling in the forest! They play pranks on each other because they like each other, provoke each other and repeat… People around them are amazed at their clumsy relationship and smile at them… but one problem causes their true feelings to leak out! In the face of an impasse, the two are on the verge of confessing their feelings, even though they are pissed off!

No Furigana

Content warnings

None that I’m aware of

Discussion ground rules

  • Any spoilers, for the current chapters must be behind spoilers or detail curtains. When we get further in you don’t need to hide details that were revealed in previous chapters.
  • Always mention where you are in the book when discussing, ideally by chapter so people reading different versions have a clear point of reference.
  • Feel free to read ahead if it’s exciting! But please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week :slight_smile:
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, cultural things, etc - ask! That can be part of the discussion too and I’m sure some folks would be happy to help.
  • Even if you don’t read the chapter(s) in time, you are still encouraged to post in the thread for that reading once you have finished it. I advise not reading ahead in the threads as you may see spoilers.


Since it’s a similar level as the last cycle, and at least it looked like things were going okay pace-wise last time, I’m making it it the same pace (if there’s any problems with this please let me know here or by message)

Start Date Pages
1/11/2024 5-42
8/11/2024 43-82
15/11/2024 83-128