⛩ Home Thread for 神様たちのお伊勢参り 👧

Welcome to the home thread for 神様たちのお伊勢参り, as part of the LN club.


:jp: 神様たちのお伊勢参り | L30??

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

(DeepL) Mei Tanihara, who has lost her boyfriend and her job, comes to the Ise Shrine to ask for help from the gods and meets a mysterious young man named Ten in the mountains. Mei ends up working at “Yaoyorozu,” an inn run by Ten, but it is a mysterious place. The “Yaorozu” is an inn where gods from all over Japan who come to Ise for pilgrimage stay!

Club Schedule

Week Ending % Ending sentence
Week 1 8% 必死で走った。
Week 2 16% End of prologue.
Week 3 24% 考えるとぞっとした。 (Ends at a paragraph break)
Week 4 33% それは、もっとずっと辛い言葉だった。
Week 5 41% End of chapter 1
Week 6 51% 庭の隅まで歩いた。 (Ends at a * break.)
Week 7 61% その瞬間、芽衣の視界はまた、真っ白になった。 (Ends at a paragraph break)
Week 8 69% End of chapter 2
Week 9 77% […]あまりの疲労に心は祈れかけている。 Warning: no obvious line break w/ this one.
Week 10 85% […]不思議なことに、心が落ち着いてくる。 Warning: no obvious line break w/ this one.
Week 11 92% 楽しそうに笑う二人の姿は、まるで兄弟のように見えた。 (Ends at a * break.)
Week 12 100% End of book
Will you be reading along when the club starts on September 30?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I’ll be reading, but at my own pace
0 voters
What type of media will you be consuming the book as?
  • Physical
  • eBook
  • Audiobook
0 voters

So excited! I’ve wanted to read this one for a while!


@NihongoLearner19 or @Shiori, would either of you be able to provide page numbers for the chapters?


For anyone on the fence about joining, the ebook is currently on sale at Amazon for ¥154 (or free with KU).


My book arrives the 19th (Japan time). I can give page numbers then if we are still in need. :sunglasses:


(I got the 文庫 version).
プロローグ 5
第一章 48
第二章 116
第三章 190
Finishes on 268

Surpisingly there does not seem to be smaller chapters within each sections like I am used to. Breaks in the story are just have an “*” and are not tallied up in the table of contents or anything.


Thank you! That’s a bit tough there’s no sub-chapter marks or anything; anyone have any experience finding good reading ending points with a book they haven’t read before with few chapter marks?

Working with what we have, let me set up some preliminary poll options:

Let’s check at least for preferred page counts
  • 15 pgs/week (~18 weeks total)
  • 20 pgs/week (~14 weeks total)
  • 25 pgs/week (~11 weeks total)
  • 30 pgs/week (~9 weeks total)
  • Some other division of pages (please explain what)
0 voters
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The audiobook is, kinda surprisingly, divided into sections. Unfortunately, the sections are super awkward:

Audiobook Time Percentage Total % of Book Est Pages Est Page #
プロローグ 54:28 15% 15% 40 40
* 04:05 1% 16% 3 42
市杵島姫 00:24 0% 16% 0 43
第一章 料理の神は真夜中に 05:13 1% 17% 4 47
* 12:53 3% 21% 9 56
* 1:04:30 17% 38% 47 103
* 06:02 2% 39% 4 107
磐鹿六雁命 00:21 0% 39% 0 107
第二章 醜い神様と、悲しい縁談 13:44 4% 43% 10 117
* 08:38 2% 45% 6 124
* 14:28 4% 49% 10 134
* 51:25 14% 63% 37 171
* 03:20 1% 64% 2 174
* 06:17 2% 66% 5 178
* 03:09 1% 66% 2 181
石長姫 00:27 0% 67% 0 181
第三章 酒香るやおよろずに、邪な影 04:12 1% 68% 3 184
* 1:21:32 22% 89% 59 243
* 12:32 3% 93% 9 252
* 12:02 3% 96% 9 261
* 14:39 4% 100% 11 272
大山津見神 00:35 0% 100% 0 272

edit: formatting


Wow, thank you! And dang, those are really uneven, haha.


Damn it, I snoozed and missed out - ¥513 now.


Last chance to vote on pace!

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So, how far are we reading this week? 25 pages/week seems to be the most inclusive option. I had a quick look at around pg. 25, and at least at first glance there doesn’t seem to be a good stopping point, it’s kind of in the middle of a bunch of dialogue.

I guess we could take it easy the first week and stop at 芽衣は、強引にポジティブな方へと気持ちを切り替えた。[BREAK] そして、なにげなくポケットに手を突っ込むと、指先に硬いものが触れる。引っ張り出すと、それは小さな飴玉だった。, which seems to be a bit of a transition. No idea what page that is for the physical version, but my kindle claims it’s on pg. 20.


since the book is 272 pages, 25 pages would be around 8-9 percent

In my ebook version there is a paragraph break a couple of sentences earlier that seems to be an OK place to stop at around 8 %:


end of prolog (16%)

week 3:
paragraph break (24%)


week 4:
cliffhanger because no good place to stop (33%)


week 5:
end of chapter 1 (41%)

week 6:
break at a * (51%)




Oh wow I didn’t realize we were starting this week. :sweat_smile:


Ah, thank you; I’m really sorry about dropping the ball with the schedule, guys; I’ve been all over the place lately.

We’ll go ahead and do 25 pgs/week, and I’ll take @Biblio’s suggested week breaks for the first couple of weeks. Thank you all for your patience! orz I’ll put up this initial schedule, then keep working on it so we have a full one later today or tomorrow.

Week Ending % Ending sentence
Week 1 8% 必死で走った。
Week 2 16% End of prologue.
Week 3 24% 考えるとぞっとした。 (Ends a paragraph)
Week 4 33% それは、もっとずっと辛い言葉だった。
Week 5 41% End of chapter 1
Week 6 51% 庭の隅まで歩いた。 (Ends at a * break.)

And I’ll set up a week 1 thread in just a moment…


Okay! Week 1 thread is up!


Oops I had just wanted to take a quick peek before the book club started but I accidentally already read past the week 1 cut-off lol

Thanks for taking care of that, both @eefara and @biblio!


Okay, I’ve got a full schedule up! Two of the week ending lines aren’t in any particularly easily-seeable place, so please keep note of that as we move through the book. Apologies if some of these end up being weird ending places. orz


The week 2 thread is up!


I somehow completely forgot this started… Guess I’ll have to catch up when I’m done with クラにか 7!