Three young girls, Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu, are transported to a magical world called Cephiro during a field trip to Tokyo Tower. They are soon greeted by Master Mage Clef, who explains to them that they have been summoned to become the Legendary Magic Knights and save Princess Emeraude and Cephiro.
I only really know of Reyearth as “that super expensive sega saturn game” but this looks like it would be fun to follow along with since it’s around my level and only three volumes
I know I’m jumping the gun a bit but I started a day or two ago and I got really into it, but I’m having a heck of a time figuring out what 創師 means and it doesn’t seem to be a recognized word (it’s on page 136). The furigana spells it as フアル which also doesn’t seem to be a word, native of loan. I get from context it’s akin to an armorer or someone who keeps stock of inventory, but is this a word made up for this story or something that actually pops up in other books?
One of the fun things that CLAMP does in Magic Knight Rayearth is give the characters titles in Cephiran rather than simply Japanese. Because of the duality of furigana, they could use the kanji for the meaning of the word while giving the invented pronunciation of the word in katakana.
A quick glance looks like most titles use kanji from actual Japanese words, so 創師 may be an exception.
I finished the first volume (sorry!) and I’m really, really into this so far. I’m definitely glad the book club brought this series to my attention even if I shotgunned through it before things started. What are some other good CLAMP series if I’m liking this?
On the CLAMP book club homepage I posted a tab that has CLAMP series ordered chronologically by release date. Aside from the second series of Rayearth, I might also recommend Tokyo Babylon. I’ve never read RG Veda in Japanese, but I thought that one was interesting when I read it in English. RG Veda is CLAMP’s first published manga, so it’s interesting to see how it all started.
Any chance you could move the thread links into the Week column of the table? Like: Week 1, where it currently says 1.
It seems clearer than having them under a drop-down (I was about to make a comment that the link was missing, bc I couldn’t find it at first), and is pretty standard formatting in a lot of the book clubs here (not that we need to be the same as other clubs per se, but it’s a good system imo)