👔 新しい上司はど天然 🍑 Home Thread | Starts June 17th!

Useful Links

Reading Schedule

Week Start Date Chapters
1 June 17 1-3
2 June 24 4-6
3 July 1 7-9
4 July 8 extras (to p. 110)
5 July 15 extras (to end)

Discussion Guidelines

  • Spoilers should always be hidden using spoiler blur.
  • When discussing a specific section, please mention where you are in the book, ideally by chapter so people reading different versions have a clear point of reference.
  • Feel free to read ahead if it’s exciting, but please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week.
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, cultural things, etc - ask! That’s a welcome part of the discussion too, and other readers will be happy to help.


Will you be reading along with us?
  • Yes! :heart_eyes:
  • Maybe… :thinking:
  • No, just here for the discussion :popcorn:
0 voters
Which version will you be reading?
  • Physical book
  • Ebook
0 voters

Reading Schedule

According to BookWalker, the ebook is 132 pages long, consisting of 9 chapters and some extras.

I think the extras between chapters can just be included with the chapter(s) we’re reading that week (for example when reading chapter 5, we’d read all the way up to chapter 6, which includes the first extra). If we think of the extras at the end as chapter 10, it makes it easy to break up to make a schedule.

How many chapters would you like to read per week?
  • 1 chapter
  • 2 chapters
  • 3 chapters
  • other (comment)
0 voters

Just FYI, I don’t have access to a full copy of the book, so I don’t know how many pages long the extras at the end are. We can always add on a week at the end if needed. :slightly_smiling_face:

Start Date

When would you like to start reading?
  • June 10
  • June 17
  • June 24
  • Later
0 voters


I couldn’t think of appropriate emoticons to include in the title, so feel free to suggest ones you feel are appropriate! :smiling_face:


There’s :new:. And then maybe :necktie:?


This is manga right, not a book?

Yep, a manga.

My cousin recommended me anime based on this manga, so I’m thinking about watching and reading simultaneously. I’m not picky about dates and speed and not sure if I’ll be able to keep up (since my work is not allowing me much nowadays). But 23 level should be manageable for me and I’m up to some office setting in manga for a change (and 天然 people😄), so I’m looking forward to it!


Looking forward to this one! Since I’ve already read it, I think it’s a good chance to do a new round this time reading intensively and really study the vocab.


They’re actually quite long (chapter 9 ends on book page 75), I think they could be separated in 3 short chapters maybe.


Adding :peach: which comes up frequently :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Aw man, I just did a rewatch with my college friends. I definitely want to read the manga :eyes: I hope I can join after I finish my current project. I thought it’d be done by now but no dice.


:necktie: and :peach: have been added to the thread title! :laughing:

:warning: Please vote on the reading pace and start date if you haven’t already!


Looks like we’ll be starting next week! The reading pace poll resulted in a draw, so I’m gonna make the executive decision to go for 3 chapters per week, which will take about 5 weeks to read, which seems about right for a manga. :slightly_smiling_face:

Week Start Date Chapters
1 June 17 1-3
2 June 24 4-6
3 July 1 7-9
4 July 8 extras (to p. 110)
5 July 15 extras (to end)

Just in case someone is hesitant, the publisher’s page has some chapters for free on their page.
The first week with chapters 1-3 should be covered.


There are not going to be separate weekly threads right?

I went ahead and made vocab lists for words N3 and above. Some words are a bit easy but I thought I’d rather add more than less. Hope it’s helpful!

Chapter 01-03:

Chapter 04-06:

Chapter 07-09:

Extras Pt. 1:

Extras Pt. 2:


I’ll try it out.

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You know, thinking about it I don’t remember @bibliothecary saying one way or another, and since I don’t see a week 1 thread… You’re right, looks like?

I think one thread is enough, as we don’t have many people reading. But maybe separate threads for vol. 1 and vol. 2 (if we gonna read 2nd volume too)?

Ohhh, me! I’m gonna use it :grin: For next chapters because I went ahead a bit last Sunday.


@bibliothecary is running a few clubs and has been starting the weeks on (my, west coast of NA) Tuesday afternoons, so I think we’ll get weekly threads pretty soon.

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Ah, I see! Wouldn’t mind either way

I laughed out loud at the first image and text on page 10.