😨 Home Thread for ガンバレ! 中村くん! ! 😃

Welcome to the book club for the ガンバレ! 中村くん! ! series!
As of this club, there are two books in the series with the possibility of more releasing. We will only be reading the two books shown below.

BL Book Club Home

:jp: Natively page:

Club Schedule

Week Volume # Chapters (Inclusive) Page Count
Week 1 Vol 1 1-5 46
Week 2 Vol 1 6-7 68
Week 3 Vol 1 8-10 32
Week 4 Vol 1 11-end 41
Week 5 Vol 2 12-13 54
Week 6 Vol 2 14-16 56
Week 7 Vol 2 17-end 56

Discussion Guidelines

  • Spoilers should always be hidden using spoiler blur.
  • When discussing a specific section, please mention where you are in the book, ideally by chapter so people reading different versions have a clear point of reference.
  • Feel free to read ahead if it’s exciting, but please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week.
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, cultural things, etc - ask! That’s a welcome part of the discussion too, and other readers will be happy to help.
Will you be reading along when the club starts on November 11?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe
  • I’ll be reading, but at my own pace
0 voters
What type of media will you be consuming the book as?
  • Physical
  • eBook
0 voters

Here we are! Brand spankin’ new thread~ If anyone already has the books and doesn’t mind typing down the chapter breaks, let me know.

I figure we’ll keep all discussion in this thread, as we’ve done for previous manga clubs; let me know if you think we shouldn’t.


I’m missing a ‘probably’ option on the participation poll. I don’t own a copy (yet) but it’s unlikely I’ll be able to resist for long… :joy:


Missed all the voting for this club, but was already planning to read this soon anyway! Stroke of excellent luck

Volume 1 Chs/Page counts
Chapter Start Length
1 3 8
2 11 8
3 19 12
4 31 8
5 39 10
6 49 36
7 85 32
8 117 8
9 125 8
10 133 16
11 149 41
おまけ 190 8

Thank you! Dang, what happens there in the middle, haha.


Eh. This one isn’t available on book walker outside of Japan, either. Do the Japanese think BL is too precious to share with oversees people? (I had the same problem with 僕らの食卓).

Originally I didn’t come here complain, but to appreciate the delightfully retro feeling water color cover art.


Might be worth checking the other version, if you haven’t already. This series was published under one publisher initially, then republished under another. Amazon has the first one at least under a separate listing iirc, so maybe Bookwalker will as well?


Ohh is this the one that will get an anime adaptation? I saw something on Twitter that looked like this I think…


I changed my vote on what to read first from my own nomination to this after seeing the teaser trailer. (Was a tie at the time)


It looks really silly right :laughing:
I think I might also join even though I wanted to slow down on buying more books but this could be an opportunity to be one of the manga first crowd :joy:


Volume 2 page counts; I’ll whip up a possible schedule tomorrow.

Chapter Start page Length
12 003 16
13 019 38
14 037 20
15 057 18
16 075 18
17 103 14
18 117 22
19 139 20

I suspect it has to do with some kind of copyright play on how much which one is paying since buying outside of Japan on bookwalker will give you the book price without the tax. That and the whole “exclusivity” profit that Japan loves so much.

I can recommend cmoa in case you want a site that doesn’t do it as much (it does it, but just not to so many things as bookwalker since you pay for the tax when you pay for points and not per purchase), also buying under a vpn will preserve your purchase even if you’re not on vpn anymore (talking from experience lol)


btw for those who want to try it out the cd drama has 3 chapters for free on youtube :octopus:


Yes, it is in Bookwalker’s FAQ too


As long as you bought it, you can download it.

Other than that, I am unsure why some stuff are available abroad or not.

Looking around, it seems that 僕らの食卓 is available on ebookjapan? (Link to the okawari)

I tried the free preview with a VPN set in Europe and it worked.


I think with that one it says “no” right when you want to pay. With other shops you can’t even create an account.

Huh. That’s weird. But the free preview works, right (i.e. they are not blocking the content)? So it’s just a payment problem?

Might be
Rakuten is like that as well, you need a japanese address to actually buy things even though you don’t need a japanese ip

Okay; so schedule-wise, I was thinking we’ll probably want to stick to reading whole chapters and not stop partway through; that’ll get really awkward otherwise. And because the chapter lengths are so uneven, here are two proposed schedules, one slower and one faster.

(I removed the おまけ from your page reckonings for volume 1 @javerend, as on review there’s no “content” there, just an あとがき and some doodles.)

Vol 1 page counts
Chapter Start Length
1 3 8
2 11 8
3 19 12
4 31 8
5 39 10
6 49 36
7 85 32
8 117 8
9 125 8
10 133 16
11 149 41
Vol 2 page counts
Chapter Start page Length
12 003 16
13 019 38
14 037 20
15 057 18
16 075 18
17 103 14
18 117 22
19 139 20

This schedule is a bit slower than what we did for 僕らの食卓, which was closer to 90 pages/week.

Week Chapters Page Count
Week 1 (Vol 1) 1-5 46
Week 2 (Vol 1) 6-7 68
Week 3 (Vol 1) 8-10 32
Week 4 (Vol 1) 11-end 41
Week 5 (Vol 2) 12-13 54
Week 6 (Vol 2) 14-16 56
Week 7 (Vol 2) 17-end 56

This schedule is faster than A and closer to 僕らの食卓’s pace.
:warning: Note: it seems 中村くん is more text-dense than 僕らの食卓 with furigana only for names, so keep that in mind.

Week Chapters Page Count
Week 1 (Vol 1) 1-6 82
Week 2 (Vol 1) 7-end 105
Week 3 (Vol 2) 12-15 92
Week 4 (Vol 2) 16-end 74
Which schedule are you comfortable reading along with?
  • Option A
  • Option B
  • I’d like a slower option
  • I’d like a faster option
0 voters

Head’s up, when I was flipping through ガンバレ中村くん I noticed that it was more text dense than 僕らの食卓, if that would factor into your vote.


Ah, thank you! I didn’t check that. Is there full furigana?