不機嫌な果実 Informal Reading Club

Welcome to the 不機嫌な果実 Informal Reading Club


Where to buy

Amazon | BookWalker


We will start reading mid-to-end May 2024.

This is an informal book club, which means you can join any time (even before the official start date) and read at whatever pace suits you. The book is divided into 8 chapters. When you comment, please indicate clearly which chapter your comment belongs to, and make sure to use spoilers and to always mention up to where you’ve read (and in which book), so that other readers know when it’s safe to open spoilers.

Discussion Rules

  • Please mention which chapter your comment is meant for.
  • Please use spoiler tags liberally, both for referring to the book’s contents and for speculation of your own. Label your spoilers accordingly so that people know when it’s safe to view them.
  • When asking for help, please mention the chapter and page number. Also mention what version of the book you are reading.
  • Don’t be afraid of asking questions, even if they seem embarrassing at first. All of us are here to learn.
  • To you lurkers out there: Join the conversation, it’s fun!

Member List

Are you planning to read 不機嫌な果実 with the book club?

  • Yes
  • Not sure
  • I’ve already read it but I’ll join the discussion
  • No
0 voters

If so, which version will you be reading?

  • eBook
  • Paperback
0 voters

The book has about 350 pages which are split up in 8 chapters (I don’t know how long the respective chapters are, though.) I was wondering whether we should keep the discussion in this one thread, or set up one thread per chapter?

  • All discussion in this thread
  • One thread per chapter
  • I’m fine either way
0 voters

Fwiw I’ll be listening to the audiobook but I selected ebook since I own it (not sure I’ll use it the whole way through though, this seems like it might be a good out-for-walks book)


Yaaay can’t wait to start this book with everyone :sparkling_heart:
This will be my first time with bookclubs so i am very excited :sparkles:


Great! :blush: I hope you‘ll enjoy the ride. If you have any questions (regarding the club or the book, be it language or contents), or if you have comments or speculations you’d like to share, this is the place!

Regarding the discussion poll, we will have all discussions in this thread, as everybody agreed on.

BTW currently the book has a small coin cashback discount on BookWalker (25% or something) which is not too much but better than nothing, I guess.


The more the merrier. :partying_face:

Personally, I prefer the informal ones like this as you can just read at your own pace and fit it into your own schedule as you have time - or continue reading if something is particularly interesting. Yet, you still have reading buddies that you can share your thoughts or discuss stuff with.


odd, it doesn’t show that to me. :flushed:

770 Yen, no sale, no coin up, no nothing. BW doesn’t like me. :rofl:

Edit: Wrong bookclub :see_no_evil:


I guess it knows that you‘re in too many bookclubs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Here it is:


omg. this is slightly very embarassing. I already own the book for this club. My brain got confused. :see_no_evil: In my defense, I just woke up? :face_in_clouds: I will now go stand in a corner.


Got the book today (the sale was a bit meh but I‘m not convinced there will be a better one in the next few weeks as Golden Week Sale is a bit unreliable at times) and can now report on the chapter lengths.

With the exception of chapter 4 (~55 pages) and chapter 8 (~65 pages) all chapters are 30-45 pages long. There appear to be more breaks in the chapters but for me the granularity of the chapters sounds good enough for our discussions.

If y‘all think we should break up the chapters into sections for more fine-grained discussions, please speak up :blush: Otherwise we’ll discuss at the chapter level.


As I already finished 蛇にピアス (and making good progress with the latest Saikawa&Moe volume), and because an (offline) friend of mine is also interested in reading this book (in read-aloud fashion together with me), I’m planning to start a bit earlier than scheduled, probably already on Thursday (May 9th). But I don’t know how fast we can progress together (due to time restrictions on both ends), and so I’m sure y’all will catch up on me easily.


… Oh. That’s… going to be interesting, I guess.


Thanks for the heads up! We just read 蛇にピアス together in the same fashion, so … I guess we’re prepared? :sweat_smile: :flushed:

and I can tell you, the impact is quite stronger when reading something aloud - I was sick to the bone in some parts :nauseated_face:


Oh I was thinking of starting this book during some traveling I have to do this week so the timing is great on my end!


I will play catchup later. :melting_face:


I read the first chapter on the plane but was having trouble focusing so I’m sure I missed some of the finer details, especially towards the end of the chapter. Overall my thoughts thus far:

she’s talking like she’s so old but she’s barely different than me in age and I certainly don’t feel that old :joy: also her view of men is… Interesting. She will be a fun character, but I wouldn’t like her in real life. Her entire interest in men, that we’ve seen thus far, is as vehicles for social elevation. I did love her plans to dally with the man she passed over being spoiler by him being engaged to a hot young thang :rofl:

I look forward to her eventual affair. What if she catches feels?!

Also @bungakushoujo I think you’d dig this. Feel free to unblur my spoilers, it’s not major. But I sense Terrible People Doing Terrible Things :eyes:


Isn’t that the premise of the whole book? :sweat_smile::flushed:

no I don’t know anything, just speculating from what I heard so far


I bought this book years ago and my vague mental note on it was “spicy” and recently “cheating” was added.

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I mostly heard rumors about the cheating part. Which might naturally match the spiciness :rofl:


The spicy parts are what made me think that reading aloud will be, well, something.