Home Thread 日本人の心がわかる日本語 - Starting January 12th

Welcome to the Non-Fiction Clubs reading of this book!

Important Polls:

Please note:

Due to the nature of this book I don’t believe spoiler alerts are necessary, but still make sure to write where you are when you discuss things since you want to give context for people to know what you’re talking about and where to look for it.


The Book is divided into chapters, and in each chapter are “entries” for the “word of concept” explained. Hence we will be using these entries as units for the pace instead of chapters.
By vote it was decided to read as slow as a snail and hence we’ll be reading 2 entries a week.

Content by Chapter Table:

Thread Chapter Pages
:one: 日本語を学ぶ方たちへ 3 - 4
:one: 日本語を教える方たちへ 5 - 6
:one: :o: Chapter 1 11 - 40
:two: Chapter 2 41 - 58
:three: Chapter 3 59 - 81
:four: Chapter 4 83 - 107
:five: Chapter 5 109 - 122
:six: Chapter 6 123 - 149
:seven: Chapter 7 151 - 179

Content by Week:

Thread Week # (Start) Entries Pages
:one: :o: 1(1月12日) Chapter 1:「内と外」、「世間」 12 - 22
:one: 2(1月19日) Chapter 1:「しつけ」、「けじめ」 23 - 32
:one: 3(1月26日) Chapter 1:「素直」、「甘える」 33 - 40
:two: 4(2月2日) Chapter 2:「人目」、「恥」 42 - 52
:two:, :three: 5(2月9日) Chapter 2:「照れる」、 Chapter 3:「遠慮」 53 - 65
:three: 6(2月16日) Chapter 3:「気をつかう」、「人並み」 66 - 74
:three:, :four: 7(2月23日) Chapter 3:「空気を読む」、コラム①、 Chapter 4:「つきあい」 75 - 87
:four: 8(3月2日) Chapter 4:「愛想」、「礼儀」 88 - 96
:four: 9(3月9日) Chapter 4:「本音と建前」、「おかげさま」、コラム➁ 97 - 107
:five: 10(3月16日) Chapter 5:「控えめ」、「ほのめかす」、コラム➂ 110 - 122
:six: 11(3月23日) Chapter 6:「がんばる」、「根性」 124 - 133
:six: 12(3月30日) Chapter 6:「無理」、「修行」 134 - 141
:six:, :seven: 13(4月6日) Chapter 6:「武士道」、コラム➃、 Chapter 7:「品」 142 - 155
:seven: 14(4月13日) Chapter 7:「やまとなでしこ」、「派手・地味」 156 - 165
:seven: 15(4月20日) Chapter 7:「恩・義理」、「いさぎよい」、「もったいない」 166 - 179


Will you be joining us?
  • yes
  • no
  • maybe
  • |д゚)
0 voters


What should be the reading pace? (see Content Table reference)
  • As slow as a sick snail (2 entries a week)
  • As mediocre as an IT technician running to work in the morning (4 entries a week)
  • As fast as Usain Bolt (6 entries a week)
0 voters
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I was confusing this with 日本人の知らない日本語 and 日本人も知らない日本語の常識 | L30?? It seems わかるis actually a book for language learners. Then there are two different unrelated 知らない books: も知らないand の知らない (a manga)? I always assumed の知らない to be similar to the German Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod: Folge 1 | L30??


Since it’s relevant to the synopsis and introduction I already have my first question. How would one refer in Japanese to the study of Japanese as a foreign language vs the academic study of the Japanese language as in linguistics and literature? What is a 日本語学習者?


I have come across 日本語教育 before… :thinking: but that’s more on the teaching side of things… :thinking:


Looking forward to it :slight_smile: Any chance you could put the start date in the title or OP? It’s helpful to have as a reminder/quick reference


forgot to put it there sorry lol

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I don’t know the answer to this, but does 国語 get used outside of the context of a school subject? bc that would be my first guess if so?


This doesn’t directly answer the question, but the dictionaries on my phone are 国語辞書 or 国語辞典. Wikipedia has separate pages as well:


国語 (教科)

国語 (歴史書)


I have wanted to read this for many years and it’s finally happening :face_holding_back_tears:

I added the date to my calendar so I won’t forget like I always do orz


since it’s been 2 weeks I’m officially closing this poll (I assume it won’t change) and assigning the slower pace just in case since it’s a tie between slow and normal

I’ll see you cadets on the 12th of next year :saluting_face:

Do you want to move to a new thread for each chapter or do you want to remain in the same thread (take into consideration that it’s 7 chapters and each is around 40 pages so it might be a bit much)
  • Move to a new Thread for each Chapter
  • Remain in the Main Thread
  • Other (Please specify)
  • I don’t care
0 voters
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A reminder that we start tomorrow/today (depending on your timezone) !!


Created a thread for the first chapter!!! Feel free to stay coze there, it’ll be our home for 3 weeks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :kissing_heart:


Since the level is easier then I expected I decided to premake threads for more chapters in case someone wants to read ahead by a lot

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Hi everyone!
considering the nature of this book and the fact that it was easier then I expected I decided to pre-make all the threads for reading this book.

This also means that you can jump to phrases you’re interested in and then jump back to where everyone is freely!!!

The links are in each thread including the content tables in this thread!!


For me the level of the book is what I expected for an L25 book.

Btw: The number of pages are not consistent between the Content by Chapter Table and the Content by Week Table.

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I’ll check it out later

Edit; your right, I’ll relook it up, I think maybe the font size changed and hence did my page numbers or something?
I honestly don’t know why it happened

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Maybe wait for someone who has the physical book. From what I saw on Amazon, that book’s page number is smaller than the one of both of your tables.

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