Due to the nature of this book I don’t believe spoiler alerts are necessary, but still make sure to write where you are when you discuss things since you want to give context for people to know what you’re talking about and where to look for it.
The Book is divided into chapters, and in each chapter are “entries” for the “word of concept” explained. Hence we will be using these entries as units for the pace instead of chapters. By vote it was decided to read as slow as a snail and hence we’ll be reading 2 entries a week.
I was confusing this with 日本人の知らない日本語 and 日本人も知らない日本語の常識 | L30?? It seems わかるis actually a book for language learners. Then there are two different unrelated 知らない books: も知らないand の知らない (a manga)? I always assumed の知らない to be similar to the German Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod: Folge 1 | L30??
Since it’s relevant to the synopsis and introduction I already have my first question. How would one refer in Japanese to the study of Japanese as a foreign language vs the academic study of the Japanese language as in linguistics and literature? What is a 日本語学習者?
since it’s been 2 weeks I’m officially closing this poll (I assume it won’t change) and assigning the slower pace just in case since it’s a tie between slow and normal
Do you want to move to a new thread for each chapter or do you want to remain in the same thread (take into consideration that it’s 7 chapters and each is around 40 pages so it might be a bit much)
Hi everyone!
considering the nature of this book and the fact that it was easier then I expected I decided to pre-make all the threads for reading this book.
This also means that you can jump to phrases you’re interested in and then jump back to where everyone is freely!!!
The links are in each thread including the content tables in this thread!!
Edit; your right, I’ll relook it up, I think maybe the font size changed and hence did my page numbers or something?
I honestly don’t know why it happened