2024 Bingo Reading Challenge ☑️

9 books finished (8 on the card) but still no bingo…

I finished 3 books in the last month:

  • ジャングルから脱出せよ (Survival Jungle Escape Book) - A choose your own adventure book I found that fits the category “Add Book to Natively”. We’re choosing which one to read next if anyone wants to join the club on WK.
  • とんがり帽子のアトリエ 1 (Witch Hat Atelier 1) Coming in at Natively Level 26 for my “hardest read yet” category.
  • チョコっとちょこちゃん 1 (Little Miss Chocolate) - winner of “bad cover” - I feel like everything from this publisher looks the same. “Cute little blond girl does x” but it was cute and easy to read. I’m going to attempt reading Vol 2 in one day at the end of the year to complete my card.

Finished, but doesn’t satisfy a bingo square

Previously posted

I finished 2 books in April:

I finished 3 books in February