2024 Bingo Reading Challenge ☑️

I am going with “hardest ever” (even though 人生 was technically harder… but that’s a ~6 pages thing so I won’t count it). I’ll replace it if I come across something even harder… but I doubt it (beyond actively looking for something like that… and I don’t think I will).

Previous stuff

“what should I read next” どうも、噂の悪女でございます 聖女の力は差し上げるので、私はお暇頂戴します ベリーズファンタジー | L30??
“ultimate random” このたび不本意ながら、神様の花嫁になりました1巻 | L24??
“finish a series” (technically just the latest published volume): TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 9 下 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40
Fiction of non-fic: ドッグスレッド 2 | L26 (partial, but I’ll take it)
Untranslated: TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 4 上 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 | Natively (kinda feels like cheating, but it’s true).
Vol2: 葬送のフリーレン 2 | L25 | Natively
Book club: 今日からマのつく自由業! | L33 | Natively
New to me author: 東京ヒゴロ 1 | L28 | Natively
In a single day: 蟲師 1 | L29 | Natively
Contains a character that speaks a dialect: 神様はじめました | L28 | Natively(putting the series because I don’t remember in which volume she appears first)
Bad cover: TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 2 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を | L40 | Natively
Chosen for me: BANANA FISH 1 | L33 | Natively
Webstore suggestion: TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 3 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 | Natively
Added by you: ドッグスレッド 1 | L28?? | Natively
Published 2020~ TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 1 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 | Natively (that means I am using different volumes from the same series twice, but I guess that’s legit?)
神社⛩️ 神様はじめました 第1巻 | L28 | Natively
0~1 kanji in the title BANANA FISH 2 | L33 | Natively (already used volume 1)

I also finished ダンジョン飯. I had the last two volumes sitting on my bookshelf for a while and I just picked them up on a whim yesterday. I’m so sad the series is over, but I really liked the ending. They are technically the latest books I bought too, but, again, I am trying to not overflow my bingo with manga. I’ll use that if I need to. (I’m starting to think that December will involve a lot of shuffling :p)

Next shortest is 銀河鉄道の夜 | L32, I may try that. My spouse brought home a book that was on my TBR (my original candidate for “bad cover” when I was looking for one in my TBR, but I’ll probably just put it down as “don’t remember why I put it in my TBR”; the plot so far doesn’t ring a bell at all), so I started reading it a bit as well, and I randomly started スレイヤーズ 1 | L36 because I saw it on the shelf at the library and it was positively mentioned on the forum. I knew nothing about it, so I got really surprised when it turned out it was fantasy, not SF. I don’t know why I thought it would be SF.


I’ve updated my “read in a single day” to ラウンド1分34秒 because it’s more impressive to read 170 pages of novella in a day than 170 pages of manga (or however long a vol of 黒バス is)

This marks the first time I’ve finished something that wasn’t a manga or a short story in a single day


I see you gave it one star! :rofl: Oh noo


I haven’t updated my bingo card in ages!

Putting 堕落論 | L45 towards “non-fiction” and 木になった亜沙 | L27 towards “non-human protagonist” (if you know you know :smile:).

That also suddenly gives me 3 bingos! Hurray! From 0 to 3!


I might change it to 2. It’s somewhere in there. I did Not like the MC


Yeah, I saw that besides myself (only) you had marked it as „owned“. :grinning:

If you ever read it, it would be great to hear if you liked it as well!

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Read the book with the darkest cover - 聖なる黒夜 上

honestly what a waste of time. i rate this book 1 star :star:

Read something where the setting is workplace - まほろ駅前多田便利軒

4 stars :star:
I really love this book and I recommend it if you want to laugh :relieved: basically it’s about two divorced old men and both are stupid lol Gyoten is my Favorite character and I can’t wait to read book 2 of this series!


That’s unfortunate. I have to read it as my “TBR longest book” for this year’s bingo, but that’s not motivating me at all :sweat_smile:


I highly suggest that you read it without having any high expectations of it
This way, you may like it

For me i had a really high expectation until the very last page
Only to be very disappointed

I always tell myself to have low expectations when reading popular books but sometimes you just can’t help it :weary:


As often the case, I’m late, but tried to create a bingo card today.

Natively Bingo Card (I think I did it right)

I feel like non-fiction might be my last one. I don’t think I have any non-fiction books currently in my TBR.

All the others I think I can probably do fairly easily.
Maybe I’ll brave something in aozora for ‘no cost’ category :stars:


Plugging my list: So you want to explore Aozora | Japanese list by cat | Natively

I read a ton of Aozora (I do an Aozora challenge each Advent) so that list is far from comprehensive, just my general jumping off points recommendations.

Also - I added another book!

禁じられた遊び | L28 is the winner of 本のサナギ賞 which is a prize I’d never heard of before this book, but I’m counting it!


Just “non-human protagonist” left for your first (two) bingo(s)? Think you’ll go for that?

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I’m ~130 pages from finishing 黒猫の小夜曲 | L29 which would fill that square, but I’m also reading 不機嫌な果実 | L34 which would fill Longest on TBR so really it’s a toss up which bingo I’ll hit first. My reading mood has been all over the place


Oh, you’re right; I didn’t even see that one.

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Oh awesome, thank you!!
I think I might pick メリイクリスマス by Osamu Dazai.

A long long time ago a Japanese teacher helped us as a class through a short Osamu Dazai story. I remember very little about it, apart from enjoying it, and there being American soldiers in a small post war village.


This one isn’t that story (post-war in my review is a reference to the difficulty of the writing due to reforms in that era), but honestly I’ve been glad to read a solid 90% of the 太宰 that I have so far. His writing scratches an itch.


Yep I figured.

Out of interest, how did you get used reading some of the older Aozora?

Did you mostly dive in? Or were there resources that you used to start you off?


I dove in head first haha. I use a pop-up dictionary (yomichan? yomitan? whatever it’s called now) but for very old works often my dictionaries won’t have it and I just google it. Sometimes googling weird grammar + 古語 works too. Getting familiar with old kana spellings is something I just did over time by the above method, but @pm215 made a nice cheatsheet of old spellings here for last year’s challenge which you may find helpful!

Edit: For post-war none of that is really necessary, but the farther back I go in history the more it is :sweat_smile: Also worth noting some works have ‘modernized’ entries with the reformed kana spellings and (I think) modern kanji usage.


I filled in the “book you added to Natively” with ララピポ | L30?? (learnnatively.com). I was expecting to use 俺俺 | L30?? (learnnatively.com) for that, but I’ve somehow stalled on this and two other books I’ve been reading. Audiobooks go faster lately.

I also moved 傲慢と善良 | L32 (learnnatively.com) to bad cover, because I still really really dislike that cover, and I don’t see any other book that would be likely to fill that space. I had a lot of choices for the book club space, but I chose the latest, 蛇にピアス | L30 (learnnatively.com). I’ve also read a couple of adequate candidates for the workplace square, and apparently (it had never crossed my mind before I read @bungakushoujo 's post) one for the non human protagonist, but I’ll wait to see if anything more fitting comes up.

And I have my first bingo!


9 books finished (8 on the card) but still no bingo…

I finished 3 books in the last month:

  • ジャングルから脱出せよ (Survival Jungle Escape Book) - A choose your own adventure book I found that fits the category “Add Book to Natively”. We’re choosing which one to read next if anyone wants to join the club on WK.
  • とんがり帽子のアトリエ 1 (Witch Hat Atelier 1) Coming in at Natively Level 26 for my “hardest read yet” category.
  • チョコっとちょこちゃん 1 (Little Miss Chocolate) - winner of “bad cover” - I feel like everything from this publisher looks the same. “Cute little blond girl does x” but it was cute and easy to read. I’m going to attempt reading Vol 2 in one day at the end of the year to complete my card.

Finished, but doesn’t satisfy a bingo square

Previously posted

I finished 2 books in April:

I finished 3 books in February