24th November we start Webnovel レモン味のラムネ Informal Reading Club

Informal reading of the webnovel レモン味のラムネ

There’s some here reading as part of the Web Novels Informal Book Club on 24th of November but since it’s an informal reading people can join in or leave as they want whenever even long after we’re reading something else lol

Title and Link to work: レモン味のラムネ
Platform: kakuyomu
Current status: 27 Chapters, 103,133 Characters, Completed

Content warnings

Not that I know of any

Short Synopsis

Satou Ikutarou, a salaryman who is tired of his job, was supposed to go on a trip to Kyoto to use up his paid vacation days.
However, after nodding off while riding the bullet train, upon waking up he finds that he is in a train station in a place he has never seen or heard of.


Discussion Rules

(based on @omk3 s rules for the ハサミ男 Informal Reading Club)

  • Please mention which chapter your comment is meant for and use spoiler tags liberally, both for referring to the novels contents and for speculation of your own.
  • When asking for help, please mention the chapter and reference the full sentence (adding a link is always a plus).
  • Don’t be afraid of asking questions, even if they seem embarrassing at first. All of us are here to learn and have fun :smiling_face: :heart_hands:

And that’s all folks! :rabbit: :carrot: If you’re interested in trying out more webnovels or just want to hang out with some of us make sure to visit over at the Web Novels Informal Book Club :computer: :bookmark_tabs: