Audiovisual initial feedback and requests

I am so happy to see this launch. I am just excited by the idea people are gonna start getting more than Anime in their learning diet for Japanese TV. ;D


I won’t be. :wink:

I have literally one non-anime entry on my wish list, but it’s been on my private list for 3+ years and I haven’t gotten to it yet!


Haha I’m not sure Natively will actively encourage people to explore things outside of Anime as it looks like the top 50 popular things are all anime… but we’ll see. I may have to figure out a better way to handle genres… as you can’t filter for live action / exclude Anime currently.

I’m very glad to hear you’re happy though - I’m excited too :smiley:


ミステリと言う勿れ S1 | L32 snuck into the top 50 :pray:

edit: I’ve fallen off watching things not-youtube lately, but I did add a ton more live action series and movies.


They are now sticky :slight_smile:


I definitely understand the grading thing (which is why I wouldn’t attempt to grade anyway, not yet at least), but it still bothers me that English subs don’t count as watching. We don’t specify “read with/without a dictionary” for books, after all . Anyway, I guess the video section is not for me then, as the point when I’ll let go of the English subtitles crutch will be the point when difficulty levels won’t matter much to me anyway. As I said, we each go about our learning differently, and I think that’s okay. :slight_smile:


Of course we do! And I’m not saying watching with English subs isn’t helpful and fun (I do it too :slight_smile:). I just want to be sure we’re on the same page however. Do you mind describing what you mean when you say ‘watched with English subs’? Are you using Language Learning with Netflix or something, where the English subs are hidden until you choose to reveal them? Do you see both JP and English subs? Are you watching at full speed with English subs only and then catching Japanese as you hear it realtime?

Any feedback here is super helpful, because I really do want to support you and make it useful. And I know there are a lot of different learning styles. We can also chat off thread if you prefer that.


I tried that, but it got annoying real quick. I also tried watching with subs first and then without, but that’s just boring. And I’ve tried watching with Japanese subs but then I end up reading instead of listening, which defeats the purpose.

Sometimes, yes. And that helps because there’s so much text on screen that I usually don’t properly look at any of them. :joy:

Yes, but it’s sometimes the other way round: I hear the Japanese first, then quickly check my comprehension by deliberately looking at the subtitles. Sometimes I don’t read them at all. And sometimes I wouldn’t understand a thing if they weren’t there. I’m noticing I’m relying on subtitles less and less, so it definitely works, even if more slowly and indirectly than other methods.

Thank you. I know I’m not the majority, and most people will be extremely happy with the way it’s setup now, so I don’t think you need to change anything just for one user (or maybe a few). Ideally I would like to be able to set something to watched, even if it is with English subtitles. To take the book analogy, in my mind watching with subtitles is more like reading with a JP-EN dictionary (always open, admittedly), watching without subtitles more like reading without one. Of course you can’t control how people watch - after all, you can watch a show with subtitles on and never even pay any attention to the Japanese audio at all. But then, you can also read a book by throwing it into DeepL (bad translation, but better than nothing), or having the translation open in parallel. Natively doesn’t check on that, nor should it. It trusts users to log useful, relevant information.

As time goes on and I grow more comfortable with my listening, I think I could even start grading, even with subtitles on. I know there are series where I need them only rarely, and series where I couldn’t do without them: parts with lots of mumbling, lots of dialect, lots of specialized vocabulary. On the basis that everyone is trying their best to grade helpfully, I’d probably allow comparisons between any kind of “watched”, subs on or off. But I just have an ideal situation in my mind and you have actual experience with running the site and seeing the data, so I’ll trust you that this way is best :slight_smile:


Thanks for writing that up, it’s super helpful! I agree, you can learn in all sorts of ways and people should use whatever approach is best for them. I know that for me personally, if I watch with English subs I get very little out of it… I get sucked into the story and I just want to know whats going on… so my eyes inevitably dart down to the subs :slight_smile:

But you’re also much more advanced than me and have different tendencies, so I’m sure it’s very different for you.

For now though, I lean pretty heavily towards keeping the situation as is wrt only allowing english subs to it’s own status. I really do want people to treat the things they mark ‘watched’ as serious Japanese learning experiences, not a simple AniList catalogue. The whole purpose of the site is to help you ‘learn natively’… learn through native materials.

I totally agree that you’re use case is valid and the way it’s set up might filter people like yourself out. However, I think it also filters out a lot of people who wouldn’t treat watching w english as a serious learning experience.

I’ll continue to think on it though! And i’ll keep that feedback in mind, really appreciate you sharing :slight_smile:


(I haven’t read the entirety of the discussion in detail, sorry if I missed something :see_no_evil: )
I am definitely with brandon on the “keeping ‘watched’ and ‘Watched with Eng sub’ separate” thing, mostly because I think grading them shouldn’t be allowed. Perhaps the site is missing out on a few relevant gradings, but a lot of irrelevant ones get filtered out while the users aren’t really restricted by not being allowed to grade.
Coming to my point with that: What features exactly is it that you are missing from the separated watched lists for different sub options? Because I’m positive there is something that could be done about the few limitations :thinking:
E.g. allowing for the inclusion in the stats on an individual user basis doesn’t seem impossible.


Fair enough! And thank you for taking the time to read about my specific learning setup - and more importantly, thank you for all your hard work on this incredibly useful site.

Not much to be honest. It just slightly bothers me that Watched with English subs is so separate, as if it doesn’t count, when in my mind, and for my specific needs, it certainly does. But that’s totally okay. I’m allowed to rate (although I’m asked if I want to change to having watched without subs), and presumably I’m allowed to review (haven’t tried). I think I might be able to offer useful gradings to the community later on, which I’m not allowed to do, but that’s okay. I don’t feel confident doing that yet anyway.

All in all, it was a minor quibble :slight_smile:


Regarding this… This setting also gets reset by opening the page of a book/show. I’m guessing that’s not intentional? :sweat_smile:
(Perhaps I should have made a bug report after all… :see_no_evil: )

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Oh whoops! Yeah that’s a bug. No worries this is the right place to log audiovisual bugs for now :slight_smile:

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Ah, yeah. I meant because I mentioned the same thing happening to the ‘Me/Following’ setting at some point (It’s sticky unless you open a book page), but, being me, never logged it properly… :see_no_evil:

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When marking a movie as finished it has “Current Min” set to 0. Currently it needs to be manually set to something other than 0 when trying to edit something like the finish date, else it says “Current_minute: Must input positive number”

I feel like it should be the same as the total runtime when set to finished by default?


TY, extremely #blessed



Resolved this session time calculation issue. I fixed the 33 previous bad instances of this calculation, so everything should appear right. Interestingly, the bug was that it was summing up time from other user’s watch data on the item in the calculation, so it was only getting worse :slight_smile:

As it was a simple calculation, no data was impacted.

(FYI, i will use “Audiovisual Update” going forward so you can search the thread for these announcements)



  • Fixed - it autosets to runtime now

Other items fixed:
While in ‘series mode’ for search:

  • do not show series widget for series with one item
  • do not show contributors for audiovisual
  • made subitems with 0 quality stars show 5 blank beige stars, not be entirely white

There are many bugs to fix before I sleep… many bugs to fix before I sleep…


(hopefully this is the right thread… :sweat_smile:)
I would love if this “in progress” section in the dashboard was split into two(ie separating the books and the audiovisual things) by default , or even an option to do that.


How to add OVA or such content that is not in TMDB. Like I recently watched 3 episodes of 魔法使いの嫁 where 智世 still lived with her parents.