Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

You know what, after a night of sleep and re-looking at my library, now I feel kind of iffy about it personally. I like seeing Most Recent for my Reading/Finished piles, but when that sorting is applied to my Owned books, things can get kind of weird in my series. Some series I don’t buy the books in order, so I end up feeling like I have to hunt for which volume I’m actually looking for:

It’s not a super common example, I know. One other nitpick I was thinking about again applies to the Owned section, where, since I’m sorting by Most Recent, I have to scroll farther down to find the lower-numbered volumes in a series, since I added them earlier than the later volumes. “Sort by Least Recent then” you might say, but then my sorting for Reading/Finished looks weird. XD

None of these complaints/observations are blockers by any means, just thought I’d give more feedback. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I think I do prefer volumes collected into a series not respecting sort order (in the Owned/Wish List/Custom list sections specifically), since the point then for me isn’t seeing the volumes themselves in a specific, arbitrary sort order, but seeing them in order, top to bottom, as if I were looking at a real bookcase. I’m more fine with seeing Most Recent sorting in Reading/Completed, since that reflects the real-world time of when I actually picked up the book.

Granted, I wouldn’t have any problem having that sort order disregarded in a series in those sections as well, since, you know, bookshelf.

Edit: unrelated to my above post, but another bug I just noticed in my library: looks like my notes are getting cut off after a certain point:


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Apologies for the 10 min outage… doing a number of infrastructure things today :slight_smile:


Just an idea, but something like a trending page for what people are reading this week/month would be really cool!


I added a movie すずめの戸締り, watched in cinema, but it does not appear in the Finished list.

Seems to be in the English Subbed list, but Finished is finished, independent of the subs, I would assume.


Small Product Update

This week i’ve been trying to get the user libraries’ initial load faster, especially with large libraries such as @Naphthalene and @Belerith. This has lead me to upgrade a lot of infrastructure and improve the performance of various things, which is good :slight_smile:

However, I have given up a bit on improving the initial load time of large user libraries with the new lighting fast filter system. So, I’ve done something a bit silly haha. For all users with more than 500 items in their library, they will go back to the old system of smaller initial load, but slower subsequent filters. Everyone with <500 items, will have the lighting fast filters.

Obviously this turned up being a bigger distraction than I intended, but the infrastructure improvements i’ve made are really great, so not a whole week wasted!

Next week will be spent on vacation, but beginning of june I hope to finish up Audiovisual (improve audiovisual stats, get grading working well for ongoing series, bug fixes).


That would be very cool :slight_smile:

I’m not sure I follow. Are you saying you’d like to have a ‘Finished’ movie with ‘English Subs’? If that’s the case, the current approach is to not allow that. If you’d like more context on that, you can read this exchange in the audiovisual feedback thread, but always happy to hear feedback :slight_smile:

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Well, I removed the movie completely. It doesn’t matter. It will come on TV (or Crunchyroll as they are co-producer) anyway, some time in the future, where I have influence on how to see it.

And above all, seeing with English subs was a “lie”, as I watched it with German subs :wink:

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For those 500+ item users do the initial load the old way but run the new load in the background. Then once it finishes replace the page content and boom you’re done! :smile:

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Haha yeah I know ‘English subs’ isn’t always accurate. I originally developed it wih ‘Non JP subs’ but that was just wordy and even more confusing :joy:

I know. Perhaps I’ll do that. It’d honestly be faster for everyone… we’ll see. Just tired of it at the moment and going on vacation haha

Edit: FWIW I resolved most of the performance issues we were seeing with the old way, so it’s much snappier now.


You can fix the wording by just getting rid of the feature. :wink:

Also, maintaining two versions of the same thing long term sucks. :sweat_smile:

All that sounds great, but I assume you mean May?


I’m glad to be a stresstest just by existing :saluting_face:

お疲れ for the improvements too bad it won’t affect me.


Right, May not June… whoops.



Hi brandon, I checked with someone else and they also have the problem of this show’s thumbnail not showing up. It’s only in the feed, not in my library or the “now watching” tab. I can’t find any other instance of this happening with another show though.

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@brandon The Natively link previews appear to be broken.



oh, i like this. I watch the ‘recently’ tab like a hawk, but a trending tab could be cool. (You would also see the flood of wanikani book club starts each month)


Thanks for all the notes everyone - will get to them when I can :slight_smile:


Just taking a quick look at the Natively manga listings:

If you restrict your search from Lv. 16-18, there are 52 results.
Raise that to 19, and it doubles (104).
Go up to 20? More than double that - it’s 259.

Lots of options at early stages now. It’s great!


Minor bug to report @brandon: adding a note to a book in my Owned section remarks the book as “Owned”, so that status shows up again in the activity feed, even though the book’s been “Owned” for quite a while now:


@brandon There seems to be a problem with the determination of the level if one of the gradings is changed afterwards.
Specifically this is about
Started at 35??
I graded the book, then changed one of the gradings to “skip” afterwards, since I felt unsure about it.
The gradings are
harder than 33, 35
easier than 36, 37
So I feel like it should be around level 35~36 but for some reason it’s at 33??

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@brandon Some other odd bugs: marking an Owned book in my library as Reading using the gear icon and setting today’s date has the update feed thinking that I started reading the book at approximately 12am and lists it so, backlogging it so it doesn’t look like a “real” update (since no one would see it since the item in the update feed was set to appear hours ago).

So I went to the book’s page to re-mark it as Owned (the update feed correctly marks the time as “now” and the new status shows up as expected; I hid the new Owned update status). I then set my status to Reading from the book’s page and went to check on the update feed, only to see that the Owned status I had set to Hidden was now the new Reading status I had still set, still Hidden. I unhid it. I then went back to the book’s page to make sure the page count I wanted was correct. The count was, but I hit the Update/Save button anyway, and went to check on my Update feed anyway. My Reading status had once again been moved back from “now” (when I went from Owned → Reading on the book’s individual page) to back to 12am midnight, as if I had updated it from the gear icon on the library page.

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