January 5th
Dear language diary…
It’s time for a study post!
Korean Listening: 1 drama episode (400.82/600 hours)
Vocabulary: キクタン韓国語上級編 Days 36 & 37
All-Purpose Textbook: 本気で学ぶ韓国語上級 Vocab & reading (Chapters 6.1 & 6.2)
Korean Listening
I started watching 오징어 게임 S2 | L25?? (second season of Squid Game) today with Korean subs and I was pleasantly surpised by how easy it was to follow. I haven’t watched a kdrama in around a year or so, but it seems like I’ve reached a level where it’s become quite viable for me to learn from watching with subs! That’ll obviously depend on the content of the show and overall comprehension is lower than 100%, but that’s ok. I was able to pick up a few words from context or guessing what the hanja were and also got some good exposure to mumbled speech.
I am a fan of kdramas even though I don’t watch many these days, so this feels like a huge positive development for me! Going to have to start watching more this year.
Korean Vocabulary
December was my “review” month where I went back over weeks 1-5 of キクタン韓国語上級 and tried to go through example sentences, do some shadowing and solidify what I learned so far. That turned out to be a mixed bag due to how busy I was, where anki was the main avenue of review (which is better than nothing - ideally I would have had more contact with the audio clips throughout the month but it’s fine).
I did do a substantial amount of Korean reading in December, though, and I encountered many nouns I learned in weeks 1-5 which made for some great unplanned “passive” review (reading is basically like spaced repetition for vocab!!) and kind of brought things full circle for me motivation wise - I use the boring vocabulary text books to cram a bunch of vocab words into my head in bulk so I can go forth and read the things I want more easily, and then when reading does become easier the vision is fulfilled and I have more motivation to use the vocabulary books again! It’s a nice positive feedback loop that is currently really supporting my vocab study routine.
All of that aside, I decided to proceed with the next lesson and do week 6 things week just to start getting in touch with some fresh material again to keep that motivation alive. There were a number of nouns I knew already which always feels amazing, and then there were a few words where I didn’t even know what the Japanese translation was and had to look it up in English. I love that for my brain and my vocab knowledge in both languages, but like, HOW CAN THERE BE SO MANY WORDS?! It never ends haha.
I’ll keep reviewing the audio this week during my commute and get back into shadowing - everything back to normal!
All-Purpose Textbook Studies
I did not get to touch 本気で学ぶ韓国語上級 very much at all last month, so I’m starting from the beginning of chapter 6 with the goal of doing units 1-3 as one “study loop” with transcription, shadowing, and reading out loud before moving on to 4-6.
The vocab for Chapter 6 is pretty easy and I know 90% of the words already - I may just chuck the other 10% into anki right off the bat instead of waiting to see what sticks or not after iterating through the material. I’ll probably see all of them in anki before I get through units 1-3 anyways!
Random Cultural Stuff
By the way, chapter 6 is all about superstitions, especially ones that are similar between Japan and Korea. Have you ever heard about any superstitions from either place? Like, if you whistle at night, snakes will come out? Or if you play with fire, you’ll supposedly wet the bed? Or if you lay down with a full stomach, you’ll turn into a cow in your next life?
I never thought about what kids in Japan/Korea do when their teeth fall out, but there are several variations such as throwing your lower teeth up over the roof and your upper teeth under the 縁 (in Japan) or in the chimney (in Korea) when they fall out and asking a magpie to bring you a new one?!
I really enjoy learning about superstitions from my friends from other cultures, so I am looking forward to finding out what is in the rest of the chapter!