Der Schwarm (Frank Schätzing) | Informal Reading Club

Some of us were already reading the book / own the book / are interested in reading it or listening to the audiobook, so here we go :blush:

Der Schwarm

Natively link: Der Schwarm | L30??

Reading Schedule

We are reading this in an informal manner, that means everybody reads at their own pace, and there is no start or end date to the club - please feel free to join whenever!

Here are the chapters with page numbers for your reference. This list (and the numbers) are still incomplete and will be filled in as we go.

Title Start page Page count Protagonist
Prolog 11
14. Januar 11 13 Ucanan
Erster Teil 25
4. März 26 10 Johanson
12. März 36 15 Anawak
13. März 51 26 Johanson
18. März 76 16 Anawak
23. März 91 9 Johanson
5. April 100 23 Anawak
6. April 123 19 Johanson
11. April 142 36 Anawak
12. April 179 38 Johanson, Roche
18. April 218 12 Anawak
20. April 231 5 Roche
22. April 236 33 Johanson, Weaver, Johanson
24. April 259 Anawak
26. April 273 Bohrmann
29. April 278 Johanson, Bauer
30. April 286 Anawak, Ford, Anawak
1. Mai 319 Johanson
2. Mai 336 Anawak
3. Mai 365
Zweiter Teil 435
10. Mai 438
11. Mai 512
24. Mai 642
13. August 682
Fünfter Teil 951

Discussion Guidelines

  • Spoilers should always be hidden using spoiler blur.
  • When discussing a specific section, please mention where you are in the book, ideally by chapter so people reading different versions have a clear point of reference.
  • Feel free to read ahead if it’s exciting, but please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week.
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, cultural things, etc - ask! That’s a welcome part of the discussion too, and other readers will be happy to help.


Will you be reading along with us?
  • Yes! :smile:
  • Maybe :thinking:
  • I’m only here for the discussion :popcorn:
0 voters
What format will you be using?
  • Ebook
  • Physical book
  • Audiobook
0 voters

Library tells me my hold will be “available soon”. I am 3rd in line and there are 9 copies. So, I should be able to join you guys soon™.


I’m so glad to have company, thanks @nikoru!

I’m at 11%, which is only the mere beginning of course, given the size of the book, but I’m enjoying it a lot. I’m extra glad to have native speakers around so I can ask about all the words my dictionary is unhelpful with :grin:

The book has been translated into several languages, English (The Swarm), Spanish (El quinto día) and Japanese (深海のYrr) included, so other learners may want to join us as well!


The what now? :face_with_monocle:

Edit: apparently it’s pronounced イール. :melting_face:


Only four volumes :grin:


OMG LMAO :exploding_head:

I thought the book had taken a turn into Nordic Mythology or something :grin:

:cold_sweat: :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat:


Don’t worry, it’s a very bad dictionary I just found on my phone :slight_smile:
But there is a lot of sea creature and sea vessel vocabulary, I’ll admit.


maybe every language should have a “random language question” thread, so ppl who are not reading any bookclub books can also ask their questions. :thinking:


Oh I see! Looking forward to it - after reading Flesh & Blood in Japanese with oh so much sailing vocab, I’m quite looking forward for seeing words like these in my native language :sunglasses:


Yes! I’ve thought of it so many times, yet never remembered to do anything about it. Do it!


Thanks for setting up the thread @nikoru !!
I will definitely join, but I am still undecided whether to get the physical book or to listen to the audiobook. :thinking:

I guess the library will decide for me. If a physical book is available the next time I go there, I will read the book. Otherwise I’ll get the audiobook from audible :sweat_smile:

Either way, I am looking forward to it. I never read a Schätzing book before and I am really curious whether it is living up to the hype :smile:


I will definitely join as well, I meant to read this for a while, and was thinking of picking it up after the krimi book club pick was over.


I might also pick up the book this month, but I’ll probably be lame and read it in English. :open_mouth: Got too many other JP books I’m already not reading, and I’m pretty sure my Spanish would collapse in on itself. :cold_sweat:

Gotta say, I love that Yrr in the JP title. And very interesting that the Spanish pivoted into a different direction: The Fifth Day.


There’s a lot of specialised vocabulary of all kinds. Combined with the sheer length of the book, I definitely would have opted for English if I couldn’t read the original.


In before us natives get lectured about what words mean by learners because we have no clue. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I’m sure it will be fine for native speakers. For learners, there’s a lot to learn. I had some chemistry and geology in the last chapter, and in this one (April 11) I expect to learn about the anatomy of a whale.


I will meet with my book tomorrow (traveling rn) and I‘m looking forward to catching up to you! I‘ll also see if I can set up a list of the chapters with page numbers for general orientation and ease of reference. :+1:

Table of contents is easy, but I'll leave the page numbers to you
14. Januar
Erster Teil Anomalien
4. März
12. März
13. März
18. März
23. März
5. April
6. April
11. April
12. April
18. April
20. April
22. April
24. April
26. April
29. April
30. April
1. Mai
2. Mai
3. Mai
Zweiter Teil Chateau Disaster
10. Mai
11. Mai
12. Mai
14. Mai
24. Mai
8. Juni
Dritter Teil Independence
12. August
13. August
14. August
15. August
Vierter Teil Abwärts
Fünfter Teil Kontakt
Epilog Aus den Chroniken von Samantha Crowe

(Put in between ``` because the stupid numbers autoformat and even change. )



Now I can join the party!


I have started to read! :tada: I must say I had a bit of a struggle getting started, and the second sentence (!) threw me for a little loop :woman_facepalming:, which didn’t sound like a good omen… Also, I’ve recently proofread a master’s thesis and I’m apparently still in proofreading mode - found a grammatical error on the first page :grin:

But then it started to become gripping, and I’m now in the middle of March 13 (they are about to board the research ship). How far are you now, @omk3 ? There is a good chance that I’ll continue tonight :sweat_smile: and I’d like to continue at a similar pace as you, as it makes things probably a bit easier.

Also I’m waiting for the questions :sunglasses: So far I haven’t encountered any unknown words (well, except for the latin words, of course - I’m not a biologist), so I’m ready to answer anything that might come up! :grin:

Oh, and I must say, it’s such a relief to read a book for adults after 六番目の小夜子 :sweat_smile: With proper adults who behave like adults - makes things so much more atmospheric and colourful for me…