3. Mai
Oh wow what was that?!? I thought I had accidentally ended up watching a Roland Emmerich movie…
It’s amazing how the author lets the reader build up a relationship to so many people, and then he singlehandedly kills them. In this case, Lund and Stone and this other scientist, I forgot his name. Among quite a few others…
Now to imagine that he wrote this book in 2004, way before the Fukushima tsunami, and way before the more recent developments regarding climate change. I got curious and googled a bit, and I found an article that describes the same thing - that methan hydrate is a thing, and that it can melt if the ocean heats up, and that would not only lead to large amounts of methane (which is a very potent greenhouse gas) in the atmosphere, but it would also lead to the destabilization of the continental flanks, with them collapsing, sliding down to lower areas and introducing tsunamis.
Methanhydrate « World Ocean Review
This article is from 2010, also later than the book.
Oh, and even the worms are real
Methanhydrat – Wikipedia