I’m now at the start of April 24th It’s really quite un-put-downable.
But now I need to take care of some other things, so I’ll be waiting until you caught up for a bit @omk3
I have reached April 12th. Things are heating up.
For now, I have returned the book and put another hold on it. will return to it, once omk3 is out of their reading slump.
I feel so bad that you (both you and @nikoru) are waiting for me.
After a longish break I have resumed reading, but I can’t promise swift progress. I’m now at the start of April 29, for reference.
don’t. really, don’t. we could read ahead if we wanted to. completely my choice.
Glad you seem to be coming out of your slump. reading slumps for me are always a bad sign.
I must confess I did not really wait for you
I mean, I stopped reading at some point and maybe waited for a bit, but then work and life washed over me, and currently I’m traveling and I wouldn’t for the life of me carry such a brick around
I even forgot where I was, maybe somewhere in early May or so? So just don’t stress out, we’ll align again at some point
I finished part 1 (3. Mai, 43%). At this point the book reads a lot like a Hollywood disaster movie to me. I guess the second part will be more or less post-apocalypse. With all northern shores (and maybe worldwide?) destroyed, no more fossil fuel, possible rapid climate change and a sea you can’t safely go near, this will be a very different world. I found myself not really caring if the various characters survived or not. The mystery of the bio-luminescent being interests me more, and while we’ve watched the characters’ lives and work for a while now, I can’t say I’m really invested in them as individuals. But the book keeps my interest very well on other merits, so that’s no problem.
So from the little we know so far, there is something huge, bio-luminescent and jelly-like in the ocean. It might possess intelligence, because it seems like it’s controlling all of the ocean’s creatures in order to drive any human presence away from the seas. Or there may be some other, greater purpose we can’t even guess. Given the short appearance of a character who’s been working on locating extra-terrestrial life signals, I wouldn’t rule out that the creature, or whatever it is, is not of this earth.
Yeah, I think the book has been hinting at that. But it could be a red herring…
Hi! I did not end up joining in the last Krimi book club…aber diesmal bin ich wirklich dabei! Ich schwöre es!
Can any of you kind people tell me about the schedule, though? I see it is informal but you are all somewhat reading in tandem and waiting for each other? I’d like to know where most are at!
Welcome! Why read a 400 page book when you can read a 1000 page one, right?
As I wrote above I just finished the first part, which is at 43% of the book. @nikoru , judging by the updates in the table of contents, seems to be at about the same spot or possibly a chapter before. Not sure if @Biblio paused at the end of part 1 or earlier (or even later).
There’s no need for anyone to wait for anyone else, since this is an informal club, but of course reading together is more fun. If you’d like to catch up, I’m sure several of us would be happy to wait.
I am lowkey waiting for ppl to catch up, though I am not entirely sure where I was before I had to return the book. Either still in April or already in May… not entirely sure. I will continue whenever it becomes available again.
Ok let’s not wait for me! Carry on! I got a digital version of the book and will start today, though.
I started this week, I’m at 18. März.
The writing style is familiar for this sort of sic-fi thriller, where it info dumps you constantly. I don’t dislike it, quite the opposite but of course how much it holds my interest depends on the subject matter. My eyes glaze over the interpersonal stuff though, as always with this sort of book.
I wrote it behind a spoiler tag but I’ll repeat it here: after more than 400 pages, the book still hasn’t (and I suspect it never will) managed to make me care about the characters themselves. It’s not that I dislike them or anything, but somehow they take second stage to what’s going on, and I find myself not caring about their worries, relationships or even survival unless it’s directly connected to the bigger picture.
In contrast, I’m very much enjoying the info dumps most of the time. I guess it’s just that kind of book.
Edit: I was going to write that regardless most of them are fleshed out well enough, but to be honest I found the portrayal of Stone (he appears later I believe) too simplistic and on the nose for my liking.
yes, I imagined it will be that sort of book going into it, I would rather it not talk about the interpersonal things at all honestly.
- März, I was annoyed by how dismissive and aggressive Anawak was towards the woman asking questions. I did not get the impression she was being difficult on purpose, and I felt like her questions were fair ones. Although she did get a name so I imagine she will show up again and the issue might be revisited.
I finally know where I am: 26. April which means I am behind most people, I think.
How is everybody doing? It has been a while
I was very busy with lots of other things, but it seems that it will get a bit calmer for me for the rest of the year. So I was thinking of picking this book back up again. Anybody still with me? And where are you, roundabout? I’ll see if I remember anything at all and post here again once I know how far I had to go back
I have no idea where I left it off. I was waiting for someone to tell me it’s OK to read on.
It’s ok to read on
I‘m currently at May 3rd, page 365. If you‘d like me to wait for you, please give me a ping - seems that the others jumped ship (or silently finished) ? So we could as well continue together