Don't display account info or repurpose the Account info section


I don’t like that the email is displayed in the front page (for privacy concerns), as I think it should be something that’s buried in the settings.
Also the username is redundant as you can see it in the top right corner.

Trello link:

Completely agree. I understand that the email isn’t shown to anyone but me, but it being on this page makes me concerned since bugs do happen and it could be revealed accidentally at some point.


Fair enough. Honestly, the ‘account section’ is mostly a place holder to provide a link to your profile & editing your settings. The fact that I now verify your email makes surfacing the email less relevant as well.

I can take a look at what other websites are doing for an ‘account’ section or how they link to your profile from a dashboard.

FWIW, i’ve made it very hard for me to accidentally surface email information about a user. Whenever object data is surfaced to the website, the database object is converted into data for the website by a ‘serializer’ which I have to define and specify. By default, the serializers for users do not surface emails… and the only one that does has a very long identifier string haha.

Only in one place in the code do I surface the email data… and that’s only for the requesting user who’s logged in (yourself). Never a non-requesting user.

And all this is very well tested.

In summary, I fully know emails are the only sensitive information I have in my database… and treat them very carefully :slight_smile:


For me, is just that I have taken screenshots of the frontpage and accidentally leaked my email, because I don’t expect to have to censor information from a frontpage of a website. I’m pretty sure the database part of the data is being handled well.

That, and also that doesn’t seem to be that relevant of an information deserving to be on the frontpage.

Bookmeter has a quick profile section with some summary stats? Maybe something like that?



I would expect the email to be visible only on a settings page, not a profile/account page. Some websites also display something like never shown to anyone else in small font when it is on a public page so it’s clear. I’ve seen other places have it hidden, with a button/link to reveal it. Personally I would just remove it from the page though.

Did you name it SerializerThatRevealsEmailAddressWhichYouProbablyDontWantToUse? :joy:


I think that might work well.


Yes, something similar to that :joy: :joy:.

Sometimes stupid things are effective…


@brandon Would you consider making this change sooner rather than later? I imagine it’s probably a small change to just delete it from the account info section on the home page, and I’m sure it would make some of us more comfortable. :sweat_smile:


Yeah I actually got bitten by this taking a screenshot to show a bug. Ended up deleting the post. At the very least it could be click to reveal?


Happened to me too.

If you use uBlock or any other blocker, you can hide it until @brandon gets around it.

! 2022-08-28

This will make it look like this:

Alternatively with this:

! 2022-08-28

Will make it look like this:


@seanblue You’re right it’s a very small fix. I’ll fix within the next day no problem.


Ok, i’ve gone ahead and removed your email address from that account section. :slight_smile:

It now looks even sadder than before, so I think we should leave this request up for repurposing that account section.


I for one am very happy it’s done!

Maybe if you feel it looks sad you could pull some stats into there? Or the date joined? Throw in the profile pic?

I dunno, many things possible, but I’m delighted with just this haha.


Be like AniList and show “Currently Reading” books there?


Or show the top few favorites once Manually specify favorite books and series is implemented. :wink:


I still think some quick stats would be cool there like Bookmeter
