Same. Although I do appreciate the speech bubble types I see in newer manga where instead of the tail coming out of the bubble it’s inside of the bubble to show that the speaker is not in the panel. That does help a teeny bit.
A slightly early update:
Kanji: I am going through level 32, as well as the cards from other levels I added. I thought it’d slow me down but it increases my motivation for going though the deck each day, so I will continue to add cards from further ahead periodically.
Reading: Only one volume of manga finished. This is somewhat dissapointing, as I really fell in love with manga last year and I want to read more. I read more of marimite and am about 75 percent through. Maybe I can finish it next week.
Listening: I caught up with また同じ夢 on audio and listened to the rest of the book on audio only. Meaning I finished it. I actually put it at 1.75x speed at one point because I grew bored of the book and wanted it to be done. I don’t think I lost too much comprehension wise (I’m used to listening to things at high speed). Anyway, thats one book down. Also watched 10 eps of hunter x hunter, which got a bit harder this arc with a lot of fantasy power explanations.
Goal stats
wkdeck: 32/45
anime eps: 20+10/???
manga vols: 2+1/75
books: 1/6
days studied 1 hour min: 12/12
Finished level 32 of wk, now I will add cards from ahead to “reward” myself.
I never mentioned it here I think but I suppose I should since it’s my learning log, I have several other decks as well. 2nd in priority to my wk deck is phonetic components deck. I find knowing them very useful, and it takes like 1-2 min a day. I used to write these down on a notebook, and honestly it was probably mor eeffective to actually remembering them when I see, but it was too time consuming. 3rd in priority is my actual mined vocab deck. I do find it useful when I use it consistently, but can’t be bothered more often than not. I think I will start going through this one consistently again, but have stricter standards with minin and mute any cards that don’t fit (all sentences should be i+1, no unknown kanji, no cards without audio).
Reading: finished marimite! Started 明日の世界 along with audio. Reading with audio is too easy, it almost feelsl ike cheating. I really wonder how useful it is in practice, I can’t tell. My instinct is to say reading without audio is more useful but it might just be that it’s harder and I assume it’s more useful because of it.
Listening: I put in a 10 hour goal in the monthly challenge thread, but I mostly just wanted to see how tracking goes. At some point I realized I was definitely way past 10 hours, and stopped tracking. I don’t think tracking is worthwhile for me, it just stresses me out Anyway, I am currently listening to the first arc of higurashi drama adaptation. It’s mostly comprehensible. The tricky parts are specific vocab like explaining the games they play or murder investigation-related vocab. The former I don’t mind knowing but the latter will keep popping up in stuff I read. At any rate this is a story I am very familiar with so I didn’t mind being lost at those parts since I knew what was said anyway.
Goal stats
wkdeck: 32/45
anime eps: stopped tracking
manga vols:3+1/75
books: 1+1/6
days studied 1 hour min: 20/20
Do you mind sharing an example card? I’m trying to think of what exactly you’re studying.
Sure, it’s a mix of a pre-made deck and my own aditions (based on book the kanji code which I own)
Frontside and back
you can find the deck here Kanji Phonetics - TheMoeWay
Some people think you naturally pick up on phonetic components, I guess. But it hasn’t been my experience, I need something to point them out to me. Honestly most ideally I would have phonetic components indicated on my main kanji deck but, I would have to edit them manually and I don’t want to.
Oh interesting. I also like that there’s a bunch of fonts (although there aren’t super scripty fonts and that’s what I struggle the most with).
I’m probably 50/50 on this. I definitely have some that I can guess at based on other words, but it’s not always right. But I’d probably prefer drilling words instead and try to get a wider “vocabulary” of sounds. Not because I don’t think it’s valuable, but because I think I have more fun learning vocab over just readings.
midway through level 33.
also doing other srs I mentioned before
I read a bit of にせものロマンス but it didn’t really hold my interest. I dropped it a day or two ago and picked up 竜が呼んだ娘. I am not far into it yet.
I also read a bunch of manga, mostly 加瀬さん. They’re really simple (possibly the easiest manga I read?), so I flew through a few volumes.
Finished the higurashi radio drama, my comprehension got worse as I went on, and I mostly got by because I already know the story. Since I’m planning to read the physical manga I own, I will relisten to it again afterwards.
I also listened a bit to the marimite radiodrama. Probably too early to say but, for the portion I did listen to I like it better than the anime adaptation so far.
new section! I bought a random test book of japanese grammar, I had no idea what level of stuff to expect since the listing of the page did not give any details, and the reviews only said “not for beginners”. So far I’m making a decent amount of mistakes Although if I had made none I would feel I bought it for nothing, so it’s all good. It’s a good way to test myself for any grammar blind spots or forgotten things. I have a loose goal of one test a day which would mean I would finish the book in just over 2 months.
Goal stats
wkdeck: 32/45
manga vols: 5+4/75 (i think i skipped a volume in prev weeks, fixed now)
books: 2/6
days studied 1 hour min: all of them. I should probably track the days I didn’t do this instead, which I’m sure will inevitably come.
Bonus rare german update: I am in fact listening to A Night of Promises and Blood as was recommended here. About 20 percent in roughtly.
finished level 33, started 34. reviews are starting to pile up which isn’t a problem now since I am weirdly in a srs mood. But by experience I know it is not sustainable. So I’ll stop adding new cards from 34 for a few days.
Reading: read a bit of 竜が呼んだ娘 as well as 54字の物語. Because of the tiny chapters of the latter, it’s a good choice when I don’t feel in the mood for reading. The structure is pretty fun for language learning since it’s always telling a story with a limited character which has some sort of twist/joke. So working to figure out is like a puzzle for me.
Also finished a volume of manga.
Also read a little bit of code_18 again and it felt much more approachable. I finished a few boooks since I put it down, and I imagine that had an effect as well as the wk levels I finished since then as I was able to recognize a lot of newly learned kanji. It was nice to see a clear proof of improvement like this. …I might also just have gotten lucky with an easier section though lol. In any case I think I will make code_18 my vn for my year goal .I was thinking of choosing a simpler one and had some candidates in mind, but this seems doable after all and i don’t want to leave it unfinished.
watched a few (2-3…didn’t track so idk) anime eps. Listened to some intermediate podcast in an effort to find something to listen as background noise. Finished the maria-sama drama cds first volume (had only 40 mins left in it anyway). Thankfully it only covered the first half of the book, I was afraid it was going to be rushed. I will start the 2nd half as soon as I can be bothered to put it on my phone. I think it’s a really good adaptation. This and higurashi are making me want to seek out more radio dramas for things I like.
Grammar: going through the book I mentioned last post. I feel like it’s very useful so far. I am not going thorough it as fast as I thought, but that doesn’t really matter.
Goal stats.
wk deck: 33/45
manga vols: 9+1/75
books: 2/6
Days studied 1 hour min: I almost didn’t in the weekend as I wasn’t in the mood to read but I finished up the 1 hour via listening in both cases so still in the green.
My Maria-sama vol 1 book arrived that I found by pure chance. It’s pristine so I’m not even sure it’s 2nd hand after all…All the 2nd hand books I got from japan were pristine, but this was local…
That book structure sounds interesting. Are those separated short stories with different characters each time or are they somehow connected?
Nonetheless playing detective or working on an imaginary puzzle while reading is so much fun. I also like that kind of stories and felt something similar with the Maria-sama volume I finished today
I have this debate with myself all the time
Ooh cool!! I’ve only listened to the first track so far, cuz I’ve just been in reading mode. Probably I’ll finish the series first before listening to more tho - cuz I’m so far in (22/37) that it might feel weird/lackluster to go back to that early. I do appreciate that (at least the first track) it didn’t directly match the anime or the novels - so it was like a fresh (but still faithful) approach
I’ve gotten some that were slightly less than pristine, but still really great quality before. As well as some older ones (like from the 90s) that just weren’t taken good care of. But for the most part, I’m amazed by the condition of 2nd hand books there!
They’re completely unrelated. The book is set up as one of those 54 letter stories and afterwards an explanation (and an illustration).
Most of those stories are actually pretty easy as long as you can read everything. There are some trickier ones thoguh like one I read today had an upside down 王 (the font made it clearer than here), to indicate it’s the opponents shogi piece and they were using the 54 character board as a shogi board. Or another one that was a wordplay on 着る vs 切る.
I do need the explnation for most stories, but it’s less to do with the stories being hard to get and more to do with being a learner
I didn’t listen to my own advice from last week and went full steam ahead with 34 which tanked my retention rate. This week I’m not adding anything new for real…
Reading: still reading 竜が呼んだ娘 and 54字の物語, as well as 明日の世界で星は煌めくwith the book club.
Finished only one volume of manga, さくらと加瀬さん and with that the highschool portion of the story is complete. I’m reading other manga too but have not finished any of those.
Listening: a few anime eps, half of the first umineko stage show. I definitely wouldn’t have been understand this if I wasn’t already familiar with the story, and I still got lost during the talks about the inheritance. The audio also isn’t super clear at times. Still, really good adaptation and I look forward to watching more.
Also found this channel called Japanese super immersion, which I actually like. It’s a learner aimed podcast but it doesn’t feel too boring. I like how the two hosts try to make eachother laugh. The structure of first showing different scenarios where to use a certain word, and then a more free talk section, is pretty useful. Overall it’s easy enough to not require my full attention, but also not so boring I lose interest or feel pointless.
Grammar: forgot about my test book until the weekend and did two tests then.
Goal stats.
wk deck: 34/45
manga vols: 10+1/75
books: 2/6