Favorite books of 2024

I also feel less alone when someone else is reading Kirara manga with me. :sweat_smile: I think @ditto20 is the only only person I know who also regularly reads them.


I guess I could at least try marking stuff as finished and occasionally giving a few stars then :slight_smile: That said, I can’t seem to find any way to set an unknown finished date for books, so unless I figure that out I guess I’ll just add my newly read books for now (because for the books I read really long ago I don’t have any exact record of when I finished them, and even for more recently read ones it’d be a bit annoying to go through bookmeter for all the finished dates)

(or maybe I’ll just mass add everything as the current date/year and not care about the date finished if there is no easier way to do things)


I added books with just a year before (I think they default to Jan 1 of that year if you’re looking at monthly stats, but I don’t think you can unless it’s the last year). I even had to guess at the decade for some. :joy:


I’d probably just mass add everything personally. But only adding new stuff works too.


That’s exactly what I did. I think you can tell from the graph.


I think @brandon mentioned a while back that they had an import script for bookmeter; if you have a lot of books there with accurate dates it might be worth enquiring.


The few novels I read had no standouts, but for manga :
(vaguely ranked but I love them all )

チェンソーマン one of my new favorite pieces of fiction I’m afraid. I just love it’s approach to storytelling. Using the battle shounen genre to tell what’s essentially a character study. It also made me really understand what people mean when they praise paneling in manga. One of the manga that really made me appreciate the medium itself.
よつばと! The classic manga to recommend any beginner, but it’s actually so good. The characters are funny in a very ordinary way. They feel like people I could know in real life rather than exegerated anime archetypes, especially in the younger characters I could see myself at various ages. I think this manga really tapped into the beauty and hilarity of ordinary life.
血の轍 the other manga next to csm that made me appreciate the medium. I love how it shows the minutea different facial expressions. Every little panel feels so intentional. The last arc, also really hit me in a personal way. Before this manga, I felt the artist was kind of overrated, but now I’m a convert and will read everything else by him.
イケメン女と箱入り娘 A bit less of a noteable work compared to the above but something about it just really tickles my funny bone. This was actually a reread (but first time reading in japanese). It’s something I can rereaad again and again and while it wont change my life, it will make my day better.


I would be interested in such a thing!


Ultimately I did, in fact, add everything with mostly accurate dates