Give me your fantasy novel/LN recommendations!

I’m all ears, go on.
Jokes aside, I intend to read a few of the books from 12国記 after I finish 本好きの下剋上 part 3. I could use some recommendations in the realm of fantasy, perhaps something like classic western titles (Name of the Wind, Mistborn, etc), but anything interesting rlly. What are your thoughts?


In terms of light novels, I would go with 悪食令嬢と狂血公爵 ~その魔物、私が美味しくいただきます!~ (series) | L31, since you’ve already been reading 本好きの下剋上.

For novels: I guess anything by 上橋 菜穂子. 獣の奏者 (series) | L33 is probably my favorite but doesn’t have much in terms of magic/fantasy setting. 狐笛のかなた | L28 has a more explicit magic presence.

Other than that, I’ve been interested in reading 狼と香辛料 (series) | L35 and 西の善き魔女, but I don’t know much about those, so I can’t really say. It seems that 西の善き魔女 is more like a classic western title, but again, I’m not sure (yet).


I have been reading different Isekai light novel recently. A lot of them feel more like the typical VRMMORPG, Sword Art Online feel though. The three I would say that feel the more like Western Fantasy Novels to me are:


I’m a big fan of the オーバーロード | 35 series.

It’s a slow burner but has deep world building and fleshed out characters. Im 8 novels in and looking forward to reading the 9th.


キノの旅|L30 is a classic recommendation in this space for LNs. I read the first half of the first LN in the series a while back and while I loved the story, it was a slog at that point for me. I plan on reading the Manga version first which is easier, and then giving the LN another try sometime soon!

It’s basically about a girl (Kino) who travels with her motorcycle, Hermes, to different regions/worlds but only spends 3 days in each - each world is sort of like a short story. You learn about each world and it’s often quite thought-provoking and deep, full of social commentary.

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Isn’t that part supposed to be a spoiler? :sweat_smile:


If you like 金の月のマヤ 1 黒のエルマニオ | L26, another entertaining children’s fantasy book is レミアの翼 | L30 which is basically about a girl who descends from the sky world to the surface world and wonders why humans are such assholes who can never be happy. I did feel it was significantly more difficult than 金の月のマヤ when I read it but that might just be because I haven’t read enough “true” fantasy yet.