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Looking at the credits it looks like from CD3 on it actually switched back to Myne’s VA from the audiobooks and anime Iguchi Yuka.

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Yes, I think this is when they changed to match the Anime VAs (since it had just come out at the time). The audiobooks are all just 井口裕香 (マイン’s anime VA) up to at least volume 20, the latest one published.

Yes, this. The drama CDs are not an alternative way to experience the story. And I don’t just mean “the books are better overall experience” or anything vague like that-- the first one covers events halfway through arc 3 (books 10 and 11 11 and 12) and they skip all around from there. Listening to the drama CDs on their own would be impossible to understand.

(For context, I listened to just the audiobook for volumes 2~19, + Drama CDs when relevant and now am going back to printed novels only because the audiobooks don’t come out fast enough :sob:)


I think she is doing great. I liked the previous voice actor of フェルディナンド and don’t like this one though.
I’m going to continue not watching the anime then.


Actually it also covers events from volume 7 and a big spoiler from volume 12 (plus stuff that happens afterwards).

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Ah, thanks for the correction. I looked up the Amazon page to check before but failed at math so it should be from books 11 and 12 (第三部4&5) plus that bit from book 7.

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The final week is posted! Thanks for joining the club, all!


I’ve been listening to the drama CD on my commute and just reached CD 7. Standing at 2h, It’s twice as long as usual! I would say it also covers some of my favorite parts, but act 5 (volumes 22~end) itself is basically my favorite part :stuck_out_tongue: But more specifically it covers the content of volumes 28-29. CD 8 covers content of volumes 29-30, so it seems the editors also thought that this part is the best and started covering it much more consistently.


Ooh thanks, I’ll have to remember to avoid those. The English prepub of 29 comes out next week, then roughly a volume every two months so I’ll have to avoid the later CDs until the English release catches up

…unless my reading speed suddenly and drastically improves and I start binging one volume a day like I did in English lol. Nothing but 本好き :rofl:


I also did nothing but read that series until the end of the (Japanese) published books. Then, once I reached the end of the publication, I went on to read the web novel instead.
(When I noticed there were some minor plot differences, I went back and read all of it; there’s never enough 本好き).

The last volume comes out in 3 days! わくわく!
(The author said there should be a lot more contents compared to the web novel too!)

Nice! I loved that volume! … it ends in the middle of something, though. Waiting 2 more months will be frustrating, I think :sweat_smile:


For anyone keeping up with the anime, Part 3 was announced. The studio is apparently changing to Wit Studios so hopefully the animation and overall adaption strategy will improve. I’m just hoping they’re going to have enough episodes to do so (fingers crossed)

EDIT FOR A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Be careful looking up info. The announcement I saw (along with the announcement for CD10) is on the cover for Part 5 V12… Japans blase approach to spoilers in anime continues to baffle me.


I’ve reached the last drama cd published so far. I might have binged them a bit outside of my commute :sweat_smile: There are only two days until the last volume comes out, but I don’t think it will hold until then :upside_down_face:

I think it’s more an announcement for people who are reading the books :thinking: The cover isn’t a spoiler for people who have read volume 28 and later. I mean, it’s technically a spoiler up to volume 29, but people won’t know what they are looking at. (I think it’s also a nice callback to the cover of volume 1)


Only a few hours until the last volume comes out! I may or may not stay up until then :stuck_out_tongue:


Oooh, I hope it’s a great and satisfying closer!

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Well, the end of the webnovel was extremely satisfying as far as I am concerned, but the author said that they were rushed with it due to working on the published version in parallel, so that, this time they will add a lot of stuff, turning it into its true final form.

Edit: oh wait, it’s here already!


The series is finally finished? Like, really really finished? This makes me happy. I have been burned a few times by book series in the past. :smiling_face_with_tear:


For those who want to continue, currently Amazon has a sale:

Vols 1-3 Free
Vols 4-12 99 yen each.


The web novel version has been over for a few years. It’s just the publication finally picking up to it. So yes, it really is the end.
However, there is a spin off series that is ongoing (as a web novel). It follows different characters but I really like it too, so I hope it gets picked up as well by the publisher.
(Well, the series is doing so well, I don’t see them not picking it up)


And I finished the last volume! It was amazing.

It’s not only a callback, they are so proud of it that they added a side by side in the あとがき. I like it a lot

Confirm in the あとがき and announcements after it. Not that I had any doubt, but still. The first volume is planned for next summer!

Edit: I kept trying to find CD 10 on audible, but it turns out CD 9 only became available six months after it was released… so I may have to wait a little bit then.


I’ve been reading this too long (though I’m nearly finished!).

Spoke to my niece in England today for Xmas. I asked what she was reading then I briefly mentioned the plot of this book. Short silence. “I think you told me that last time I saw you.” Longer silence. Now I’m trying to justify “it’s in Japanese, I’m reading very slowly” to a 6 year old…


Tell her to read a 400 page book written by Shakespear in a non-modernized version and then come talk to you again. :smiling_imp: