彼方のアストラ Informal Reading Club 🌌


彼方のアストラ (Astra Lost in Space) is a 5-volume sci-fi manga by 篠原しのはら健太けんた which has also been adapted into an anime.

Anyone may join at any time, with any volume, and though this thread is “officially” for the manga, the anime is welcome too. General spoiler courtesy applies.

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This one I found through the anime, which I found because Kanata’s voiced by Hosoyan. Though there were a couple bits I didn’t really care for, overall I loved it a lot, so I’m really looking forward to reading the manga!

I did forget about Aries’ tendency to mix up words though. Makes things a bit more difficult. But really that’s just a minor part, and ch 1 was a pretty quick read, easier than I was expecting. Thankfully, because I had less time and energy to read today than anticipated.

pg 40-41

I really like what they did with the text on this page. And the previous one, but this one’s cooler. Rotating each character individually (even the interrobang!) instead of the line as a whole—really lends to that feeling of disorientation from being sucked into the wormhole.

The end of ch 1 went differently in the anime. I expected things to be left out, not added lol. I think I may like the anime version of that scene better, actually, though I don’t know if that’s just because I saw the anime first or not.

I don't remember all of that scene clearly, but…

When Kanata goes out to rescue Aries, there’s already that little bit of drama where the cable isn’t long enough so he unhooks himself, but the anime added more—I guess the cable must have drifted enough with the momentum from Kanata being jerked back suddenly when it reached the end that they weren’t able to grab hold of it again or it wouldn’t have mattered, so they must have made it back on thrusters alone.

But I do remember Kanata misjudging the angle just slightly on the return, and he’s going to miss the ship since he’s run out of fuel and so can’t adjust… but then the other members link hands and form a chain, and the person on the end grabs Kanata and Aries as they pass.

Since I’ve already seen that scene with that extra bit of drama, it kind of makes their return in the manga seem too easy. I wonder if I’d still have felt the same had I read the manga first and then watched the anime, but unfortunately I’ll never get to find out…

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