Japanese Dialect Resources

I don’t know if we have a thread for this already, but I thought it might be good to start one if not. If you know if any good resources for learning specific dialects, or are looking for them, post here!

List of Resources

General Resources


関西弁 (Kansai-ben)
博多弁 (Hakata-ben)


アイヌ語 (Ainu)
沖縄語 (Okinawan)
役割語 (Yakuwari-go)

So I wanted to ask: what are good resources for learning 関西弁? I know of two off the top of my head, but I’m wondering if there’s anything else.

A good Anki deck would be just helpful for me. I’ve been toying with the idea of cobbling one together from the first book, but if I can skip doing all that work…


Does it need to be books? This playlist:

seems fairly comprehensive


Not at all! And thank you, I’ll definitely check this out. I’ll have to set up the first post as a wiki to start cataloging this stuff…


Nihongo no Mori has a playlist for 関西弁 too:


I wouldn’t even know where to start with learning anything besides 標準語 :joy: But I do find dialects really interesting anyway, so I’ll be watching this thread.

Any resources or broad overviews of 博多弁 out there, or Kyuushuu dialects in general?


43 videos in the playlist


Bit dated, but still very informative and in lesson form:

Minato.jp.jf has an online course for Kansai-ben too (exp. study time ~3hrs), I haven’t tried it out though (not sure if the link is permanent, you can go to the home page and search for the courses available there):



There are a lot of resources to immerse in Japanese dialects in Oojiman’s “Language Gainz” discord server (LANGUAGE GAINZ link will expire in 7 days)

Relevant links to resources:

Definitely check out the #博多弁-hakataben channel on the Language Gainz server.

In terms of “studying” the dialect more formally, I can recommend the Japanese wikipedia page ( https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/博多弁) which is surprisingly good. Typing 博多弁講座 on YouTube is another good way to find crash courses on the topic.

In terms of proper immersion content, it is a lot harder to find though. I think your best bets are DJふぉい’s live stream clips and the みことね channel.

If you’re more of a 2D person, I can recommend 博多弁の女の子はかわいいと思いませんか? | L26 and すずめの戸締まり | L28 (it is more 宮崎弁 than 博多弁 but that still counts as a 九州方言)


Thank you all, I’ve updated the OP with most of the stuff mentioned so far!

Have you read this book/series and can speak for it? Does it actually attempt to teach the dialect, or is it just written in it?


Yes, I’ve read through the first volume and started the second one.

You get to see how the dialect gets used in real-life scenarios, and at the end of each chapter you also get a “どん子ちゃんひと口講座” which explains a feature of the dialect or a rule/custom in the Fukuoka region in more details.

Dialect explanation example:

Fukuoka life example:

(In passing, dedicating a whole chapter to how taking out the trash works in Fukuoka and how it is different from every other prefecture in Japan has got to be the most slice of life thing I have ever seen in a piece of media)

The target audience is clearly people who aren’t originally from Fukuoka but want to know more about the Hakata dialect. I would recommend this manga only if you’re in this situation.


I love the way she speaks but dang, why does she feel the need to use every single special video and sound effect available in her video editing program :sob: It is so annoying.


This seems like a good start, thanks! Though I agree, the echo effect she puts on when she’s giving examples made it harder to focus on how she was saying things :sweat_smile:

From the general attitude in the video I’ll say the community is probably not for me, but it’s cool those resources are being collected somewhere! I’m more interested in just surface-level comparisons with 標準語 and the cultural aspects than studying/acquiring a dialect myself.

Also it’s hilarious to me that apparently 博多弁 is widely considered cute? :joy: I knew 関西弁 is considered funny and brash, but for some reason I didn’t expect other dialects to also have stereotypes attached.


I have a bunch of messages from a discord server with some of them having dialectal resources

can’t really sit and sort right now but adding things in a list here and will sort out and properly wiki it later (as well as add more of those links and resources from whatever I find there)

I suspect some are irrelevant as well, need to check is my point

edit: for the youtubers/streamers with dialect I do have more than a couple, hopefully the ones I don’t remember by heart wrote it on their pages or something (I follow people on twitch and hence don’t always know what the dialect I’m listening to is besides guesses and sometimes they say it but don’t write it so that’s also a thing to watch out for)

edit2: sorted through things, now need to wiki them properly

a small youtube channel about the okayama dialect

resources for okinawan dialect as well as the okinawan language uchinaaguchi:
沖縄語辞典 - a site with some excels for Uchinaaguchi
うちなーぐち辞典|特集|沖縄市観光ポータルコザウェブ-Kozaweb- - some dialectal vocab
https://www.reddit.com/r/languagelearning/comments/4l5a13/any_resources_for_learning_okinawanryukuan/ - people on reddit sharing resources
How to learn the Okinawan language - Peace For Okinawa Coalition 琉球和平联盟 - a blog entry from an okinawan activist on how to learn okinawan
https://www.youtube.com/@RobKajiwaraOfficial/ - said okinawan activists youtube channel
Learn Uchinaaguchi – ono okinawa - a bit of Uchinaaguchi vocab
Okinawan language, alphabet and pronunciation - some explanation on Uchinaaguchi as well as an explanation to the writing system
https://www.youtube.com/@uchinaguchistudygroupokina9184 - a channel with videos teaching Uchinaaguchi
https://www.youtube.com/@TheOkinawaworld - a tourist location, in the channel they have some videos about the dialect/language as well
沖縄の観光に役立つ情報 沖縄方言|南都 - the site of said tourist location with an entry on some dialectal vocab
https://www.youtube.com/@SUNTAROSUOBEYTHEFREE - okinawan youtuber

https://youtu.be/wO3DGH6DLCU - a video with a tv bit where they had people from all over japan by each prefecture say something about the weather and something they drink/eat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ifyI9oq0SE - a japanese youtuber that likes to show foreigners react to stuff in japanese, in this case he showcased dialects


This thread would be incomplete without mentioning the ケンミンショー episodes on Japanese dialects:

ピックアップ!必見動画 playlist:


Dang, that’s a ton @shablul! Can’t wait to see the final wiki from it.



I noticed a majority of these links have more to do with Uchinaaguchi (the okinawan language) than the dialect

it is related since the dialect is affected by it but it’s not Japanese
should I leave those out?


I’d say just make a section for it. May not be a dialect, but might still be interesting for folks. Same thing with Ainu; there’s not likely gonna be a dedicated list for it elsewhere on the site, so might as well include it here if resources pop up.


I’m interested in Okinawan. I bookmarked all those :joy:

I think I also have a source for Ainu on the Drops language app. :thinking:


Success! You’re vindicated, @shablul!