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Chapter 15: ディオとの青春に決着・ディオとの青春その 4
Clearly inspired by this chapter
- What does Speedwagon infer while Dio is
crispyon fire? - Why does Speedwagon warn JoJo about going in the direction he heads to?
- How does Dio plan to heal his
baconskin? - What kind of thing is Speedwagon according to Dio?
- いたむ usually means to hurt/feel pain, but they kanji’s different when JoJo talks about his father. What’s the nuance here?
- What does Speedwagon suspect JoJo plans to do?
Dio Walking Up Wall GIF - Dio Walking Up Wall - Discover & Share GIFs
Chapter 16 慈愛の女神像 ・ディオとの青春その 5
- How far are JoJo and Dio falling?
- What’s the one thing JoJo feels he has has left?
- What’s the statue depicting?
Chapter 17: 懐かしき面影・DIOの誕生
What do you think of Speedweed’s wheels?- Is the man actually related to Speedwagon (answer not in text, but from general Japanese cultural knowledge)?
- What common insult is Speedwagon saying? (バッキャロォー)
- What’s the place Speedwagon is visiting?
- What’s his goal regarding JoJo?
- In what state has JoJo been at this place?
- What does the nurse tell Speedwagon to do?
- What does Soeedwagon think her reasoning is?
- What does he infer about her hands?
- What do the nurse and JoJo both say of each other?
- Where has the nurse been before meeting JoJo like this?
- What’s no longer Speedwagon’s goal? Why?
how does Speedweed run away?- What does JoJo seem to promise the nurse after Speedwagon leaves?
- Why is this chapter called DIOの誕生?
Chapter 18: 凶人ジャック&奇人ツェペリ・切り裂きジャックと奇人ツェペリその1
- Why is the woman afraid of Jack the Ripper? What does he do to his victims?
- What’s Dio looking for?
- How did Dio survive the burning of the mansion?
- Who are Dio’s preferred victims and why?
- What does JoJo think is weird about the new man’s jump?
- What happens to JoJo’s broken bones?
Chapter 19 奇跡のエネルギー・切り裂きジャックと奇人ツェペリその2
- How does Zeppeli (ツェペリ) plan to answer JoJo’s questions?
- What does 波紋 mean?
- How does one build up the power for it?
- How does the frog fare?
- How does 波紋 effect living things? Non-living?
- How does the stone mask fit into this picture?
- Why is Zeppeli at the Joestar manor?
- What concern does JoJo have regarding Erina?
- What happens to the tree at the end of the chapter? Why is Zeppeli surprised?
CW for chapter 20: Somewhat graphic depictions and descriptions of gore
Chapter 20: 洋上の惨劇・切り裂きジャックと奇人ツェペリその3
- What upgrade did JoJo get to his punch?
- When did Zeppeli tell JoJo his backstory?
- In what kind of setting was the stone mask found?
- What was like a massive earthquake on the ship in Zeppeli’s story?
- What being made did the action in the previous question?
- What happened after daybreak? Both to Zeppeli and the being?
- How long did it take for Zeppeli to learn about hamon?
- What’s the relationship between hamon and the stone mask’s power?
- What’s the connection between hamon and sunlight?
- What is Dio’s goal?
- What does ベロベロ mean?
- What happens when zombies get hit with hamon?
CW for chapter 21: gore involving women and animals
Chapter 21: 呪われた町・切り裂きジャックと奇人ツェペリその4
- How far are JoJo and company from London?
- What’s the geographical layout of this place?
- What’s going to happen to this place?
- What are the old women talking about? (hint: there are 2 things)
- How does Dio feel about the women? What does he compare them to?
- What info does Speedwagon share?
- What does he request?
- What did JoJo not do with Erina?
- What’s up with the horses?
Chapter 22: 恐怖を我が物とせよ・切り裂きジャックと奇人ツェペリその5
- What’s different between Dio and Jack the Ripper?
- What does Zeppeli tell Jonathan to do?
- Why is Speedwagon upset by this?
- What’s bravery according to Zeppeli?
- What is amazing thing about mankind according to Zeppeli?
- What does Speedwagon notice that Zeppeli doesn’t do during the fight?
Chapter 23: 北風とバイキング・波紋疾走 その 1
- What purpose did Windknights Lot serve in the Middle Ages?
- What does Zeppeli tell JoJo to do?
- What will happen if JoJo doesn’t succeed?
- What’s the meaning of 「北風が勇者バイキングをつくった」?
- How does Zeppeli’s
retelling of Jawsshark story relate to the larger story?
Chapter 24: 罠への招待・波紋疾走 その 2
- What does Speedwagon request of Zeppeli? How would you characterize his request?
- Why does Zeppeli decline? Why did he do it for JoJo instead? Why is JoJo special?
- What does Speedwagon note as a difference between himself and Dio?
- What happens with Zeppeli and Speedwagon? How do they feel afterwards?
- What does the kid do? Why is Speedwagon upset about it? What does Zeppeli suggest as a remedy?
Did you also laugh when Speedwagon tries to follow Zeppeli and JoJo?- How does JoJo get the boy down? What does Zeppeli tell him to do?
- What do Zeppeli and JoJo realize at the end of the chapter?
Content warning: minor gore
Chapter 25: 血も凍る仮面力・波紋疾走 その 3
- What has Speedwagon been up to and why?
- What does Zeppeli feel must be done about Dio?
- What does JoJo instruct the boy to do?
- What does Zeppeli want to do to Dio? What does Dio want to do to Zeppeli (and Jonathan)?
- Why does Dio bring up bread? Why is Zeppeli angered by this?
- What does Dio do to Zeppeli’s arm? Why is this a problem?
- What analogy does Dio after he’s completed his action on Zeppeli’s arm?
Super iconic chapter
And for this week’s music choice, I present VOODOO KINGDOM, a song from the Phantom Blood movie, a visual beauty that for many reasons is now lost media
Chapter 26: 暗黒の騎士達・タルカスと黒騎士ブラフォード その 1
- What reason does Dio give for fighting with JoJoたち?
- What does Dio compare hamon to? How many puns/various meanings of 吹く can you find here? What are they?
- What does Dio tell his minions to do?
- What does Speedwagon offer to do? Where did he learn about this technique?
Chapter 27:過去からの復讐鬼・タルカスと黒騎士ブラフォード その 2
- What is scary about the difference between Jonathan and Tarkus to Speedwagon?
- Does the layout of the panels on the fifth and sixth pages remind you of anything?
- Summarize the mix of real and fake history in this chapter (if you don’t understand it, please feel free to just request the answer from me. You can do this at any time for any question btw.)
Chapter 28: 77輝輪の勇者・タルカスと黒騎士ブラフォード その 3
- What does Dio think of Bruford attacking the zombie?
- Here is the page for Danse Macabre in Japanese, how does the reference differ from Bruford’s move?
- What did Bruford do to become a knight?
- What is Dio’s plan for Windknight’s Lot? And in Great Britain?
- What disadvantages or handicaps do JoJo and Bruford face in their fight?
- How do George’s words about Danny relate to the fight at hand?
Chapter 29: 黒騎士の呪縛・タルカスと黒騎士ブラフォード その 4
- What surprises JoJo about these 2 zombies, Bruford and Tarkus, that Dio has just resurrected?
- How is Bruford’s hair like a certain plant? Why does this prevent the transfer of hamon?
- What happens the more and more JoJo struggles?
- What animals does JoJo compare Bruford/his situation to and why?