ライトノベル読書会 📚 Light Novel Book Club | Next Book Apr 1

I’ve come in a little late but I may listen along with the club though I may not understand it. I’ve got the audiobook but not a physical copy.


Uff, already tried reading Honzuki when WK club picked it, but I just disliked the main character too much :confused:. Probably skipping this one. I think it also has a bit too much filler for me.


I am the contrary. I really like the series - at least the early volumes that I have read so far.

I have read the first volume, listened to it and will do a re-listening with the BC. :smiling_face:


What did you consider filler-y? (I’m not worried about being spoiled personally, but probly best to put the answer in spoiler tags)


I am also planning to listen along! I have read both the webnovel and published light novel, so time to listen to it instead.
I’m doing that right now with cop craft and I do enjoy it. (It does feel harder than reading, though, but that may be because I neither pause nor go back).

Almost same hat! Similar hat!


Congrats to 本好き! :tada: Here’s a repost of the upcoming schedule:

So this was brought up in the discussion for Summer Wars, but it seems relevant here as well: apparently 本好き does have an all-furigana version, but the pacing may be different than the “standard” book. Can anyone speak to that? Is it worth taking into consideration when planning the schedule? How far does the furigana version diverge?

And on to club business: the business of cutting nominations after each poll. There’s been some talk of increasing the number of cuts, mostly to keep nominations from getting stale. So here’s your poll to have your voice heard!

How many books should we cut from the nomination pool after each vote?
  • Only books that receive no votes
  • The lowest-voted 3 books
  • The lowest-voted 5 books
  • The lowest-voted 7 books
  • The lowest-voted 8 books
  • The lowest-voted 9 books
  • The lowest-voted 10 books
  • Some other qualifier (leave a post explaning what)
0 voters

I haven’t read it before but when looking for stuff on audible I picked up the first 3 audiobooks with my credits.


This is probably more relevant for the series as a whole or later volumes. Maybe someone who has actually read the books can elaborate, but:

I remember hearing that some of the volumes have a lot of slice of life like just cooking for half a book, which doesn’t have a lot to do with the plot.

That’s only in the earlier books (and it is somewhat relevant to the plot). It’s pretty much gone by the end of arc 2.


I’ll join the discussion but I’ll probably not read along. It would be my third go as I’ve already read it, and I have listened to the full audiobook, it might be too much 本好き to handle.

I think this was specially bad on Volume 2. The making of something goes into too much detail.

Also I have edited my nomination of Summer Wars, so for next rounds does not have the unintentional misleading information that was not detecting that the Tsubasa Bunko was a completely different book by another author, and just the setting was the same.


It’s interesting how people see things so differently. I really enjoyed all the SoL, even the long descriptions of how something is done. I was like “ah, so this is how you would have done that. cool, cool.” :sweat_smile:


I enjoyed more the struggles than the long winded descriptions.
But yeah, I guess it’s a matter of taste.


Speaking as someone who hates the cooking aspects, that’s a pretty big exaggeration. There was one chapter in the first book about cooking (yes it was terrible).

Beyond that, I guess it depends on what you consider “slice of life” or “filler”. While I would say that the story moves somewhat slowly, I rarely ever feel bored reading Honzuki.

I found it really cool most of the time too. Learning how to make paper for example was really interesting, though the stuff about making ink in volume 5 was a bore.


What a crazy ride that poll was! I would have been excited to read any of the top 3 finishers so it was fun watching them battle for the top. Looking forward to reading the famous 本好き and seeing what all the hype is about!


Alright, I think it was you who I remember complaining about it but I guess I added a bit of superlatives to it :grimacing:. The story moving slowly does usually bother me a bit.


I think the furigana version splits the book in half (so you need two books to cover the same content)

As far as the first volume is concerned, I assume it doesn’t. That version is aimed at kids, so I assume that violence in later volumes (or even shocking scenes) have been edited (from experience with other series in that edition), but that should not impact us.


Hmm. So one thing I noticed while looking at the poll, we have a lot of entries with tied votes. So ignoring those tied votes, SOA Progressive and やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 are the two lowest-voted books, but they have the same amount of votes, and would technically be tied for “lowest voted book”.

When cutting entries, should we consider tied books as a group, or count them individually? If we count them individually, do we leave it up to fate as to what makes the cutoff and what doesn’t? For example, going with cutting the five books with the least number of votes, 真の仲間じゃないと勇者のパーティーを追い出 and 君を愛したひとりの僕へ each have four votes, but only the former would be cut.

I’m probably just overthinking this, but I wanted to make sure everything was fair when we start cutting large numbers of books.


I think we count individually, but if book 5 has the same votes as another book, both get cut. :eyes:


I agree - I think it makes sense to count them individually. Otherwise with lots of ties we could end up cutting out way more than 5 books at a time. If there’s a big tie for 5th from the bottom then cutting them all seems fair.


Furi version: https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/aw/d/B07TMQLTTY/
【TOジュニア文庫】本好きの下剋上 第一部 兵士の娘1 - 文芸・小説 香月美夜/椎名優(TOジュニア文庫):電子書籍試し読み無料 - BOOK☆WALKER -

I’ve read along to the audiobook for the prologue and ch 1. So far they’re identical. The only difference is the book shows 埋もれ as うずもれ, while the narrator says it うもれ. They also have different covers, and the furigana one has an extra picture or two in the first few chapters.

Iirc the two editions of サマーウォーズ were specifically known for being different, right? Unless it’s really common for furigana versions to differ, it seems reasonable to assume that 本好き should be the same.