ライトノベル読書会 📚 Light Novel Book Club | Next Book Apr 1

My physical copy of 本好き arrived today so I’ll be taking part in the book club, probably reading then listening afterwards since I struggle to read and listen at the same time.


I might be interested! I have the full-furigana version, which apparently is only the first half of volume 1 …


I guess you could look at the schedule of the WK book club as an inspiration? At least it would give you the match between percentages and page number.


We’d be happy to have you.
It’s a good way to check if you enjoy the writing. You can always get the second part to continue. :slight_smile:


Quick question for my 本好き veterans: I’m going to set up the home thread tomorrow and was taking a look at the chapters. Is it worth it to include the two extra short stories at the end as part of the schedule, or can they be left off as a “read if you feel like it” type of thing?


In terms of plot, they are both “read if you like”. I think the first one gives the reader some interesting hints about the world we are in, though, so I’d recommend to read it before moving on with the story.
The second one is kinda useless, honestly (it’s about the main character’s previous life, which has zero relevance to the story)


I agree with Naphthalene. I enjoy the SS but they are not essential to read. I feel like most people will read them (ir)regardless of whether they are required. :sweat_smile:


Ack, I almost forgot about this. @Mara, are you still interested? If not, I’ll send it along to @暁のルナ!


Yes, thanks for asking! If I make it through more than half (which I intend to be the case!) then it should become very useful!


I’m glad this worked out this way, cuz I’m embarrassed to say I just discovered I already own (and have partially read) it on Bookwalker :sweat_smile:


The mark of a person with many books, haha.


Or ADHD (both in my case) :sweat_smile:

In my defense I had trouble finding it via Bookwalker’s search (it’s in 新文芸), until I remembered just now I could get to it via Natively.


ngl, I have used natively quite a bit to navigate to a book on amazon or audible etc. because the amazon search function sometimes sucks… I often don’t remember what kanji are used or if something is written in hiragana. natively has been very helpful in that regard. :rofl:


Super excited to start the next book! I have a copy of it and the audiobook!


I’m just too lazy to switch my input to IME, so this is handy :rofl:


As we’re now halfway through 本好き, I’d like to remind everyone that we have seven open nomination slots; feel free to begin thinking of shiny new books to fill those places!

Also, though it’s not required, please let the group know if there’s a Korean translation of the nomination; I figure I’ll gather thoughts and feelings on the multilingual-style club once we’re a little closer to the end of 本好き, but in the meantime it can’t hurt to take note of potential future multilingual club options.


I may be lagging behind with the current read, but that’s not gonna stop me nomming! :rofl:


Book: Missing 神隠しの物語 | L31
Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
Is this book available in Korean?: The series was published in Korean, but appears to be out of print and only available second-hand.

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

Kyouichi Utsume, a.k.a. “His Majesty, Lord of Darkness,” is a dark and compelling mystery—so much so that his fellow Literature Club members would rather discuss him than books! When “His Majesty” vanishes in front of their very eyes, his friends are left with several unanswered questions: what is the source of Kyouichi’s long-standing obsession with the “other side”? And just who is Ayame—the eerily ghostlike girl Kyouichi brought to school as his girlfriend the day before he disappeared?

Why are you nominating this book: This is the first in a 13-volume horror series about urban legends and the occult, which sounds fun!


伯爵と妖精 1

Book: 伯爵と妖精 あいつは優雅な大悪党 | L30
Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?: Yes, but OOP

Summary - Japanese

リディアは、妖精が見えて、彼らと話ができる女の子。父に会うためロンドン行きの船に乗った彼女は、突然現れた若い男に誘拐されてしまう。エドガーと名乗るその男は、自分は伯爵だと言い、彼の身分を明かすための宝剣探しをリディアに依頼する。胡散臭いと思いながらも、彼と契約してしまうリディア。一方ちまたでは凶悪な強盗事件が噂になっていた。犯人の特徴はエドガーに似ていて…!? ※あとがきは収録されていません。

Summary - English

(Taken from J-Novel Club) Lydia Carlton is a fairy doctor who can see and communicate with fairies. When she embarks on a journey to visit her father in London, she’s kidnapped by a young man named Edgar Ashenbert who introduces himself as an earl and requests Lydia’s aid in searching for a treasured sword that will prove his status. Although she finds his story dubious, Lydia agrees to work with him—if only because he’s her first real client. Meanwhile, rumors of a heinous burglary abound, and the culprit seems to bear an uncanny resemblance to Edgar…

Content warnings if known

None known

Why are you nominating this book: This has been on my TBR for a while, ever since learning about it from JNC licensing it. I like fantasy and the possibility of gentleman thieves/phantom burglars, and it’s a nice long series to sink your teeth into if you end up liking it.


How do I join?


It’s pretty informal! Once a book is voted on as our next read (we’re reading 本好きの下剋上 right now), a schedule and a home thread to organize everything will be posted. Reading is broken down into weekly chunks, and a thread for each week will be posted to discuss thoughts/questions for that week’s reading.

So there’s no sign-up list or anything; you can drop in or out as necessary, even way after the fact, since the threads aren’t closed when we’re done. I had to drop out of the コップクラフト club, for instance, but picked the book back up later and am following the club’s schedule.