Luna's Learning Log

Some recent stuff…

  • I feel like I haven’t been consuming enough media this past month, trying to fix
  • Finished 声優ラジオのウラオモテ #04 夕陽とやすみは力になりたい? | L28
    • Easy most of the time, but some sentences I couldn’t tell whether it meant xyz or the opposite (approx 10%)
    • I read 75% of it in one day, and made strong use of 国語辞書 (JP-JP dictionary) for the first half of that
  • I got stuck on this month’s 赤髪の白雪姫 | L26 chapter and had to check translation :cry:
    • Realized it was mostly the 尊敬語 and 謙譲語 tripping me up, and that this is a general weak spot of mine.
  • Started doing 2 anki decks for 尊敬語 and 謙譲語, and will pay more attention as I read
  • Translated my 声優ラジオ 4 review into Japanese, in my lesson - going to do more of this in future lessons!
  • Finished マリア様がみてる S1 | L27 (anime) with very mixed comprehension
    • Only realized afterwards that there were JP subs for eps 6-13 available on kitsunekko
    • Some parts were easy, and others I was missing large chunks… so my audio comprehension still has a ways to go
  • Otoh, I watched the Yuki Kajiura 2008 concert DVD, and was able to understand like 60-80% of the MC sections (depending on the section). So I’ve definitely made progress too!
  • Picked up a few pgs of 灰と幻想のグリムガル level.7 彼方の虹 | L31 again, to see what it feels like now. Comprehension felt easy, but lots of vocab, of course.
    • I have them on Bookwalker unfortunately, which means no built in 国語辞書 (or dictionary at all)… I can work around that, but still
    • Maybe I’ll buy it on Amazon, if I want to continue again, in the near future
  • I haven’t really kept up with shadowing exercises lately… forgot about them :sweat_smile:
  • Generally feeling comfier picking up things with unfamiliar vocab. It’s switching from “this is a chore” to “oh cool, I can pick up some new words!”
  • I started playing 嘘から始まる恋の夏 - a recent yuri VN, and that’s going well. As always, more lookups than I’d like, but that’s fine
    • I’m not very far into it tho b/c it’s on PC only, and I get sick of sitting in front of it
  • I probably won’t make my September listening challenge goal (only at 14/30 hrs rn). I’ll have to do better in October!