My Japanese Reading and studying Experiences - CatDQ

I’ve had several days like that too. :sweat_smile: And there’s always one day a week that I get very little done unless it’s reading between calls due to the 12 and a half hour shift, so weekly goals I think will work a lot better for me. They will also encourage me to do more on days I do have extra time instead of just doing the bare minimum.

Writing by hand though I do type out sentences for my homework grammar and vocabulary that I struggled with in the lesson. Any textbook exercises I do are all hand written as well and I can see improvements from how I was previously even though I haven’t written properly in a while. I know I won’t sound native but I am starting to get detail and write more than just short sentences. I prefer writing by hand but then I like the act of drawing so it maybe ties in with that. :thinking:



TL:DR- Not much progress and thoughts going forward

Not much progress this week as a lot has been going on in my personal life. Studying and listening atm has taken a back seat as I’m regularly going to the hospital to visit certain family members so reading is kind of the only thing holding me up atm.

My Tutor has asked me to find a podcast series to listen to regularly to give us something new to talk about so trying to find something to do with cooking that’s around N4 level but not getting far yet :joy:

I finished Frieren book 2 (manga) and 紫禁城, though I will be re-reading Frieren later this year and carrying on with the series. I’m finding it too much atm in addition to everything else so focussing on the Bingo reads atm, working my way through the seemingly easier ones to begin with.

I was getting on well with Japanese with Hikari (beginner) video series so hopefully will get time in Thursday for more of that then pick some more up next Monday/ Tuesday. :crossed_fingers: So far it’s all stuff I’ve covered before but it’s the audio that is helping me to hear it in use as she only speaks in Japanese for the video series. My plan is to finish it by end of January then make a start on the intermediate series as of March/ April so I can finish the advance series by end of July. Hoping that should cover most of the grammar up to and including N2 level (I think the beginner 1 covers N5, beginner 2 covers N4, intermediate level covers N3 and the advance covers N2 grammar as far as I can tell).

I haven’t done any real textbook study the last several weeks and the way things are going, that might hold off for a bit as well, though I was hoping to get both MNN intermediate level books covered off by end of Feb, though I now doubt that will happen.

This part below will be edited over the next few days for the listening challenge

  • Thurs 23rd - Japanese with K podcast series (episode 1-6) - 142m
  • Fri 24th - Japanese with Hikari 1.5x speed (30m real time)

Total: 2h 52m

I doubt I will manage the 6 and a bit hours I need for my 20h listening atm due to the other stuff going on but I can still try to get whatever I can and reassess it later.



Short update since it’s after midnight and I need to be up in a few hours (but didn’t have a chance to update in the last few days).

Not much has changed the last week, still spending time at the hospital visiting and long commute times alongside job, volunteering and trying to get enough sleep, so I haven’t done great the last week. I also failed miserably trying to remember things while in my lesson and while reading through 時をかける少女. I kind of stopped being able to translate it as I go around page 90 ish and since then I’ve understood very little. Same goes for 彗星とさいごの竜. I am understanding parts but atm with everything else going on, I’m struggling to actually keep myself focused and accessing the info I know is in my head. It’s not a lack of knowledge issue as far as I can tell, more just a lack of focus and ability to feel motivated to understand even if I’m motivated to actually read. I’ll finish both of these in the next few weeks then put them aside and need to approach them again at a later date to see if I can understand it or if I actually do lack the understanding.

For the moment 九井諒子作品集 竜のかわいい七つの子 is too much effort for me to understand since I’m having to look up almost every Kanji I come across, even the ones I should know, so it’s on the back burner atm.

また、同じ夢を見ていた will be my next read. I know it will be more difficult but there is a bookclub listing and I have the audio book for readings. I doubt I will understand it even close to what I would need to but at the very least, I should be able to understand parts by myself and the basis of the story from the book club, fingers crossed.

I’ve also fallen off the wagon for the January listening challenge. I need a better routine and also need my free time back.


When I read this book about three years ago, it was still at level 27 iirc, no idea when and why it dropped that much :sweat_smile:


Yeah, it definitely feels harder than the other Lv24 books I’ve read. I actually found several stories in Zoo book 1 to be easier (which was Lv 30 when I read it). There’s a lot of long multi clause sentences in “the girl who leapt through time” too which is part of what’s throwing me off I think.

I’m almost done the main story and the last few pages I’ve found parts a little easier but feel I have missed an entire chunk of story that’s left a gap in my understanding of the plot so will be another for the re-read pile.

Wondering if I may need to change a few of my pre-chosen bingo reads if this is an indication of what I’ll be in for with the rest of the books I’ve chosen.


I also read a bit of 時をかける少女 the other day, specifically in audiobook form. And found it much harder than また同じ夢を見. I chalked it up to having read the beginning of また同じ夢 in text and switching to audio later, but maybe there is more to it if it was ranked higher…


I was actually able to understand parts of また、同じ夢を見ていた when I was listening to it back with the book club originally but 時をかける少女 does seem more complex (not even sure I would understand a lot of this with listening either). I didn’t even realise it has stuff to do with maths until I checked a summary after finishing the main story a little bit ago (I went into it knowing very little about the story).


2025/02/01: Short update

I’ve been trying a new tracking approach in January for tracking types of interactions with Japanese (reading - novels/ manga/ textbooks etc, listening - textbooks/ podcasts/ audiobooks etc, and speaking - language exchanges/ tutor lessons/ shadowing sources).

The only one that’s been steady throughout January has been reading something every day. Next best was listening with 13 days, then lastly shadowing/ speaking at just 8 days.

I know where my strengths are starting to show and where I’m staying weak. Plan for February will be to rectify that and try to do more listening and shadowing/speaking than in January while still keeping up with my reading (managed to read 4 books in English as well as finish 5 in Japanese even if I didn’t really understand 1 of them, that’s quite a feat for me in a month).

Also managed 17h 10m of my 20h listening goal which I’m still counting as a win.



TLDR: New plan for Feb building on the progress I made in January and adjusting to a new routine with everything else going on in life atm. Last book orders for 2025 placed already, buying myself new books is now restricted.

My manual tracking for my Japanese has been working out pretty decent so far. It’s shown me where I am finding it difficult to do certain things within the time I have and shown me that I spend way too much time focused wholly on reading as opposed to any other language Skill.

I’ve managed to read at least a page of Japanese a day since the turn of the year (except today though my intention is to start reading after writing this). I’m managing 1-2 Language exchange sessions every week, some more productive than others, and a Lesson with the tutor once a week, though those are not always as productive as they should be since I am struggling with vocabulary outside of books and normal day to day basics. I need a way to get more vocab ingrained but in a way it actually sticks so I can use it, though I know the other way to do that is to practice with it which atm, reading seems to be the only non intrusive thing I can do with a lot of my time in work or public places where I cannot listen to stuff and cannot speak out loud in Japanese.

January recap -

Read something in Japanese every day, (completed 3 manga, 1 children’s novel and 1 novel)
Listened 13/31 days, at least 17 Hours of listening completed
Completed Japanese with Hikari beginner 2 course
Completed 3 Tutor led lessons and 6 Language exchanges alongside - approx 5 hours in total speaking

Non Japanese related stuff that's having an impact (feel free to skip - trigger warning with regards to ill health)

A lot of my free time that I would usually have spent on studying has been spent travelling to the hospital or spent over at my parents trying to help out as much as I can with stuff my mum would usually do since she’s been taken into hospital. We found out recently that she has Cancer and organ damage as a result and although they are hopeful that it can be cured if she follows the advice of the hospital, she has not been receptive to their suggestions and advice. You can’t force someone to accept help, we have tried, but our family is stubborn af and will do whatever the hell they want, regardless of the outcome (hence why I still continue to self study even through all the pitfalls, false starts, wrong processes and non-believers I’ve had on my back).
I’m not complaining about helping where I can, just noting that it makes things more difficult to do what I had originally planned so trying to adjust as much as I can around it so I don’t burn out again, while still trying to see the achievements I’m still making despite the reduced time I have to study and the forced into “reading is the quiet and least intrusive skill” given the circumstances.

As per above, reading was the most time spent, and I’m still struggling to get time to get back to the text books so I can then progress on to Tobira and Quartet. Looking like it will need to wait for my time off end of the month and beginning of next for me to then start trying to add the text books back in on the days I would usually be working. Maybe using my work time split between study and help would improve my options, but I’ll need to wait and see how that looks.

Plan for February -

Continue reading through my Bingo card
Commit to listening at least to 17 hours (preferably more)
Complete the first 10 sections of Japanese with Hikari intermediate (10/20) since these can double as listening as well as study.
Continue taking tutor lessons, at least one per week if I can, and continue my 1-2 language exchange sessions each week.
Add regular Shadowing back in

Plan for the books are to keep furigana books to be read through work with non furigana books read exclusively at home or where I have access to a dictionary/ WiFi.
For shadowing, I only managed 3 sessions last month, this month I would like to do at least 3 per week (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for the moment with a view to increase this as it becomes habit).
I’m considering using the audio books again for listening and maybe just running through a chapter or part of a chapter each time (say 10m-15m focused) but will need to see how it goes alongside Japanese with Hikari.

I put my last 2 orders in to CD Japan for my books (like I need another book).

It has the rest of 本好き as well as the short story books and the spin off (may as well go the whole hog, it will at least help my reading over all if I manage to stick with it), along with a few short story collections, the rest of 水属性の魔法使い light novel series, the manga for The Summer Hikaru died and 1, 2 and 4 of おまわりさんと招き猫 since 3 seems to have become as rare as gold dust for me to pick up (will be keeping an eye open or end up getting it from proxy if need be). One of them should hopefully take about a week or so, the other order will probably turn up beginning of March since one of the books for 本好き is on a 3 week wait list. I’m in no rush for them, just wanted to order them while I had the chance. Plan is to not buy any more books after that for the rest of the year, though about mid year, I will be looking to put in my DVD/ game order (still want 13 sentinels and I want Tales of Symphonia in Japanese meaning I need to get a Japanese version and not the English or Download version.)

I’m hoping some of my holiday time can be used to catch up with a few things and get into a proper routine for studying from the text books again but I do think with the time restraints, I will be looking at shorter sessions than I had originally planned. Any time spent with Japanese is still progress and the way work is going, it’s looking like being able to read a fair bit for the first 2 hours and the last 2 hours of shift is going to continue unless I’m on training. I just need books with furigana or books that I actually know the kanji of or can at least guess the kanji meaning since I can’t look stuff up when in the office.

This part below will be edited across the next week with listening progress

  • Mon 3rd - 58m Japanese with Hikari (tool box lessons - real time, though no longer sped up as she speaks faster in the intermediate lessons)
  • Tues 4th - 60m comprehensible Japanese videos on YouTube (short videos about 5-10m long each with different topics each time - approx N4 Lv)
  • Thurs 6th - 29m Japanese with Hikari Reading (section repeated 3 times, real time)

Additional edit: I’ve apparently read something from every Natively level from 0 to 29 except Lv 27. Will need to rectify that :joy:


You can get it at surugaya, used or new.


I checked yesterday but they didn’t have it. Will try again, thanks :blush:

2 Likes文庫+日本文学+おまわりさんと招き猫&btn_search=


Thanks, not sure why it wasn’t showing earlier. Picked it up and since there’s free shipping, picked up another 2 x 異世界 light novel series while I was at it :joy:


Maybe you searched on the English version of their site. I don’t know why, but there you often can‘t find all that they have.


I find their search very hard to navigate. I can’t tell you the number of times that I’ve gotten no results and then messed around in the filters and exactly what I wanted just popped out. :unamused:

I do find I have better luck on the Japanese language (but still international) site, but even that isn’t perfect.

Searching by author is another trick I’ve done a few times that found me the results that I didn’t get searching the titles.


I search on the English site but usually using the ISBN or copy and paste part of the Japanese name of the book and it finds it. It did pop up when I checked this time though but decided because they had a free shipping offer on, I would take advantage and bought another series (bar one book they didn’t have), then ended up going back to get the book they didn’t have on CD Japan along with another series and a Japanese switch version of 13 Sentinels so I’m officially banned from buying anything until further notice :rofl:

I do not want to know what I’ve just spent on more books but it was way over my initial estimates and I think I just added another 83 to my collection between 4 orders :grimacing:


Correction on the books, it’s 98 as I forgot a few sets that were ordered as one item. :sweat_smile: definitely will not be buying more for quite a while.

One order won’t be here til end of feb though, it’s waiting on a book release.



New books order 1/5:

Books 1-16 (minus book 8 that is coming from CD Japan later this month or next) of とんでもスキルで異世界放浪メシ.

Top row is 女鍛冶師はお人好しギルドに拾われました, both light novels. I think there is a manga for this too but I wanted the novels i stead (more reading material = more practice).
Bottom row is book 3 of おまわりさん series and an insert titled 謎めきの鳩郵便 that came with it (the other 3 books are coming from CD Japan later this week.

I’m kinda hoping that 2 of my other book orders will turn up tomorrow but since they were last seen in Paris this morning, I doubt it will be before Wednesday this week, most likely Thursday. Last 2 will be around or after end of the month (one is waiting on a book to be released and the final order is one book to complete the survival quest set).



Language update,

TL:DR - Lots of random thoughts on studying and my progress as well as how to fix my shelving issues considering the book load that is about to arrive. Continued with my bingo reads and trying to listen more regularly and will be going back to studying properly from nearer end of Feb.

This week has been more of the same as last week. Though so far I have managed about 3 hours of listening between the time last week and the time yesterday spent playing Natsu-mon. I am hoping when 13 sentinels gets here at the end of the month that it will be worth it for the replay voice log along with full Japanese text since video games and video/ audio lessons seem to be easier for me to focus on recently. I plan to go back to text books as of my time off work from 23rd Feb since I’ll be off for almost a month. My usual work days will be split between studying, gardening (hoping to get more variety of veg this year) and getting other things sorted around the house. Hoping to get approx 4hrs of study from textbooks alongside an hour each of listening and reading each day when I can, then additional time will be on other stuff. Splitting my time will help me get stuff done but ensure I don’t start spiralling back into burn out and hopefully go back to work feeling refreshed. :crossed_fingers: And I’ve a few days pencilled in for chill out days from everything.

For reading, I’ve kept up with the bingo card even though I’m starting to get into more difficult territory. Hoping to get 泣きたい私は猫をかぶる finished by end of Feb (I’m almost a third of the way through it) and then get また、同じ夢を見ていた done by end of March (think I will be reading it alongside the audio book purely for the readings, listening practice is a bonus). That should be me almost half way. My goal is to have at least November and December set aside for 本好き light novel and anime but I may not make that. The other furigana books (坊っちゃん, 水属性の魔法使い and 自閉症の僕が跳びはねる理由) will most likely be during work extensive reads and I’ll need to come back to them afterwards if there are large sections I don’t understand. The rest will need to be read at home and during time off as I’ll need to read them intensively due to no furigana. I also still have 竜のかわいい七つの子 still to continue but that will be while I’m off as well. It’s the last manga on my bingo card.

泣きたい私は猫をかぶる has been going well. I know the rough story from watching the anime but there is a lot I’ve picked up from the book that kind of went over my head when I watched the anime (seen it several times but only ever watched it in Japanese with or without Japanese subs). Although it’s at a higher Natively level, I actually understand way more of it than I did with 時をかける少女, and it’s not just from a knowing the story point of view I don’t think.

Listening has been sporadic but I have managed to do some listening that isn’t just music over the last few weeks. It’s more about building upon that and finding more comprehensible input that keeps me engaged in what’s being spoken about. I’ve been considering podcasts again but not sure if I should just do one per day and try to build on that or if I should be actually focus on increasing time spent in one go on listening. I’ve kind of flitted between the two and can’t seem to settle.

Writing is becoming more sporadic as well though I am trying to write down sentences and unknown grammar/ vocab from lessons/ language exchanges (my tutor and language exchange partners usually type it out but I’m also noting it on paper before they do so, which is kind of checking my understanding of what I’m hearing). I do need to focus more on this but I feel I have more opportunities when I go through the textbooks and tests.

Speaking is limited to my language exchanges and my tutor lessons atm. I’m considering a short intensive stint with a tutor over the time I’m off but it would be 6-8 hours of lessons purely with the intention of building my speaking up in a short intensive course, without continuing long term with a second tutor (not sure I could afford a long term second tutor, either financially or mentally atm). I’m not quite sure yet as I feel I need more speaking opportunities but also not sure if I could handle it atm with everything else. I’ve considered AI to use as a speaking partner just for more regular practice but I wouldn’t know how to manage that or even how to begin with it.

My plan for February is still in place from the last update:

Continue reading through my Bingo card
Commit to listening at least to 17 hours (preferably more)
Complete the first 10 sections of Japanese with Hikari intermediate (10/20) since these can double as listening as well as study.
Continue taking tutor lessons, at least one per week if I can, and continue my 1-2 language exchange sessions each week.
Add regular Shadowing back in

I think I may need to rethink trying to complete 10 sections of Japanese with Hikari as the intermediate level sections are way more intense, especially with the reading section (it’s 2 pages with audio and no translations unlike the beginner ones which were short conversations with a second pass including translations and a break down of each sentence). I’ll see how I get on across the rest of this week.

Book orders:

My suruga-ya order arrived (shown above if the images work). I’ve 2 CD-Japan orders arriving on Wednesday containing the rest of 本好き as well as the side stories and spin off series, the other 3 おまわりさんと招き猫 books, several short story collections, a rec from my tutor (a translated book from English to Japanese), 水属性の魔法使い (both light novel series), the Summer Hikaru died (manga series and light novel), the ダンジョン飯 guidebook and 竜愛づる騎士の誓約. The last order that’s due end of Feb to mid March contains 13 sentinels switch game, all but one of the survival game series (the missing one is coming from Amazon as nowhere else had it), the missing book 8 from とんでもスキルでいせかいほろ

This part will be edited across the week for listening tracking

Carried over from last week - 2h 27m

  • Mon 10th - approx 30m of in-game voice overs from Natsu-mon (played more than this but speaking time was only about 30m)
  • Tuesday 11th - 30m of Japanese with Hikari first section of lesson 1 x 2 and section 2 of lesson 1