📚 bibliothecary's bibliophilia 📚

Dang; there are so many titles to choose from. If you need expert community help on which squiggles to read next, you know where to place your next poll~


I’ve got some I definitely want to read bookmarked, but yeah I may need help when it comes to the other… 180… :laughing:

Here's DeepL's translation of the list for my non-Korean-speaking friends

1 plus 1 equals
151 lives
1736th exit
Hello Saigon
My Killer
Pink Almond
Winter Game
Gold Dress
Frog Princess
Fly, Climb at the End of Winter
Marriage Lesson
Season, day
Gonyang Diary
Cat Tributes
The Cat Editor’s Black Magic
The Trainee
In That Fridge
That Day We Were
Diary of the Day
That time, that season we were in
It’s okay though
And again
the days of painting
That Winter
Don’t Lean On Me
Trouble in Paradise
Dream Pet
I Am Garoso
I’m Shrewd
Butterfly’s Box
The Story of the Screws
My Cute Woo Woo
My Switch Mate
My Summer Holiday
My Love D-day
The Child Who Followed Me
Romantic City
Say my name!
My Mate is an Alien
Tomorrow is My First Love’s Birthday
You and Me Drama
Walking in Your Shoes
Your Heroine
To Your Planet B126
If You Must Go
Naples Yellow
Nonstop Subway
Noodle Truck
Snowflake and Grandpa
Eye Contact
Always, Sky
Save As
Not So Different
Snail Boy
Rise of the Carrot Field
Great Potato Field
Dancing Holiday
Catch the Thief
Around the Neighbourhood
Delivery Universe
Rainbow Palette
Lens Tooth Hong Seok-soon
Romantic, Shine!
Reverse Love
Heart Recipe
I work as a cartoonist
The Kaleidoscope editorial department is on the 9th floor
Opposite, pink
Every Day, One Column
Daily Gift
The plum blossom is in bloom
A puppy is a puppy is a puppy
forget-me-nots Romance
Unfinished Song
Folk Cartoonist Shop
At the End of the Sea, There Were Always Those Children
Baba’s Diary
You’ve Been Rejected
One Shiny Day
Delivery Boy and His Ho Ho Friends
Baekgoo and Hyungsang
The Swan Laundry
Veronormal Ending
Wallgye-ri Dunjeon Village
A Starry Summer Day
I live without much trouble
See more
Taste of barley tea Summer holidays
A Springtime Walk
Springtime Summer Potatoes
Brown Bear Santa’s Christmas Gift
8 per cent opacity
I’m uncomfortable, senpai!
Red Flowers Blue Berries
Blooming Melody
Blue Positive
Root’s Story
Love and Ghosts
Love to You
Love Flower Tea
Lion Kim Myungsoo
Mountain Spirit, give me my dad!
Survival Journal
I love it even if I’m not good at it
Island Spring
Island Spring and Summer
To be honest
Cycling time: Line 2, 5-3
Mr Jagyu in the forest
Slow Food Pastries
Roe deer
Breakfast shop
The apartment is gone
The Devil’s Parenting
Goodbye Iva, Hello My Cat
Hello, Hello
The Onion Experiment
One Day, Suddenly
Where did you spit?
I decided not to grow up
Stay Sweet Today
You haven’t lived today
Picture of the Day
Today’s Yoga Diary
Story of the Day
Oversized King
Oversized Love
It’s Open at Magical Macarons
Omnibus Feature
Yokohama’s Dish on a Stick
The Smile of Udon Rak
Our Season
When Our Song Ends
Do You Believe in Fate?!
The Secret of the Wilson Family
Eugene’s Fantasy Express
Yule is Still Here
Retired Chef
Retired Chef, Mr Ho Sun
This kind of trip that kind of trip
A Short Story
Neighbours in Kyoto
Doll Heaven
For Lunch
First Love
Chosun Rockstar
Zombie Paradise
I Picked Up a Paper
If you fly a paper aeroplane
Okay, Okay
good siragram
Good Husband
Weekly Meow
One food you must eat before you die
Middle Earth Sauna
The Night of the Wren
The Gift of Ziyu
The Office Worker Potato
The True World
Cold People
The Good Guy Project
Sorry I’m Not an Angel
Digging for Memories
Man making coffee
Closing Moment
I’m Going to Thailand for a Year
The Story of Parmakon
An Introduction to Popcorn
Fairy Ring
Fair Play
An Ordinary Arrow
Atelier in the Green Garden
Between the Bloods
The Fixer
End of the Day with You
School Talk
Old Man
You’ve Built a Scarecrow
Hotel Bully
Ho Ho Ho and the Troubles
Homeless Detective
Plant Killer
Fantastic Journey
Office Worker Chae-dae
Wheel of Fortune

My Cute Woo Woo


Looking forward to these:

The Swan Laundry
Rise of the Carrot Field
Ho Ho Ho and the Troubles
Slow Food Pastries

I am



Mmmm! Some of the translated titles are hilarious! :rofl: I look forward to hearing how “Mmmmmmmmm” is.


Finished this week

:memo: includes a written review
:headphones: read along with audiobook
:ear: audiobook only
:underage: adult content; not currently on Natively
:x: format not currently supported on Natively

Children’s Book

TV Show




I feel like my attention has been more on Japanese this week, but I still have stuff on my finished list, so that’s good. :blush:



Finished this week

:memo: includes a written review
:headphones: read along with audiobook
:ear: audiobook only
:underage: adult content; not currently on Natively
:x: format not currently supported on Natively


TV Show



Didn’t get much done this week - struggled through a couple of 만화 volumes and a disappointing TV series.


Do more reading… Hopfully I feel a bit more up to it this week! :sweat_smile:


September Review

Where did September go…? :thinking:

45 books
5 movies
4 TV seasons
56 ratings
40 reviews
11,401 gradings
16 contributed books
266 contributed videos

1201 pages read
25 hours watched


I felt like I didn’t do much this past month, but seeing the numbers makes it seem like a lot! I guess August was really intense, that’s why it felt like I was slacking in September. :laughing:

more stats

download (3)

download (1)

download (2)


Finished this week

:memo: includes a written review
:headphones: read along with audiobook
:ear: audiobook only
:underage: adult content; not currently on Natively
:x: format not currently supported on Natively
:rabbit: 만화경 webtoon; see this post


:x: Listening


Finished 앵덕’s beginners podcasts, and started the regular series. I kind of wonder why I wanted to listen to the whole beginner series since it was too easy for me, but I guess I like doing things in order? I also get the feeling these podcasts may have been a lockdown project, as episodes were released regularly for a couple of years, then stopped. In the past year or so there have only been two further episodes, one of which was in the past week. Hopefully they’ll continue, as there aren’t many easy Korean podcasts which are (almost) entirely in Korean.

The regular episodes are about 15-20 minutes long and noticeably more challenging than the beginner episodes (I have to actually pay attention :rofl:). In the first episode, 앵덕 talks about (really, really) enjoying listening to Nihongo con Teppei while learning Japanese, which unsurprisingly inspired “한국어 con 앵덕”. In the second, we learn that 앵덕 is indeed short for “angry duck”, but there’s also 한자 to go with it: 櫻 (앵두 앵) - cherry, and 德 (덕 덕) - virtuous. I think the host mentioned that it’s their IRL nickname, too. :cherries: :duck:

Also listened to an episode of KBS 무대 - I think I’ll try to listen to these regularly, and if there’s one I particularly enjoy I’ll relisten while reading the 대본. I kind of “save” 🎧 Podcasts & Radio Dramas [with scripts] to practise reading and listening concurrently, but I reminded myself that I don’t need to do that - since it requires a bit more attention and concentration (I inevitably end up doing intensive reading, even if I don’t mean to), it tends to be forgotten about in favour of more enjoyable content.

무대 is at a nice level for me: easy enough to casually listen to while doing other things, but just challenging enough to keep my attention (I tend to tune out of content that’s too easy or too difficult). The stories are interesting enough, even if they’re not the type of content I’d usually pick.

Being able to purchase from 오디오코믹스(AudioComics) would be great, but has the usual hurdles of accessing Korean content (I guess they don’t want my money…). I’d like to listen to podcasts that are unscripted where the hosts just chat about random stuff, but I think it would be difficult to find something that’s right in that understanding sweet spot, and I don’t have the patience to try lots of different shows Goldilocks-style on podbbang right now. :face_exhaling:

I read 인형 천국, which is the 만화 equivalent of an ice cream sundae with all the toppings - 300% of your recommended daily sugar intake and 너무너무 귀엽다! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Continuing the 남친 있어요 시리즈 (series) | L20 만화 - not quite as amazing as 피비’s other series 비의도적 연애담 시리즈 (series) | L26, but the cute, wholesome, healthy relationship makes it better than 99% of other BL in my eyes. :sparkling_heart:

Also got more physical Korean books! :partying_face:

Generally it’s cheaper and more convenient to read Korean ebooks, but I don’t particularly enjoy reading digitally, so if I like a book, I’d rather have the physical copy (and of course not all books are available as ebooks).


October Goals

Experimenting with goal tracking! :notebook:

Type Goal Progress
Read 5 manhwa volumes ▰▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱
Watch 20 TV episodes ▰▰▰▰▱▱▱▱▱▱
Listen 10 앵덕 eps1 ▰▰▰▰▰▱▱▱▱▱

1. Starting at episode 3.

Daily Checklist

Week 2
:orange_book: 만화
:desktop_computer: 드라마
:radio: 앵덕
Week 1: 2nd-8th Oct
Week 1
:orange_book: 만화
:desktop_computer: 드라마
:radio: 앵덕

Days Listened

Anything audio-only: podcasts, radio dramas, etc.


How did you get those progress squares set up?

1 Like

A simple table of checkboxes:

| 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 |금 | 토 |일
| -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
|||||| | [x] |
| [x] | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
| [] | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
| [] | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
| [] | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
| [] | [] | [] |

You can check off the boxes without needing to edit the post, which is handy! :grin:

ETA: Misunderstood! The progress boxes are just copy and paste. ▰▱
I just made a line of 10 to reflect percentages.

1 Like

Ah, gotcha! Thanks!

1 Like

You are a formatting pro!! :raised_hands:t2::sunglasses:


Finished this week


:memo: includes a written review
:headphones: read along with audiobook
:ear: audiobook only
:studio_microphone: podcast
:cd: drama CD
:speaker: condensed audio
:repeat: re-read/watch/listen
:rabbit: 만화경 webtoon; see this post
:underage: adult content; not currently on Natively
:x: format not currently supported on Natively

:x: Listening


Another light week on the Korean side of things. I wonder whether this is just a natural cycle, where I’ll find myself pulled more to one language than another for a period of time before the pendulum swings back the other way. It could also be that I just happen to have found a lot of Japanese content that’s entertaining and at a comfortable language level, so there’s less time for Korean (it has also crossed my mind that thinking of content by language rather than just the entertainment value may also play a part in it, but who knows). Anyway, trying not to worry about it too much and just trusting that something will spark my interest in Korean again.

Listened to some 앵덕 episodes which I need to play at 1.5x speed, otherwise they feel painfully slow (and, somewhat surprisingly, more difficult to understand). Although it’s a step up language-wise from the beginner show, the content is still a bit boring for me, since I’m already familiar with the cultural things she’s discussing.

Didn’t enjoy the 무대 ep I listened to, it was one of those over-the-top 막장s:

Woman: I’ve been working 30 hours a day for a month.
Boyfriend: Should I drive?
Woman: No, it’s fine
-driving noises-
Woman: Look at my dangerous driving!
Boyfriend: Please drive more carefully.
Woman: Don’t worry so much.
-hospital sounds-
Doctor: You’re in the hospital.
Woman: Is my boyfriend hurt, too?
Doctor: No.
Woman: That’s a relief.
Doctor: He ded.

So that was the first couple of minutes… :face_exhaling: I did burst out laughing several times at how absurd it was (the BF comes back as a ghost!), but I don’t get the appeal of these kind of dramas.

I have a tendency to want to finish low-effort content, even if I’m not enjoying it, so I did end up listening to the whole thing. It also explains why I’m slogging through 악몽선생 S1 | L23 even though I’m finding it incredibly boring.

Why do I do this to myself? There’s a whole bunch of amazing Korean books and shows I could be enjoying, but my brain is like “you must eat these overcooked veggies before you can have dessert”. :melting_face:


I can really relate to this too — I guess it’s just the way it goes when you’re learning multiple languages. :smiling_face_with_tear: When I get stuck like that in either Japanese or Korean, I ask myself what it is I’m enjoying so much in one language at the moment and try to seek out equivalent media to help me get back into it. It can be a struggle though! :sob:


October Review

A quiet month for Korean - there were a couple of weeks I didn’t do anything in the language. :smiling_face_with_tear: I’m working on trying to find a nice balance between languages, as it still seems to be an either/or situation.

I’ve finished the moomin picture books, which I guess means I’ll have to take another shot at 토베 얀손 무민 연작소설 (series) | L30?? which has lots of flowery language (but also has audiobooks available, which is great).

Speaking of audiobooks, I’m trying to make the most of my Storytel subscription - I read a few children’s books along with the audio this month, I’ve started 작은 공주 세라 | L20?? and picked 해리 포터와 마법사의 돌 | L30?? back up again.

I think rather than the goals being a certain number of books/TV episodes (didn’t do well with my goals for October :melting_face: ), I’ll focus on finishing specific items.



:memo: includes a written review
:headphones: read along with audiobook
:ear: audiobook only
:studio_microphone: podcast
:cd: drama CD
:speaker: condensed audio
:repeat: re-read/watch/listen
:rabbit: 만화경 webtoon; see this post
:underage: adult content; not currently on Natively
:x: format not currently supported on Natively

Children’s Book


TV series

:x: Listening


11 books (+1 non-Natively)
1 TV season
11 ratings
7 reviews
324 gradings
126 books contributed

658 pages read (+200 non-Natively)
3.5 hours watched
4.5 hours listened





Dang, 21,000+ grades. You’re a machine, thecary. :open_mouth:


November Goals



:memo: includes a written review
:headphones: read along with audiobook
:ear: audiobook only
:studio_microphone: podcast
:cd: drama CD
:speaker: condensed audio
:repeat: re-read/watch/listen
:rabbit: 만화경 webtoon; see this post
:underage: adult content; not currently on Natively
:x: format not currently supported on Natively



TV series


Phew, good luck juggling both languages bibliothecary! I’ve been reading your Korean log since you started it, and you’ve been putting in so much good work there already. I’m pretty curious about the memoirs and interviews you mentioned; could you tell me a little more about them?


Thank you! I’m hoping I can read in both languages each day, even if it’s just a manga chapter or something. Language learning is a hobby for me, so there’s no pressure thankfully. :smiley:

I’d love to! :blush:

As you may know, 萩尾望都 played a big role in pushing the boundaries of shoujo manga with the 24年組.

This book seems mostly to focus on her time with the group in the early 70s; This one is a compilation of her lectures on shoujo manga given at various universities; this one has several mangaka talking about her work and the impact it had on them; and in the Talk Collection, she documents her conversations with other notable mangaka over 40(!!) years.


マンガのあなた SFのわたし 萩尾望都・対談集 1970年代編 | L30??
手塚治虫 「SFマンガについて語ろう」
水野英子 「私たちって変わり者かしら」
石ノ森章太郎 「SFの話は延々尽きない」
美内すずえ 「親愛なるモー様へ」
寺山修司 「月で修学旅行の案内係」
小松左京 「絵の理想型とは?」
手塚治虫+松本零士 「マンガ、SF、アニメーション」
羽海野チカ 「全部、萩尾作品から学びました」


コトバのあなた マンガのわたし 萩尾望都・対談集 代編 | L30??
吉本隆明 「自己表現としての少女マンガ」
野田秀樹 Part.1 「オフレコにしてくれます?」, Part.2 「夢は舞台を駆けめぐる」
光瀬 龍 「百億の昼と千億の夜」
種村季弘 「吸血鬼幻想」
小笠原豊樹+川又千秋 「レイ・ブラッドベリの魅力」
伊藤理佐 「おんなの扉」


物語るあなた 絵描くわたし 萩尾望都 対談集 1990年代編 | L30??
中島らも 「恐怖の快感」
夢枕 獏 「小説をマンガで描く愉しみ、マンガ化してもらう悦び」
森 博嗣 「創作のきっかけは萩尾作品」
氷室冴子 「空想からの発想」
ささやななえ 「マンガ今昔物語」
巖谷 國士 「マンガ独特の体験」
東村アキコ 「私の人生を変えた萩尾作品」


愛するあなた 恋するわたし: 萩尾望都 対談集 2000年代編 | L30??
吾妻ひでお 「SF妄想世界の旅」
よしながふみ 「やおいと純愛」
恩田 陸 「萩尾作品は私の原点」
庵野秀明+佐藤嗣麻子 「エヴァンゲリオンのその後」
大和和紀 「少女マンガの黄金時代」
清水玲子 「マンガ的美少年」
ヤマザキマリ 「始まりは萩尾マンガだった」

I’ve got all of these sitting on a bookshelf just waiting for my Japanese language skills to improve so I can read them. :heart_eyes:


Daaaang. That is so cool! :open_mouth: I hadn’t even heard of 24年組 before; definitely going to have to look that up! Thank you for all the info!

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