🕵️‍♀️ 推理小説読書会 📚 Mystery Novel Book Club 👮‍♂️ Preparing to read 赤ずきん、旅の途中で死体と出会う!

Omg I didn’t know so many of these options :face_holding_back_tears: thank you all so much! And now to get back to stocking up even more books :smiling_imp:


Looks like only 3 of the original voters haven’t voted in the run-off (yet). :eyes:
This is too suspenseful.

Edit: Now only 2 of the original voters haven’t voted yet. The difference is now more than two, so unless we have totally new voters at the last minute, I guess our next pick is decided.


We hit 3 days and 15 votes…and 木洩れ日に泳ぐ魚 won by a hair. What a tight race!

There was a suggestion at some point recently (but I forget by who), that I give the option of hosting the club to the nominator of the winner. @omk3 this was your nomination - would you be interested in hosting? I know you’re already hosting at least one other club at the moment, so if no I’ll still run things as usual.


What a race indeed! Congratulations to both nominations. I’m almost tempted to suggest we read both back to back :smiley:

I’m happy to host if that’s okay with you. Is our start date still the 17th? I will be traveling that day, but I’m sure I can manage. If need be, I’ll just post the first thread a couple of days earlier.


With this strong a showing I expect it will just win the next poll :sweat_smile:

Happy to have someone else host - but I am also traveling on the 17th (I’ll be barely online for most of 15th - 21st most likely). An early thread is perfectly fine.
Thanks for hosting! :smiley:


Home thread for 木洩れ日に泳ぐ魚 is up! :slight_smile:

Home thread for 木洩れ日に泳ぐ魚 :raised_hand: :bubbles: - Reading / Book Clubs - Natively Forums (learnnatively.com)


木洩れ日に泳ぐ魚 doesn’t interest me either so I’m going to sit out again, but in other news I’ve posted reviews of 体育館の殺人 and 七回死んだ男.


I would think so too and also, I think the poll gives people a break between books, which I think is nice to have. :smiling_face:


You said much better than I could the issues with 七回死んだ男. What a wreck of a book :skull:


Book: そして扉が閉ざされた
Is there an ebook available?: yes

Summary - Japanese

富豪の若きひとり娘が自動車事故で不審死して3ヵ月、彼女の遊び仲間だった男女4人が、遺族の手で地下シェルターに閉じ込められた! あの事故の真相は何だったのか? 4人が死にものぐるいで脱出を試みながら推理した意外極まる結末。極限状況の密室で謎を解明する異色傑作推理長編。

Summary - English

Three months after the suspicious death of the young only daughter of a wealthy man in a car crash, four of her playmates, a man and a woman, were locked in an underground shelter by the bereaved family! What was the truth behind that accident? The four men and women deduce the surprising end while trying to escape at the risk of their own lives. A unique masterpiece of mystery in a locked room under extreme conditions.

Why are you nominating this book: I already own it and the あらすじ sounds interesting :face_in_clouds:


I’ll get this added to the nominations when I have access to a computer again. I have tried twice to read this book though and it just didn’t suck me in :grimacing:

1 Like

third time’s the charm? :see_no_evil:


Just calling out that one of the nominations, ノッキンオン・ロックドドア has a drama adaptation currently airing: オシドラサタデー『ノッキンオン・ロックドドア』|テレビ朝日

For a limited time it’s airing free on TVer if your IP is in Japan :slight_smile:

It’s not yet on TMDB otherwise I’d have added it, but for difficulty it’s a pretty standard 名探偵show with the unfortunate trope of ‘the detective talks super duper fast’. I’d put it around the same level as ミステリと言う勿れ S1 | L32 (which also features a fast talking 探偵-type character). This is based on watching ~30 minutes so far, so gain of salt and all that.


So I only remembered to add this just now and when I saw the cover I realized it’s not the book I was thinking of. I was thinking of the similarly titled 扉は閉ざされたまま | L30?? :sweat_smile: I own the audio and text for that book so I’m determined to give it a good shot at 2x speed if needed but it just didn’t pull me in both times I tried it.


Ok the poll discussion is way too long for me to scroll through, but thoughts on doing medium right after (note: still with a 2 week break) 木洩れ日に泳ぐ魚 as it did tie the vote last time? Part of me is thinking about how the votes shake up so much each time we hold them, but it does seem more fair to offer that. Whichever way this goes will just become part of club procedure.

In the case of a tie, should the book that came 2nd in the run-off be read after the winner of the run off?

  • yes
  • no
  • I don’t care / want to click a poll
  • Something else - explain in comments
0 voters

I’ll keep this open a handful of days, through the weekend at minimum.


I voted ‘yes’ because I want to read ‘medium’ rather than as a strong view on what makes a better process :slight_smile:

(My experience from WK book club polls is it can be a bit disheartening when a book you were enthusiastic about manages a strong second, but then places low down on the following vote…)


Ahaha my thought process exactly!


seems like we are going to get to read medium. :eyes: 11 votes, 4 people yes and not a single no so far - and the rest doesn’t care. That’s a pretty clear result, imo.


I think it sounds fair to revisit the loser of the run-off and confirm that there is still enough interest to continue. That way, if a significant number people who originally voted for it went ahead and read it on their own, have less capacity for a book club now than when they originally voted for it, or got more excited about a different book, we know that there’s less interest for it now than there was before. But if people are still excited for it, then it can be the next book read.


Sounds sensible, but how, if not with a new poll?