🦃 November Listening Challenge 👂

Yeah, this three season breakdown is based on the runs as aired in Japan, so is what you’ll see most places, but really narratively the series is in two parts, not three.


Hit my second goal of 50 hrs! While the overwhelming majority of that has been from anime, 13.6 hours were from audiobooks so far, and 32.2 from anime. It would be cool if I can catch up to my anime hours with audiobooks!

I definitely feel like something is improving, and some of that is coming from the fact that I’m talking along to most things with text (I stop if I get too into it, or it’s too hard). I can’t always talk fast enough, especially in fantasy shows, but even then just trying to keep up is productive. It’s honestly a very cool way to watch things, and turns it into a fun game of “can I get this right?! Can I match the timing? what about the intonation and inflection?” - especially in a show like Re:Zero where there’s so many different speech styles (Note: I don’t recommend that show for something like this, it’s off the walls)

New for me, I started listening to the ソードアート・オンライン2 アインクラッド | L34 audiobook without the text. I wouldn’t normally do this, but I’ve read it before, and am intimately familiar w/ the plot. Even then, there’s so much vocab that sometimes my comprehension is spotty. I wouldn’t mind doing it with some more books, but that basically means either things I’ve already read, or things <= L27… which is not a huge cross-section. Anyway, it’s something to keep in mind. I am reading 転生王女と天才令嬢の魔法革命 2 | L32 with text + audiobook, in the meantime as well.

Anyway, I’ll just keep upping my goal by 10 hrs, so next goal is 60!


Another week’s update here!

Daily Listening Log
:calendar: Date :name_badge: Name :inbox_tray: Type :balance_scale: Amount :hourglass: Time
2024-11-24 :tent: ゆるキャン2 :tv: Anime :arrow_forward: 2 Episodes :hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h50m
2024-11-23 :woman_farmer: のんのんびよりS1 :tv: Anime
:durtle: (BAC)
:arrow_forward: 2 Episodes :hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h50m
2024-11-22 :tent: ゆるキャン2 :tv: Anime :arrow_forward: 2 Episodes :hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h50m
2024-11-21 :tent: ゆるキャン2 :tv: Anime :arrow_forward: 2 Episodes :hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h50m
2024-11-20 :angel: ガヴリールドロップアウト :tv: Anime :white_check_mark: 2 Episodes :hourglass: 0h50m
2024-11-18 :us: 4989 American Life :headphones: Podcast
:durtle: (PC)
:arrow_forward: 1 Episodes :hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h27m
2024-11-17 :angel: ガヴリールドロップアウト :tv: Anime :arrow_forward: 2 Episodes :hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h50m

So that’s another 5.5 hours towards my goal. So need 7 hours next week to complete it


I hit my 3rd tier - 60 hrs, fittingly via my 8th(?) watch through of ガールズバンドクライ S1 | L25 . I spoke along to most of it (with various degrees of precision or lack thereof), including some of the eps that I watched 字幕なし. The 熊本弁 scene in ep 13 required the most conscious effort, bc my brain cannot predict those patterns yet! Anyway, I’m basically talking along as much as possible to everything I watch now, and finding it generally helpful (and fun)!

I won’t increase my goal to 70, but I’ll probably squeeze in 5 more hours of SAO audiobooks. In any case, I did 2x as much listening as planned, and 17 of those hrs were from audiobooks. So very substantial improvement over last month!

Looking forward to December :slight_smile:


Still eagerly awaiting my coin award from audiobook.jp, but the end of the promotion hasn’t stopped my listening roll quite yet. Really enjoying the 言いかえ図鑑 book - yes, tell me what I should and should not say in different situations in Japanese, and why! I’m finding that there’s plenty of nonfiction I would never read in English but find interesting in Japanese. Maybe it’s because the stakes are lower - even if I don’t care for the content of the book, there is lots of good vocabulary and cultural insight to be gained from listening to people explain various things in Japanese.

Also listened to 店長がバカすぎて after getting through 2/3rds of the physical book and putting it down for a while. The audiobook made the characters really come alive - I felt like I was listening to a friend rant about her workplace messiness :laughing: Probably one of the most fun fiction books I’ve read this year. It was also really fun to read after 「好き」を言語化する技術 because reviewing books was a major theme in the story. It actually inspired me to re-listen to「好き」を言語化する技術 since I think I went through it too fast the first time and didn’t do it full justice.

Let’s see if I can hit 50 hours this month!


:sparkles:︎ 34/34 episodes :sparkles:

Goal #1 complete! :tada: Finished the last 2 episodes of the Clow Card arc of Cardcaptors this evening… the worst 2 episodes, but at least they’re over now. Quick Google search says that the first movie should come before the next arc, so making it my stretch goal to watch that one before the month is up. We’ll see if my stamina’s improved enough for an 80-minute movie, since I was previously hitting my brain-soup point after 2 20-minute episodes in a row :sweat_smile:

Goal #2 is still a big shrug for finding something I can easily commit to listening to on walks. This week I found some listening practice recordings that are pretty much exactly the format I was looking for from the start, just a continuous hour-long stream of sentence-pause-repeat-sentence. But unfortunately, as much as I feel the format is both suited to passive listening and is better for focussed drilling than anything I was trying previously, it actually hasn’t been very effective for walking with. With the other JLPT test style audios and the narrative game playthroughs & folktales I tried, they really encouraged me to pay attention to make sure I was following, but with these short sentences there’s no surrounding context or story or goal of certain information I’m supposed to get out of them, so I keep finding my attention slipping without really trying to understand what I’m hearing. It’s mostly just been background static that I don’t feel motivated to tune into /:


December challenge is ready!

The end of the year is upon us!


there were movies?? :sweat_smile: (guess I missed those on my watch through)

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There are 2. Google says the first one happens chronologically somewhere around the end of the Clow arc, and the second is the epilogue to the Sakura arc. That’s what I’ve gathered anyway… I didn’t think I’d ever watch far enough through the series that I’d need to look them up :joy:


Though they’re both anime original, which results in Clear Card retconning the second movie out of existence.


A few more days progress, and hit my target for the month!

December is a busy time, so I won’t be in the December challenge, so just a final update for November and then I guess I’ll see you all in the January challenge.

Daily Listening Log
:calendar: Date :name_badge: Name :inbox_tray: Type :balance_scale: Amount :hourglass: Time
2024-11-28 :tent: ゆるキャン2 :tv: Anime :arrow_forward: 3 Episodes :hourglass_flowing_sand: 1h15m
2024-11-27 :tent: ゆるキャン2 :tv: Anime :arrow_forward: 2 Episodes :hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h50m
2024-11-26 :mountain: 二ノ国 :video_game: RPG :arrow_forward: 0 Quests :hourglass_flowing_sand: 2h10m
2024-11-26 :us: 4989 American Life :headphones: Podcast
:durtle: (PC)
:arrow_forward: 1 Episodes :hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h28m
2024-11-25 :mountain: 二ノ国 :video_game: RPG :arrow_forward: 3 Quests :hourglass_flowing_sand: 2h45m

Maybe I did the same :joy: in all seriousness, I looked up anime vs manga differences afterwards and discovered that basically all my problems were with the anime original changes (tho there were a few additions and changes that I think we’re a good call)

I was determined to get through the whole thing, and iirc it might have been my first audio-only that I understood well.

Anyway I think they’re listed separately from the main series on here, so it just didn’t occur to me that they existed (which I’m quite okay with)


If they’re anything like the Sailor Moon movies they’re probably best left unwatched :sweat_smile:

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I haven’t seen those, but the conditions of those series were quite different, so I’d be surprised if they’re anything like those.

I don’t quite know how to articulate it, but I feel like the ways CCS deviates from the manga vs how Sailor Moon is different from the manga are pretty different fwiw

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Week 4 → End
Pretty much just saying what I said in the watching forum: watched となりのトトロ | L18 for an hour and 35 minutes, watched 崖の上のポニョ | L17 for an hour and 55 minutes.

Now I’m watching 2004 animated television show ふたりはプリキュア | L22, one episode a day. About 25 minutes of show every day though it takes me a while to search up. By the end of today, I should have watched 3 episodes, so 75 minutes total. Pretty Cure is awesome :+1:

Making this plunge into watching anime actually solved my issue of not being able to sit down and just watch. Having the srt file open saves me a lot of time.

Skipping week 3 because I didn’t do anything that week.

75 + 95 + 115 = 285 = 4.75 hours this time
total: 75 + 285 = 360 = 6 for the entirety of the month (5.6 right now because I haven’t watched today’s)


End of the month post-mortem!

Goal #1 of finishing the first arc of Cardcaptors (subbed) complete! I ended up not having time to try for my stretch goal of also watching the first film, but that’s okay. The purpose of making the goal was to see if I could integrate watching into my regular routine, and once I got into it that actually was much easier than I expected, so I’ll probably continue supplementing my listening with a few episodes a week going forward. Success all around :muscle:

Goal #2, finding something I can make a routine of listening to on commutes, I’m going to call a flop. I did stay consistent all month making sure I was listening to SOMETHING in Japanese whenever I was walking to/from work, but I really had to force myself, and I didn’t end up discovering a specific genre or library of content that I would dependably be able and willing to just turn on as I’m heading out. I’ll keep trying, but this definitely isn’t going to be part of my daily routine any time soon ): A shame, because walking to work is basically my one guaranteed opportunity to do 30 minutes of focussed listening practice a day, and I wish I could put it to good use.

I’m really glad I participated in the challenges for October and November. I joined with the intention of kickstarting a listening habit, and as someone who has no interest in regularly consuming any form of audio content even in my native language, coming away having completed watching (and enjoying!) 40-something episodes of a Japanese show is a huge accomplishment. I’m looking forward to watching more and slowly catching up on all of the listening practice I’ve missed up to now.

Two challenge months in a row was plenty for me, so I don’t feel the need to formalize a goal for December, but good luck to everyone who’s continuing to challenge themselves!


Final November check-in: 15h in Japanese and 5h in German. Didn’t reach my goals but I’ll take it.


So I decided early on that I wasn’t going to aim to listen to anything for the November challenge, but somehow ended up racking up some hours anyway. My November total is 12h 37m of Japanese listening. (Most of that was reading along with an audiobook, specifically 理由 | L34). This was just slightly under my 19 hours in September and way above my 2 hours in October. Let’s see what December holds for me, eh?


Oh interesting. I don’t count my audiobook listening if I’m reading along but it may be fun to track next year as a separate metric just to see how much of it I do


I’ve been so casual with my listening recently that I figured I’d include it this time, just to see what the numbers shook out to. There’s also no way I could listen to 理由 audio-only and follow the story, so it feels less like “cheating” in my mind.